Chapter 38: SCAD

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"You can't say that when we haven't even tried yet."

His words play back in my head as I sat on my bed.

It's been 2 months since my break up with Micah and I still don't feel whole without him. I stare at the blank wall of my room and sob for the 400th time this week.

I moved into my apartment a week ago for the fall semester at SCAD. I've made friends here and there but none of them can top my roommate.

"Stop crying over Micah and get out of the apartment." Harlow demanded as she walked into my cold room.

"I don't want to go anywhere except loathe the outside and cry all day in my bed." I covered my head with my sheets.

Harlow didn't respond and grabbed both of my ankles and literally dragged me out of bed. I tried holding on to the bed sheets but her grip was too strong to fight. My head hit the hardwood floor hard and loud. I wince as my head started to ache in pain.

I tried kicking my way out of her grip. "Let me go!"

"Not until you agree to come out tonight." She dragged me out of my room and kept dragging me through the living room.

"Okay, Fine!" I wailed my arms for her to stop lugging my body around like a mop.

She fulfills her promise and drops my legs to the floor. "We leave at six." She slipped into the bathroom and started her shower.

I laid there staring at the ceiling again. I can't fathom a single thought in my mind that doesn't turn into a memory of Micah. I regret breaking up with him. I regret not telling him 'I loved him'.

I grudgingly get off the floor and walk into my room to get ready.

What did I get myself into?


"ooo. Check him out." Harlow pointed towards a tall figure by the bar with a drink in his hand.

If you would have asked me a year ago, I would 100% think he's attractive. But now, he's not what I want. Micah is what I want.

I sipped on my sprite and shrugged.

"I'm going to go shoot my shot." She downed her Coke and slammed it on the table. She walked up to the man and engaged a conversation.

I giggle to myself at how confident she was. I swirled my drink out of boredom.

"Bored?" A husky voice asked behind me. I roll my eyes and turn around to the mysterious man.

He looked older but young at the same time. He dressed nice with a stubble beard. His dark chocolate skin were tatted all down his arms. He was captivating. I gave him a small smile. "I guess you can say that."

"What is a beautiful woman like you sitting alone?" He walked around the table and sat in front of me.

I crossed my arms. "I'm not looking for a relationship right now."

He raised his hands up in defense. "I'm just saying hey." He offered a small grin. "You seemed like you had a lot on your mind."

I raised an eyebrow. "And you want me to tell you?" I scoff at his assumption. "I don't even know your name?"

"It's Keivon and it's only a proposition."

I look at the bar where Harlow and the tall man were, but they changed location and were on the dance floor having the time of their lives. My lips hinted a smile at the sight of Harlow being happy.

I swirled my drink around and look at him warily. "Ok Keivon......what major are you?"


"That's pretty......impressive." I complimented him as I drink the last drops of my drink.

"Thank you." He crossed his arms. "Now can you tell me what's occupying your thoughts?"

I sighed. "It's a long story, so I suggest you order me another drink for the whole thing." He chuckled low and did exactly what I said.

The waiter came back with our drinks. I thank the waiter before starting my story.

It was odd that I was spilling out my guts to a complete stranger on a Saturday night. I'm usually at home drawing or crying myself to sleep. This was a nice change.

As I told the story, Keivon looked at me with his full attention. I'm surprised he paid attention because at some point, most people doze off at my story.

"Woah.....that's a lot." He sat back in his seat.

I chuckled. "Trust me, I know."

"Are you going to get back with him?" He took a swig of his soda.

I wave him off. "The distance is too hard."

"It isn't hard if you put real work into it."

I stayed quiet, knowing he was right. I cut it off before the summer because I knew the distance would be hard. I just didn't realize how hard it would be without him in my life.

Keivon sighed. "I know we just met but from what you're telling me, you love this guy a lot. You got scared of the distance and the 'strain' on the relationship. But you forgot to realize that love is way stronger than distance. You need to walk out on faith and not give up when things get hard."


"It's funny because that word has never been a part of my vocabulary." He laughs at me as I chug my last sip of my drink.

Before Keivon could reply, Harlow came up to the table with a beer bottle in her hand. "Wh-who is this cutie pie?"

I roll my eyes. "How do you always end up drunk?" I got up from the booth and threw Harlow's arm over my shoulder. "Sorry, I have to take her home."

Keivon stood up as well. "Don't worry about it. I'll see you around campus."

I wave goodbye and carried most of Harlow's weight on my side. As I pushed Harlow's heavy weight into the car, I thought about what Keivon said.

I just need faith.


"Can you get your key any faster? My feet hurrrtttt!" Harlow complained after I carried her to the door. She's a petite girl, but it felt like she was 300 pounds.

"Shut up, Harlow." I grabbed my keys out of my jacket and jammed it into the door.

As the door opened, the conditioning cold air flushes to my face. I drop Harlow's body on the sofa. "Ow!Why-Why a-are you so-so mean to meee?" Her eyes started to well up with tears. I knew she would forget all of this by tomorrow so I didn't mind her momentarily crying.

I grabbed a large fur blanket and lay it over her. "Turn on the Tv so we can watch some Parks & Rec."

She sniffles and nods in agreement. I take off my shoes and place them in my room. That's when I heard the opening theme song of Parks & Rec play on the living room TV.

I laugh at how she can function to turn on the TV but can't walk 2 flights of stairs. Never a dull moment with Harlow Johnson.

I start to reflect on what Keivon said about faith. I gave up on us without having faith in us. It was my fault. I grab my laptop off my bed and check the flights from Georgia to California. Most were booked but they had a flight heading out tonight at 11:45. I check my phone for the time.

10:56 p.m.

Was this stupid?


I book the flight and rush out of my room. Harlow was still laying on the couch almost half asleep. I left a wad of cash in front of her if she decided to get pizza when she wakes up. I lock the door behind me and ordered an Uber to the airport.

It was risky but this was for us. For faith.

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