Chapter 20: The Past

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"Ready for the trip, New Girl?" Micah asked. He walked into my room all packed, which I was the opposite.

I told my mom the news and at first she didn't like me going up to Wyoming alone. Micah convinced her that I wasn't going up there alone, now that he's going. Celeste didn't like the idea of me being gone for the weekend either. So I just promised to get her souvenirs from the airport, if she doesn't cause trouble while I'm gone.

I groan and roll over to see him ready to go. "I'm not packed or ready so I guess we don't have to go after all."

I was dreading to see my father's family. I've always wondered what my father looked like but not like this. When I was still with my biological mother, I always asked her where my dad was and who he was. My mother was always high so she answered all of my tedious questions saying "He's off somewhere happy without you." I look back on it now and know she was telling the truth.

Micah sighed and went inside my closet. "Our flight is at 11:00 and its already 9:54. Get up and get dressed and I'll deal with packing your stuff." He called from my closet.

I swung my legs to the side of the bed and finally got up from my bed to get ready for the flight. I grabbed a pair of black leggings from my dresser and threw on a oversized sweatshirt. I walked into my bathroom to see the damage from crying last night. My eyes were puffy and my hair was in knots after knots. I got tired of the sad view and washed my face to reduce the swelling on my eyes. I threw my messy hair into a lazy ponytail and walked out of the bathroom to see that Micah was done packing my stuff up for the trip.

"How did you get done so fast?" I asked scratching my head.

"I travel a lot. I know how to pack quickly." He sheepishly smiled.

I shook my head and grabbed my phone from the foot of the bed. Another unknown caller called a few minutes ago. "Hey, can you put the luggage in the car? I have to see if this was Ryland again."

"I have to do everything around here." He whined. He grabbed the luggage and went downstairs.

I laugh at his side comment and called the unknown number. It started to ring for a while until it finally picked up. "Hello?"

"Babe, it's me. Brian." He said with excitement.

"Brian, I told you to stop calling me." I said with frustration.

"Alex, you know that I didn't mean what I said, right? I would've never drink that night if I knew that this was the outcome. I don't care what you did to my bike, I care about you." He pleaded.

I started to tear up. "If you really did care about me, you wouldn't of called me and you would've left me alone. I'm actually happy here, Brian."

"You aren't happy there Alex. You are happy with me and only me. I will come up to California if I freaking have to Alex. I'll do whatever it takes." He bellowed.

I hung up the phone and wiped the tears running down my face. I got up from the bed and walked to Celeste room. I leaned over and kissed her forehead. I left Celeste room and walked downstairs to see my mother waiting for me. We hugged and said our goodbyes.

I got into the passenger seat of Micah's white G-wagon. When I got in, Micah was already playing his playlist. He started up the car and pulled out the driveway.

"Alex, does Jonathan know I'm going with you to Aspen?" Micah asked concerned.

"I sent him a text about the trip and he never replied back." I said nonchalantly. "Even if he did have a problem with it, he has to get over it and trust me."

Micah nods his head in agreement. We drove in silence as his songs played. I looked over to see Micah lip syncing most of songs and I couldn't help but laugh.

We finally got to the airport and got on the flight just on time. Micah let me have the window seat so he could have the middle seat.



"I forgot to ask but how are your parents?" I asked quietly. Micah has been quiet about his parents for a while and I guess it just slipped my mind to ask.

"Their good. They decided to take a break from work and be with us at home. Hayden loves it but I'm......indifferent about it.....I guess."

I could see he had mixed feelings from his parents decision so I changed the topic. "Thank you for coming with me. I know I'm usually mean to you most days but I appreciate this."

He smirked. "It's not most days, it's everyday." He chuckled and I laughed as well.

For the first hour of the trip, we started working on our Chemistry project. After we worked on it a little bit more, my eyelids started to droop and not long after that, I drifted to sleep. I knew when I woke up, I would have to face my father's family.

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