A Lesson in Love

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Jack stared up at the ceiling. He was laying on his bed fully dressed on top of the covers, his arm was tucked underneath his head. Farrier was pottering around the room as he got ready to leave. Today was a chance for the men to say goodbye to loved ones before they were sent to France. Families had been arriving all morning and soldiers had awoke early to dress their best and greet their loved ones. 

"You're not coming?" Farrier called from the bathroom.

He continued to stare at the ceiling "No," he replied flatly.

He heard the cupboard in the bathroom open and close and then something clattered into the sink, followed by Farrier cursing under his breath.

"You should come," Farrier mumbles after a few moments, he steps into the doorway of the bathroom with a toothbrush between his teeth.

Jack lifts his head to look at him "No, I'm good," he lowers his head back down.

Farrier steps back into the bathroom, spits out the toothpaste, swills the sinks and clears his throat before stepping back into the bedroom. Suddenly his face appears hovering over Jack.

"Jesus!" Jack jumps sitting up on the bed.

"So you're just going to sit in here all day?" Farrier says as he sits on the bed opposite Jack.

Jack drags a heavy hand through his hair, groaning "What would you have me do?" 

"Come. You might actually have fun," Farrier rolls his eyes.

"Watching everyone else with their family. Yes, sounds like great fun," Jack enthuses sarcastically.

Farrier nods slowly "Your folks not coming?" he says understanding.

Jack shakes his head "They're with my dads sister in Scotland," he shrugs nonchalantly. 

A few moments of silence fall between them and Jack looks anxiously around the room. His eyes meet her sea green eyes in the photograph on his bedside table. He sighs longingly as he looks at her sweet face and her angelic smile.

"Ali not coming?" Farrier asks quietly.

Jack scoffs once as he grips the edge of the bed "I don't think so," he stares blankly out of the window. A young soldier is chasing after his toddler son. His arms are outstretched as he playfully hurries after the giggling child. The child's chubby legs are unsteady and he tumbles to the grassy ground. The soldier laughs lightly and scoops up his son, spinning him until they are both laughing.

"Collins?" Farrier cuts through his thoughts.


"What's going on?" 

Jack pauses for a long moment then speaks. "Erica's pregnant," 

Farriers eyes widen, he says nothing as he stares at Jack.

"I went to Weymouth to try and find Ali but only her mother was there. I told her everything and she gave me this," Jack digs into his pocket and chucks the ring towards Farrier. Farrier catches it swiftly and eyes the ring intently.

"This is the ring you gave to Ali," 

Jack nods and Farrier tosses him the ring back. Jack catches it, twists it between his fingers idly before tucking it safely away again.

"Her mother thinks I should give it to Erica," Jack says.

Farrier tilts his head "And what do you think?"

Jack chuckles lightly then "That's what I've been trying to figure out for the past two days,"

"Her mother gave me her work address. She's here in London. I found her yesterday and we talked....I- I think there's a chance she still loves me," Jack says hopeful.

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