Chapter 9: The Aftermath

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"Alex, are you up?" Meredith whispered in my ear.

"Now I am." I turn to face her."What do you need Mer?"

"I'm sorry about last night. I don't usually get that drunk." She pulled her messy hair into a bun.

"It's okay. I used to be the same way." I offered her a soft smile.

"Did you see Jackson last night? He never answered my text." She got up from the bed and touched her head quickly after. She started to regret her decision about drinking. "Also where's the aspirin?"

I shook my head. "The aspirin is in the left cabinet in my bathroom." I point towards the closed bathroom door.

"Why is it locked?" She said trying to open the door.

"I'm in here!" Harlows voice muffled through the door. "Never going to dr-" Before she could finish her sentence, she started throwing up.

"What do y'all want for breakfast? I have to drive Jonathan's car over back to his place anyway." I said as I check my phone notifications.

"Alex, whisper! I have a soaring headache." Meredith whispered as she squeezed her eyes shut still holding her head. "Can we get McDonald's?"

"Yeah, sure. Just text me what you want." I got up from my bed and grabbed a pair of black leggings from my closet.

"I want something too!" Harlow said through the closed door. I couldn't help but chuckle. It wasn't like she'll keep it down anyways.

"Make sure y'all take a shower before I come back." I said as I threw on my stepdad's old sweatshirt. I never really got to return it.

I got down the stairs and saw once again another note. What's with my mom and these notes?

Hey Alex, I hope you girls had fun last night. I had to go to a business meeting. Make sure you don't wake up Celeste. Love you.

I grabbed the sticky note and headed to Jonathan's car. She works so much. Sometimes I wish she would just take a break.

I got into the car and called Jonathan to see if he was up.

"Hello?" He groggily replied.

"Send me your address, so I can drop off your Jeep."

"It's kind of early Alex."

"It's 11 a.m., Jonathan." I chuckled.

"Whatever, I'll see you when you get here." He sighed and hung up the phone.


"Good morning sunshine!" I sarcastically replied.


"Tell Jackson to text Meredith back. Also, why did I have to drive everyone back home last night?" I ask him as I gave him back his keys.

"I was really tired." He ran his fingers through his hair.

"Tired of what? Making out?" I raised my eyebrow. "I didn't think you could get tired from-"

"Shut up." He shook his head. "Anyways, how are u getting home?"

"I'm just going to Uber to McDonald's and back home." I pulled out my phone and started to order an Uber.

"That's too much work. I'll just drive you."

"Are you sure? Don't you have a redhead waiting for you?" I smirked.

"Shut up and get in the car." He shook his head again and shut the door behind him.

I got into the passenger's seat and watched Jonathan lock the door from the window.

"Do you realize that I can see you staring at me?"

"I just realized that you aren't as quiet as I thought you were." I said as I stopped staring at him.

"I'm not as crazy as my brother." He said while backing out of his brick driveway.

"No, but I would've never thought you would drink and make out with random girls." I chuckled.

"I wasn't drunk and look who's judging? It's not like I can be perfect." He said slightly gripping onto the wheel.

"I'm joking. I am the last person to judge someone else." I shrug.

"You seem fine. What could you have done so bad?" He eased off the wheel.

His question sent chills down my back. "So where was Jackson last night?" I tried to change the subject.

"He was mingling as usual. He doesn't drink but when he does, it's hilarious." He cracked a smile.

" I would love to see a drunk Jackson."

"We're going through the drive-thru. You'll be doing all the talking." He said as he pulled into the McDonald's drive-thru.

I sigh and start to order my things through his side window. I finish my order and ask Jonathan if he wanted anything. He shook his head and drove forward.

"Tell me about yourself." I said while sitting back in my seat.

"My name is Jonathan. I'm a human." He paid the lady at the window and grabbed the hot food.

"No, seriously. What do you love?" I said as I started to eat my hot food.

He sighed. "I love playing sports and my idiotic brother." He chuckled as he pulled out of the lane and back on the road.

I giggled. "Then what about art? When did you start drawing?"

"I started drawing when...... my mother disappeared. She gave me this little black leather book with empty pages. Before she left, she gave it to me, so I can fill the pages with my drawings. She always told me to draw when things got hard." He had no emotion when he talked about his mother. "I guess you can add that to the list of things I love."

"Sorry about your Mom." I apologized as I stuffed my trash in the bag.

"It's fine. Don't worry about it."

"So, what were you drawing at lunch?" I ask. I know it sounded nosy, but he was just so focused, I had to ask.

"Shouldn't I be asking you questions? After all, you are new." He chuckled.

"There's really nothing to know about me."

"Oh really? Then why did you move here?" He looked over with a smirk.

"Sorry but that's classified information, mister." I giggled. I look back at the open road and admired the scenery.

I love car rides. I never really noticed that this town was pretty. From its trees to the little boutiques, this town was a beautiful sight.

"I'm very trustworthy." He acted hurt.

"Let's just say...I wasn't treated well. So, I had to move." I said avoiding eye contact. "Fresh start."

"We're here." He said pulling into my empty driveway.

"Thanks for the ride." I took the rest of the food and made my way out of the car.


"Yeah?" I turn around to face his striking green eyes.

"I'm glad you moved here." He offered me a small smile.

"Me too." I returned the smile and closed the car door. He pulled out the driveway as I waved him goodbye.

I never really knew Jonathan, but I'm glad I do now.

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