An Ocean Of Blue

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Pulling himself up the side of the boat, Jack heaved as he flopped onto the wooden deck. Long heavy pants escaped him as his gaze fixed on the brilliant blue sky above him. The sun was bright and he squinted his eyes, holding his hand up to shield his face as he caught his breath. At that moment his view was obscured and the light blocked from him.

Jack lowered his hand slowly when he saw Ali's face before him. She had saved him. He couldn't believe she was here, right in front of him. As beautiful as ever in place so evil, Ali hovered over him waiting for him to stand.

Jack instinctively rose to his feet, forgetting all about his ordeal. His eyes trained on her delicate face. Ali stepped forward and draped a blanket around his shoulders. The scratchy grey material itched his neck but Jack smiled and began to dab dry the wetness from his face and hair. Ali remained in front of him, her eyes flitting to meet his as she watched him carefully.

"What are you doing here?" Jack asked quietly, his voice an airy whisper.

Ali shook her head sheepishly and shrugged "I wanted to help,"

"Thank you," he reaches out and touches a soft hand to her cheek. 

For a moment Ali leans against his hand but then she clears her throat and takes an awkward step back. Heat floods Jack's cheeks at the exchange and he turns away just as several loud explosions are heard and the boat shudders. The Heinkel had returned and littered the minesweeper with bombs. Red fiery flames licked up the side of the huge metal ship as thick black oil leaked out, coating the surface of the sea.

Ali stumbles backwards and instinctively presses a protective hand across her stomach. Jack steps towards her and catches her effortlessly by the arm, pulling her up. His eyes follow her hand and widened when he sees it resting on the swell of her stomach. Shocked he drops her arm and takes a step away from her, his eyes unmoving.

Ali straightens herself out and holds onto the guardrail for safety. 

"Pregnant?" The words taste bitter as they leave his lips.

Ali nods and rests a hand over her stomach once more "Yes," she replies evenly.

Jacks' face falls and he drops the blanket beside him. A strained silence falls over them as they stare back and forth at one another. 

"There's men in the water!" Peter's voice cuts through them and they both turn to the bow where they see black figures in the water bobbing by a sinking trawler boat.

Mr Dawson pushes forward on the throttle sending the boat motoring towards the fray. Over head the sound of firing bullets can be heard as the lone Spitfire chases down the circling 109's.

"Come on Farrier," Jack mutters to himself as he watches the planes above.

As the boat starts to reach the men in the water Jack leans down and grabs one of them by the scruff of his life jacket. He pulls the man on deck before reaching down to help another. Ali reaches over and helps him as he struggles to lift the young man from the sea. Jack's eyes dart to Ali concerned.


"Don't," She stops him "I'm fine,"

Jack nods once before continuing to pull more men from the slick water below. As another man is hurled onto the wooden deck, Jack looks down at his hands. They're coated in a dark sticky black substance.

"Oil," he mumbles to himself "Oil!" He says louder now "You're getting into oil!"

Mr Dawson looks meekly between the oily water and the struggling men. He spins the wheel starting to turn the boat.

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