Chapter 24: The Funeral

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"Can you stay still for one second?" Micah asked as he tried to zip up my dress.

I pushed my straight hair out of the way. "Sorry, I'm just nervous."

He slowly zipped my black lace dress up to the back of my neck. "It's okay."

I sighed as I slipped my black heels on to my feet. I can't lie and say this was easy. This is the first time I would be seeing my father, but he would be in a casket. I walked over to the big mirror in the bathroom to see if I looked presentable. My hair was straight and I had a touch of makeup on. "Do I look alright for a funeral?" I asked as I tugged my dress down.

"You look beautiful." Micah called from the bedroom.

I scoffed. "You didn't even look."

He got up from the edge of the bed and joined me in the mirror. "I don't have to look. You always look beautiful."

"Stop that." I walked out of the bathroom to grab my purse.

"What? Can I not compliment you?" He asked shocked.

"You can compliment me when you aren't flirting with me." I said as I finally found my purse. "There's a difference."

He scoff and joined me in the bedroom. "I can never win with you."

Flashing memories came flooding back again from last night but it was between Micah and I. "I feel like I was supposed to ask you something from last night but I can't figure it out." I rub my forehead.

He swiftly grabbed his phone from the night stand. "We should get going. We don't need to be late." He opened the door and proceeded to descend down the stairs.

Why did he seem so nervous? Maybe I was supposed to forget. I grab my black purse and walk down the stairs as well.

I carefully walked to the kitchen in my heels to be with the group. As I got closer and closer a tall figure was blocking my view of Ryland. She had a petite frame with light brown silky hair down her back. She wore a black pant suit that stopped at her ankles. She wore her Louis Vuitton heels that complimented her outfit.

"Ryland, you're making a bigger deal out of this than it has to be." She sighed.

"You can't just stay in town for one day for our own father's funeral?! Meghan, you're so unbelievable!" Ryland ranted as he paced the kitchen floor.

Meghan, I presumed, turned around and faced me. "How long have you been standing there?"

I shook my head." Not long."

She sighed and straightened out her pant suit. "I'm Meghan. You're half sister." She shook my hand.

"I'm Alex. Is everything okay, Ryland?" I look at Ryland concerned.

"I was explaining to Meghan how her management agency can wait a day AFTER our father's funeral. But she wants to be selfish and go to work after the service." Ryland rubbed his forehead.

I look back at Meghan and examined them both.They looked exactly alike. The only difference was that Meghan had more prominent dimples than Ryland.

Meghan set her purse over her shoulder. "Some people grieve in different ways. I work when I'm upset."

Ryland rolled his eyes. "Whatever, I don't have time for this foolishness. The driver is outside already." He rushed from the side of the kitchen island to the front door.

"Psh. What a drama queen? Am I right?" She chuckled and walked out of the kitchen.

I couldn't help but shake my head. This was going to be my family and I loved every bit of it.

I joined everyone at the front of the house to go to the funeral. Ryland and Meghan kept bickering as usual. Micah spotted me struggling walking in heels and came to my side for help. "Need some help, New Girl?"

I roll my eyes. "I demand a new nickname and I don't need any of your help, Golden Boy." I kept walking until I tripped over my own feet.

Micah caught me before my face connected with the concrete. "Okay now, Clumsy Girl." He grabbed me by the waist and escorted me to the black limousine.

"Please don't let that nickname stick." I pleaded as I settled into my seat.

"It's stuck." He closed the door behind him and got in on the other side.

Meghan and Ryland finally stopped bickering and got into the car as well.  We departed from the driveway and on our way to the church.

"We're here." Ryland announced.

We all flooded out the car and slowly walked to the front of the church. The church was decorated with black and white decorations. We were greeted by greeters at the door with a smile. Inside of the church was filled with hundreds of people. My social anxiety peaked a little. "Why are there so many people here?" I whispered to Meghan.

"Our dad was a writer/poet. He touched a lot of reader's hearts when he was alive." She whispered back. I couldn't help but smile at the thought of my dad being a writer.

We kept walking through the aisles and sat in the reserved first row. I look up to see the casket open decorated in more black and white themed decorations.

I leaned over to Meghan once more. "What's with the black and white theme? I forgot to ask at the house."

She sighed. "It's going to sound cliche. Dad always told us the 'best stories came in black and white because they show you a whole world of color."

I began to slightly smile. "He sounded like he was good with his words." Meghan nods as the service started.

The pastor went along with the itinerary with a couple of songs and a few words on his passing. "Brother Ezra Naomi had a heart of gold. He always puts his own needs before others," I started to tense up. "He also touched a lot of lives, like his readers and especially his family," Micah noticed me tensed and grabbed my hand for reassurance. "If the Naomi Family will come up and say a few words." The pastor asked as he stepped away from the podium.

Ryland, Meghan, and I got up in unison and walked to the podium to share a few words. Meghan stepped up to talk first. "My father was always the cheesy and funny one. He always had his words as many of you know he's a writer. Each one of his books shared a story that was better than anyone could tell it to be honest," She moved her hair out of her face to continue. Ryland began to sob quietly behind Meghan. I hugged him as Meghan finished her speech. "My father had many gifts. After his passing, Ryland and I found out that we had a little sister. She reminds me so much of my father. Even though he's gone, he still left us a wonderful gift," She started to tear up but quickly wiped her tears. "Who you will hear next is my little sister, Alex." She stepped away from the podium so I could speak but I froze.

I didn't know what to say. I slowly stepped up to the podium with my hands shaking. "I never got to meet my father but-um-I heard great things about him and I wish I got to meet him and feel his effect like he has on all of you here. I might've of never got to meet him, but he was still a father to me," I look over my shoulder to see Ryland smiling as he wiped his tears. "From the Behalf of the Naomi's, I thank you all for coming and we love you all." The audience clapped as I stepped down from the podium.

We walked back to our seats and I look over at the open casket. He looked the same from the polaroids but much older. He was tall and lean. Ryland and Meghan looked almost identical to him. The man that I can now call my father is dead. And I have to be okay with it.

He would've been a great man to know.

A tear ran down my cheek before I started to sob. I sat next to Micah again and cried into his shoulder. He hugged me for support until I was better.

My father is dead, but he will forever be the man that loved me unconditionally even without me knowing it.

I took a few deep breaths and wiped the tears off my face. I leaned over to Ryland. "Thank you for calling me to come."

"Don't worry about it. We're family." He nudged my shoulder before sitting up straight.

I smiled because he was right. Meghan and Ryland were my other family that I never knew I needed.

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