The Wheel Keeps Turning

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He had been quiet since arriving back at Biggin Hill yesterday. The entire train ride back to London he had considered getting off the train every time it pulled into a new station. Each hour took him further from home and each hour his longing for her grew. Still, he remained on the train; he knew what happened to deserters in the military.

It was Sunday evening and he found himself sitting in the Stag and Partridge nursing a beer with a group of lads from the base. They were merry and loud as they told stories and jokes to each other. Jack laughed with them occasionally but his mind was elsewhere.

"Cheer up lad, it could be worse," Farrier clapped him on the back as he sat and joined the group.

"Could it?" Jack rolled his eyes.

Farrier eyes him "Well, you could be dead and then you'd never see her pretty face again," 

Jack scoffed and took a few swigs of his beer. "I guess you're right," he shrugs.

Farrier nods knowingly before summoning the barmaid and ordering himself a beer. The barmaid writes down his order and smiles warmly at the men before hurrying away.

"Get a load of that one, ay lads," Tuck, one of the men chides.

The men ogle over the barmaid, many of them complaining about how long it had been since they had a woman in their arms. Jack listens idly. Now he could relate to their agony, yes he had only been with one woman, one time in fact, but now more than ever he wanted her again.

"You fucked her didn't you," Farrier comments nonchalantly, he kicks his feet onto the empty chair in front of him.

"Excuse me?" Jack's eyes go wide at Farriers words.

"That pretty gal of yours, you fucked her whilst you were home," 

Jack opens his mouth to protest but no words come out. A cheeky smile plays on Farriers lips as he watches Jack's growing discomfort.

"And?" Farrier waits expectantly.

"And what?" Jack questions leaning across the table.

"How was it?"

Jack pauses for a moment, unsure of whether he should disclose his intimate time with Ali to Farrier.

"It was the best experience of my life," Jack breathes. He clasps his hand on top of the table and shakes his head as he remembers the details.

Farrier grins, pleased that he had got Jack to talk "First time will do that to you," he laughs "I remember my first time, over in minutes! As soon as I entered her I was ready to finish," he laughs to himself at the thought.

"Have you been with many women?" Jack asks, careful not to speak too loud.

Farrier sits back, not phased by the other men at the table "I've had my fair share, lets say that much," Farrier winks at Jack before taking a long gulp of the beer that had been set in front of him by the barmaid.

Jack sighs heavily and drops back into his chair. He picks up his glass and downs the last of his pint. He felt so deflated right now and the thought of being away from her for another six weeks weighed heavy in his mind.

"Don't worry lad, you'll get another woman soon," Farrier says.

Jack shakes his head "I don't want another woman," he quips back.

Farrier eyes him "Have you asked her to marry you?"

Jack pauses "No,"

Farrier raises his eye brows, his lips pulling into a tight line "Well, best hope she's still waiting for you when you get back," 

A sudden surge of anger boiled inside Jack. He knew Farrier was only jesting with him but Jack didn't feel like joking about this, especially when it was so fresh in his mind. Jack stood up abruptly and walked away from the table. He could hear Farrier shouting after him but he ignored him and headed outside.

He leaned against the wall of the pub, his foot lifted up and resting on the wall behind him. He threw his head back and looked up at the night sky. He sighed heavily, his breath fogging up in the cold night air.

"Rough night?" 

Her voice startles him. He lowers his foot and turns to the voice.

It's her, the nurse. She looks different out of her uniform but it's definitely her. She's wearing a knee length brown coat with fur around the collar and the edges of the sleeves. Her bonnet hat was tilted on her head and her dark brown hair is pinned back.

"You could say that," he replies. He stands before her and an awkward silence befalls them.

"Well I was about to walk back to base. I'll see you Jack," she turns and starts to walk away.

"Wait!" He hurries after her "You can't walk on your own," he eyes her curiously.

"I am perfectly capable," she smiles at him turning away from him once more.

Jack jogs to be beside her "I'll walk with you," he says blowing into his hands to warm them.

"Suit yourself," she nods and the two of them walk down the dark country lane back to the base.

"I still don't know your name," Jack says after they had been walking for several minutes.

"Erica Lennox," 

Jack nods and buries his hands into his back pockets as silence consumes them once more.

After a few moments, Erica speaks. "So, are you going to tell me what was on your mind back there?"

Jack scoffs "I don't think so,"

"What's her name?" Erica smiles knowingly.

Jacks eyes widen "How do you know it's about a girl?"

Erica laughs lightly before looping her arm through Jacks. She shivers as she nudges closer to him. Jack stiffens at her actions but takes her arm none the less.

"I'm a woman, we just know these things," she states matter of factly.

"Her name is Ali," Jack says, his eyes fixed on the road ahead of them.

"And you love this woman?" Erica asks.

Jack nods "I do," 

Erica smiles at him and pats his arm. They arrive back to the base a few minutes later and Erica removes her arm for Jacks. 

"Thank you for walking me back," She smiles politely at him.

"Don't mention it," he ruffles his hair awkwardly "I'll see you around...Miss Lennox," he smiles tightly as he buries his hands into his back pockets.

"Erica," she corrects "And you will," she waves him goodbye befor walking towards the nurses living quarters.

"Oh and Jack!" She calls, turning back. 

His head snaps up to look at her.

"Whatever is on your mind about your girl. Just remember, she's lucky to have you," and with that, Erica turns on her heels and walks off into the night.

A/N: Thank you for the reads! Over 200 already!!      R.

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