Chapter 31: Suspension

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"Suspended?!" I stated with disbelief. "I didn't even fight anybody?!" I dropped the referral on her desk.

Mrs. Azalea was emotionless as she signed other papers. "You were the cause of the fight and it would decrease tension at school if you and the boys stay home for a couple days." She finally looks up from her papers. "As principal of-"

I cut her off. "You can't just suspend me just because I was the topic of discussion before the fight." I put my hands down on her desk. "Show me the rules that you can do this."

She got up from her desk and took a big handbook off the shelves. She flipped the pages and stopped in the middle. "Page 89, Number 168." I started to get annoyed at how she tried to play her own games. "Students are not allowed to cause discrepancy in school. Discrepancies are followed by immediate Suspension." She read allowed from the book.

I sat down in the chair behind me and huffed. "How many days?"

"Just a week." She continued to fill out more paper work.

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever." I grab my stuff and walk out the office.

"See you in a week." Principal Azalea called out from her desk.

I ignore her and kept walking to my car. I got stared at and whispers filled the air. I kept my head down and finally got to my car. I turn the car on and pull out of the parking spot to get home as fast as possible.

I finally got home and parked in the driveway. Luckily, my mother wasn't home to physically bombard me with questions. After I texted her what happened, she texted me that we'll have a discussion when she gets back home.

I get out of the car and search for my house key but I felt a presence on the front porch. I look up from my keys to see Micah sitting on the front porch chairs. He was rubbing the ridges of his bruised knuckles. "Hey."

He looks up quickly and had a small smile. "Hey." I stepped up on the porch and sat next to him. "I'm sorry about today. I know you don't like drama."

He's right. I don't like drama because it turns into something more than it has to be, but I couldn't blame him for fighting Jonathan. I waved my hand in dismissal. "It's okay. I didn't want to go to school this week anyway." I gave him a small smile. His nose started to bruise black now. I reached out and touched his nose. He winced at the pain of my touch had caused.

I stood up from my chair. "Let's go inside. It's the middle of March and it's super cold out here." I unlock the front door. He followed me inside and locked the door behind him.

I got a frozen pack of corn from the freezer and gave it to Micah. "What did Jonathan say to set you off?" I asked as I try to find some Tylenol for his pain.

He hesitated for a moment. "Something.....about how you only view me as the annoying guy from Chemistry class." He sighed as he put the frozen bag up to his nose.

I stopped fiddling with the Tylenol bottle and turn to him. "That's not at all how I see you." Jonathan just wanted to mess with his head. "Are you annoying? Sometimes, but that's not all you are to me." I grab a water bottle from the refrigerator and place it in front of him with Tylenol beside it.

"......what am I to you, Alex?" Micah spoke softly. He lowered the bag down to the table.

Silence filled the air as I searched for the answer. To me, he's a friend that I can rely on and call him at 2 in the morning to talk to. I can do the exact same thing with Harlow, but he felt different somehow. I don't know what you would call him.

"Sorry. I misspoke. I shouldn't of asked." He waved it off as if it wasn't important to him. But deep down, I knew it did.

I felt bad that I couldn't give him an answer right away. I just got out of relationship and my feelings are in a knotted mess. So there's no way I can give him a straightforward answer.

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