Chapter 34: Explanation

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"Hey." He stuffs his hands in his pockets.

I stood there in shock. The cold air rushed in and reminded me of my attire. I forgot I was just wearing a sports bra and leggings, so I grabbed a thick grey cardigan off the coat rack and threw it on. "What are you doing here?"

"I want to expl-"

Before he could finish his sentence, I could hear footsteps follow behind me. "Who's at the door?" I turn to see Micah shirtless with a pair of basketball shorts on. My breath hitches at the sight of him.

Before I could answer, he wrapped one arm around my waist, which brought me closer to him. "What are you doing here?" He narrowed his stare at Jonathan.

I examined Jonathan's face, he had bags under his eyes to match the color of the bruises on his face that haven't faded yet. He wore a grey sweatshirt and jeans to go with it. He looked like a wreck, and I didn't want to know why.

"Alex, can we talk?" He ignored Micah's presence and walked closer to me. "Please."

Before he could get any closer, Micah put his hand out to stop him from getting close. "Jonathan, I think you should leave." Jonathan looked hurt as it was, but stood cold and still.

It started to get windy and it was below 40s already. I wanted to close the door but I didn't want to close the door on him just yet. "Come in."

Jonathan looked up surprised and walked past us to get inside the warm house. Micah looked at me questioning my judgement. I wave him off and followed Jonathan to the kitchen.

We sat down at the island and felt tension grow by the minute. I look up from the table and see Micah staring Jonathan down. Micah was tense and looked like he could pounce on Jonathan at any given moment. I spoke up before it could happen. "Micah, go to the basement and work on the project. We have to finish it up."

He nods at me but keeps eye contact with Jonathan to give him the universal message to 'don't try anything' as he walks out.

I can't lie and say that I wasn't scared. I didn't want to know his reasoning. I don't even want him in my presence. But I remembered what my mother said to me about running away when things got hard. And somehow this got 10 times harder.

I cleared my throat. "Explain."

He settled down in his chair. "I know that I hurt you Alex, and I'm so sorry." He slowly shook his head as he remembered the events. "She came to the party out of no where. Jackson told me that she was there and I tried telling her to leave......but she said all the right words to make me be under her spell." My eyes started to sting as he explained his interaction with Rowan. I didn't blame Rowan. It was a group effort, he knew what he was doing.

"I am a terrible person for cheating on you. I know I should have turned Rowan away-"

"You couldn't." I muttered.

"What?" He questioned.

"You didn't turn her away because you are in love with her. When she came back, you fell back in love with her in the matter of seconds."

He sat quiet, knowing he couldn't deny my claim.

I couldn't help but feel indifferent at how much he was still in love with her. Another thing he lied about.

I sigh and get up from the island. "I can't forgive you right away." He looked more sad than before. "But.....this is a step to it."

He offered me a small smile. "I'll accept that."

I kept my face neutral and led him to the door. He opened it and turned back to me. "I hope you find someone that gives you everything and more of what you deserve."

I hope so too.

I watched him get into his car and drive away. I closed the door and lean on it while I was in the depth with my thoughts.

What do I deserve?

Am I even capable of being loved?

The hardwood floor creaks as Micah came up from the basement. I cleared my head of the previous thoughts that flooded my mind.

"How did it go?" He asked as he crossed his arms. He's fully clothed, which help me focus better on what he was saying rather than checking him out.

I roll my eyes and stop leaning on the door frame. "It went fine, Golden Boy." I brushed past him to walk down to the basement.

"Did you forgive him?" He follows me down to the basement.

"None of your business." I sat on the couch and collected the papers skewed out on the table in front of me.

"Just answer the question, Alex." He replies serious.

"Why do you care so much?" I look up at him annoyed. He's always asking questions.

"Because I-" He cuts himself off and remains quiet. He runs his hand through his hair. Stressed.

"What? Say it." I taunt him, trying to get it out of him. My curiosity peaks as I try to get information out of him.

"It doesn't matter." He waves it off and checks his phone.

"Finish what you were going to say. You can't back out now." I stand up from the couch. I had a feeling of what he was going to say, but I need him to say it to become real.

"Alex, it really doesn't matter. I don't want to fight with you-"

I scoff and sat back down on the comfy couch. "It's not that you don't want a fight, you just don't want to admit it out loud." I shuffle through the project rubric.

"Admit what?" He raises an eyebrow at me, curious of what I meant.

I wave him off like he did to me. "It doesn't matter." I teased him as I kept my focus on the papers right in front of me.

I look up for a second to see him blushing at me teasing him. He quickly stopped as soon as he realized I noticed. "Whatever, Alex." He sits down next to me and grabs his laptop from the side of the table.

I giggle at his frustration. "I'll write half of the essay on Acids and you finish the rest of it with Bases, okay?" He didn't respond and types quickly on his laptop. I roll my eyes and close his laptop. I grab the laptop from his lap and put it on the other side of me. "Are you listening?"

"Just give me my laptop." He demands as he kept his eyes on his computer.

"Or what?" I taunt him and leap off the couch. I knew it was a bad idea to taunt him since we have a essay to write but oh well.

"Give it back, Clumsy Girl."

I smirk at his plea. "You're just going to have to catch me." Before he could respond, I sprint up the basement stairs with the laptop and kept running around the house. Adrenaline rushes through me as I run away from Micah. He catches up pretty quickly as he sprints behind me.

I hear the footsteps come closer behind me and little did I know, Micah tackles me onto the floor. The laptop slides out of my hands as I collide on to the floor.

"Damn, you got me." I joke until I realize he was on top of me. We were so close that I could smell the aroma of his cologne. I wasn't complaining either.

Instead of responding we laid there looking at each other's eyes. His eyes travels down to my lips and back to my eyes. "I sure hope so." He cups my face gently as he closes the gap between us. His soft lips connects with mine for the first time and it felt amazing.

This is amazing.

He is amazing.

When Jonathan kissed me, it wasn't the same as Micah. It feels as if I'm suppose to be here all along. Somehow this felt right. I love being with him. I love the way he makes me feel. The electric feel of his touch is out of this world. He made me embrace my past rather than hide it. He's what I deserve.

I can't believe I'm about to admit this, but:

I have a big fat crush on Micah Skye.

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