Chapter 16: Friends

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I open the front door to see Micah slump over the kitchen table. He reeked of alcohol and that was never a good sign. Harlow and Phoenix was on the other side of the table talking like this was a normal thing.

"How long has he been like this?" I ask Harlow and Phoenix in a hush tone.

"He came over a hour ago and wouldn't tell us what happen. All he said was that he could only talk to you about it." Phoenix whispered.

I turn to Jonathan with a sympathetic look. "Can you take the girls home? I can take it from here."

"I don't trust him alone with you." Jonathan whispered as he gave Micah a look.

"Well, you're going to have to trust me. I'll talk to you tomorrow." I whispered. I stood on my pinky toes and kissed him on the cheek. "Thank you for tonight."

Jonathan and the girls left quietly as I tried to craft some way to go about this situation. My conclusion was that there was none.


I walk over to Micah's still body and rubbed his back to wake him up. He jumps at the sense of my touch and I can see his eyes were puffy and red.

"What's wrong?" I said as I took a seat next to him.

He tried to speak but his eyes started to create more tears. He covered his face with the palm of his hands.

"We don't have to talk about it tonight. You can stay over, if that's okay." I asked as he sobs. I enveloped him in a hug and continued to rub his back in circles.

"My parents are never really home. I'm trying to be the perfect big brother but in reality I'm breaking." He choked out in between sobs. "Even though they aren't around a lot, I still love them, you know?"

After a few more sobs, I grab his hand and led him to my room. I sit him down on the edge of the bed and grab a wet rag to wipe his face.

"Micah, I know it's tough but-"

"How do you know?!" He rebuttals. I could see he didn't mean to be aggressive, it was the alcohol. "How do you know what it feels like to be left in the dark?"

I sigh. "My biological mom gave me up for adoption for drugs and all I know about my father is that he didn't want to know me after my mother died." I came back into my room with the rag and start to wipe his face. "So I do know what it's like to be handed a crap situation. It's going to get hard before it gets better, but you'll make it." I felt comfortable telling him my story because I was sure he would forget in the morning.

"I'm sorry Alex. I-I don't think when I'm drunk."

"I already know." I chuckled. I got off of the bed and put the rag away in my bathroom.

"Alex, I'm sorry about that night too. I didn't mean any of it." Micah said quietly.

I sat next to him. "I know you are, but all I care about tonight is making sure you get some sleep."

I grab my laptop from the side of the bed and started to play Friends on Netflix. "Just so you know, Jennifer Aniston is the best actress of all time."

"Alex, are you like blind? Matthew Perry is the best."

"Micah, you're drunk. Your judgement is obviously not valid." I scoffed.

"Gosh, you're so stubborn." He laughed.

We continued to debate over Friends and slowly drifted off to sleep.


As my eyes fluttered open, I saw Micah in the mirror fixing his hair-without a shirt on. I slowly sat up and rubbed my eyes. "How are you not hung over?"

He laughs at my question and throws on a light blue sweatshirt. "I am. I just choose not to show it."

I got up and looked at the mirror in my bathroom in horror. "I didn't even drink last night and I look hung over." I said with disgust.

"Well I think you look beautiful." Micah said with a smile.

"Don't say that." I replied as I walk back to my bed,

"Why not? It's not a crime to compliment someone." He sat next to me on the bed.

I grabbed my phone and started to check my messages.

No text from Jonathan.


I sigh. "It's because you have a girlfriend and I'm with someone now." I grabbed my PJs off my dresser and went into the bathroom to change.

"Just friends. We were never really together."

"I don't care what you call her. You just can't keep being flirty with me." I called from the bathroom.

I finished getting dressed and walked down the stairs with Micah to eat breakfast. My mother left a note that said Celeste and her went out to the park and will be back by 5.

"Who says I'm being flirty? Maybe I appreciate beautiful women." Micah smirked.

"Micah, you're so full of-"

The door bell rang interrupted. I look at Micah with confusion to see his expression match mine. I walked to the door and opened it to see Jonathan holding a McDonald's bag.

"Hey, Alex." He spoke with a smile.

Before I could speak, Micah stood behind me in matter of seconds. "Jonathan, what are you doing here?"

"I'm here to talk to my girlfriend." He said with annoyance in his voice. "You know, the one that I actually have something real with."

"That's so funny because I remember that I did have a girlfriend once, you know something real with, that you slept with."

"Wait what?" I ask with disbelief.

"What was her name again?" Micah rubbed his chin. "Oh! It was Rowan." He started to smirk.

Jonathan stiffened at sound of her name. "Don't say her name."

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