Chapter 21: Another Side

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"Alex....Alex." Micah nudged my head.

My eyes fluttered opened to the sound of his voice in my ear. I moved my head off of his lap and looked around to see people leaving the plane already. I grabbed my Chemistry pages and left the plane.

After finding our luggage, we walked out the airport to see if we could catch a taxi. A black car drove up to us and parked. I look at Micah cautiously and took a step back. Micah was unfazed of it all and kept smiling like he always has. Weirdo.

A tall man walks out of the driver seat with a note card saying 'Alexandria Promise' on the front. I nod at him that it was me and he greeted Micah and I.

"Hello Miss. Promise, I am your driver for the evening. I will be taking you to the Naomi's Residence." He greeted me with a smile. His eyes were a crystal blue but he didn't look a day over 40.

I nod my head and sat in the back seat with Micah. I looked around in the back seat to see everything was glossy and neat. Way too expensive for my liking.

Micah got in and sat like he was just at home. I forget that his family are like millionaires. He acts so down to earth that it throws me off.

Micah noticed that I was uncomfortable and chuckled. "You'll get used to it. It's just like an Uber."

"This will be my last time in one. I don't like expensive stuff that I know I'll break." I said as I tried to get comfortable in my seat.

Micah laughed and shook his head as the driver departed from the airport. As the car passed by buildings, I couldn't help but think about how my life would of been like if I lived with my dad. Maybe my mother would've been alive if my father had stopped her from using drugs. Maybe I wouldn't of been much of a troublemaker if he was around. The what ifs scenarios continued in my head for the rest of the ride.

The driver buzzed in from the front gate and continued to drive through the driveway. I looked at the house in awe as we drove closer and closer. The house was so complex but beautiful at the same time. The house was all white bricked but with black roofing to top the castle house look. The driveway was colored in all black to go with the house theme.

"The house looks amazing." Micah said as he gazed from the window.

We flood out of the car and walked to the front step. My stomach grew more and more anxious as we waited for the door to open. Micah could sense my anxiety and grabbed my arm for support. I look at him with a small smile and turned to the door.

The door creaked open and revealed a tall young man in a light blue vest. He had light brown curls to compliment his light skin reflection. He had light green eyes that somehow felt familiar.

"Hey I'm Ryland, you must be Alexandria." He greeted me with a smile.

"Just Alex." I muttered.

Ryland got a hint I was annoyed and moved to the side so we can come in and relax. "Well....Alex, the maid can show you and your guest to your room. Whenever you're ready to talk about our father-"

"Dude! He's not my fat-"

Before I could finish telling Ryland off, Micah put his hand over my mouth. "Hey Ryland, thank you for letting us stay in this beautiful home. Sorry that some of us are cranky from the flight. I'll take her to our room to sleep it off." Micah explained with a smile. He somehow knows how to calm everyone down.

Ryland nods slightly and calls the maid down to help us to our room. As soon as Ryland walked away, I bit Micah's hand to let go. Micah flinched back in pain.

"If you ever do that again, I will break your hands." I threatened.

"Alex, he invited us into his home. Can't we be nice for at least the first hour?" Micah pleaded. I roll my eyes and check my phone for any missed calls.

One missed call from each my Mom and Harlow. Three missed calls from Jonathan. I groan at the thought of Jonathan lecturing me about leaving and decided not to respond. All he needed to know was in the text.

I know, bad choice.

The maid came down the black marble staircase and started to lead us to our big room. The room had a king size mattress with couches surrounding the mounted TV on the wall. The maid left as Micah and I plopped on the bed to rest.

"This bed is so soft." Micah moaned as he snuggled into the thousands of pillows on the bed.

I agreed and fell quickly asleep on the cloud they called a bed in seconds.


My eyes slightly opened as I heard the shower turn on. I groggily grabbed my phone from my bag and texted everyone I was safe-including Jonathan, sadly.

I got up from the bed and wondered around the house to find Ryland in the kitchen. He was making pasta and playing classical music as he cooked. Oh, how odd.

I moved a little into his view sight to let him know I was there. He turned the music off and smiled at me. "Are you ready to talk about our father now?"

"He's not my father. Stop saying 'our father' Ryland. You're really pissing me off." I sat down at the kitchen island.

"He may of not been in your life and I'm sorry about that. But he WAS your father whether you like it or not." He argued. He went to a black wooden table and picked up an old box. He dropped the box on the black marble counter for me to observe.

The box was filled up to the top with polaroid pictures. Pictures of me as a baby. My hand started to shake as I picked up the polaroids carefully.

In most of the pictures, it was him that was holding me and playing with me on the playground. One of the pictures caught me eye the most. It was my mother and him holding me, looking as happy as they can be. Look how that turned out.

"He always talked about you." Ryland finally spoke from the tense silence. "A lot."

My eyes started to tear up as I saw more pictures of my mother and I. The pictures showed more about my father than I ever known.

My parents seemed perfect by the pictures. One of the Polaroids were of my father holding me when I was born. He had tears down his cheeks as he held me. God, why did he have to die?

"He left a letter to you and told me to give it to you when he dies. He told me that you were one of the best things that happened to him, Alex." Ryland spoke again.

"Stop." I croaked. Tears started to fall more rapidly. I put the polaroids back in the box and continued to sob into the palm of my hands.

"Your mother had a restraining order against him so he couldn't see you." Ryland spoke calmly.

I looked up at him with tears racing down my cheeks. "Stop it!" I sobbed.

He listened to me cry and stood in silence. I started to cry harder at the thought of my dad wanting to be in my life but couldn't.

"He might've never been a physical father to you, but you were a daughter to him." His eyes teared up and abruptly left the kitchen.

I look down at the letter sealed with my name written on it. What have I done?

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