Chapter 27: Birthday Boy

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"Alex, wake up." Celeste whispered in my ear. She patted my face to make sure I was alive.

I swat her hand away and rubbed my eyes to see her better. She was dressed and was all ready to go.

"It's Friday!!" She exclaimed with excitement.

I cover her mouth and told her to keep it down. I swung my legs to the side of the bed. It was Jonathan and Jackson's birthday today. I sent them individually a happy birthday text before I got dressed.

I put on a white blouse with black skinny jeans. I didn't really spend much time on my makeup as I should have but I was tired.

I grab my bag and headed out to my car. Celeste buckled up in the backseat. I turn the car on and swerved out of the driveway.

"Are we picking up Hayden?" She asked and played with the tulle of her tutu.

"Yes Celeste, we're going to go pick up your little boyfriend."

"Your boyfriend too!"

I look up from the road up to the mirror. "Micah isn't my boyfriend." I put my turn signals on.

"I didn't even say his name, so that means you guys are dating. Don't worry. I won't tell Mommy." She winked and had a toothy grin.

I turn my eyes back to the empty road and turned into Micah's gates. I've been here multiple times but I still couldn't get used to the fact that Micah lives in this beautiful home. One day, I want to live in a house like this with my husband and kids. A girl can dream, huh?

Micah and Hayden opened the doors and jumped in. I took a minute to look at Micah's outfit. He had a light olive green sweatshirt covering his light washed jeans. He had his hair messy but that didn't stop the girls being swoon. He looked good but I was never going to tell him that.

"Ready for the party?" Micah set his stuff down and gave me his full attention.

I put the car in reverse and backed out of the driveway. "I am but you are not coming."

He put his hand on his chest and acted hurt. "What earthly reason wouldn't I go? Jonathan and I are friends."

"Mhm. Just like Raven and I are best friends." I glance at him with a disapproving look. "You are not going. End of discussion." I reversed out of the driveway.

"Correction. Jackson invited me so therefore I'm going." A sly grin crept up on his face.

I used one hand to rub my temples to rub the soon-to-be headache away. "Just don't do anything stupid. It's his birthday and it needs to be a drama free night."

"I know this already. I won't get in the way of you and your boyfriend." He started to gag at the word boyfriend. I swatted at him as I pulled up to Celeste's school.

Hayden got out first and went around to open the door for Celeste. She got out and held hands with him to school. I watched them proceed into school before I pulled away.

As I got back onto the road, I felt Micah's eyes on me. "Stop staring at me."

He put his hands up in defense. "I was just admiring you." I ignore his flirty comment and kept driving.

I turned into the parking lot and parked close to the entrance. We grabbed our stuff and went inside. The group were huddled up as always in the same place everyday. Jonathan caught that I was there and left to come talk to me.

"Hey babe," He kissed me on the cheek and smiled at me. Then he turned to Micah with a distasteful look. "Skye."

"Happy birthday, Clarke." Micah walked past him and bumped his shoulder into him. Being drama-free isn't going to happen today, I guess.

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