Chapter 3, Kate

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It took me about five seconds to get the blindfold off by rubbing my face against my knee. I don't know why they bothered blindfolding me. It's not like I could memorize the path leading towards their base. Wait, yes I could.

They hadn't taken my security very seriously. From feeling behind me I deduced that they had welded a ring to the bottom of the truck bed, they had then secured my bonds to said ring.

Other than that there was nothing else holding or even hiding me. The sun had just started to set but it was still light enough to see clearly, a passing car or a well-placed satellite could ruin their plan. So I did the only logical thing I could think of: I hid. I couldn't have some would-be rescuers spoiling my plan.

It took all of my self-control not to twist my foot behind my back, retrieve my knife from the sole of my boot, cut my ropes and run. Run like hell, run so fast it felt like flying because I was so incredibly free.

No. As much as I hated this charade it was an opportunity I wasn't willing to pass up. I had to find that base.

The rebel groups had been a thorn in my side for years, it had been amusing at first but people were gaining hope. A little hope was fine but I didn't want anyone thinking they could overthrow the Legion.

The Gold Order was stronger than the Silver Order but the Silver Order was still annoying. Every once in a while they would manage to organize a successful raid and kill a few of my men.

The truck moved along the run-down path; leading me further and further from home. The further I got from my base the harder it would be to escape. Not impossible but difficult. Good, I love a challenge.

Before I could contemplate further the truck pulled to a stop in front of a dilapidated old house. It looked like no one had lived there for at least a century.

This couldn't be their base; it was far too small for the numbers I knew they had. I had underestimated them. That was it, I reached for my shoe ready to cut my ropes and leave these rebels in the dust. But before I could retrieve my knife the barrel of a gun appeared in my face. Xander had beaten me, this time.

I almost didn't want to enter the house for fear of the roof caving in but I hardly had a choice as the 6'11 mountain of a man grabbed my rope in one dinner plate sized hand and my shoulder in the other and started forcing me up the hill.

"I can walk on my own you know" I objected. He just grunted and kept pushing my up the hill like I was on one of those hand trucks they use to move boxes.

It took all of my inner strength not to fight back but I had to maintain some illusion of weakness. The other two lackeys leveled their guns at my head looks of hatred on their faces. Three guns, a giant, and a length of rope all to hold one girl. They were smart.

The inside of the house was just as the exterior suggested. It probably used to be beautiful but now it was just dingy and old. It was however a clever hideout, my men would have trouble finding me here.

The behemoth yanked me down an old set of stairs and into a concrete prison of a basement. There was a small uncomfortable looking cot against the wall. It was less than what I was used to but I would manage.

The giant pushed me towards two long spikes that they had drilled into the walls and attached chains to. He then wrapped the chains tightly around my ankles, too tight to simply take my boots off, and secured the chains with padlocks that I could pick in minutes with the hairpins they had failed to confiscate.

As I moved to sit on the cot I quickly realized that my chains wouldn't reach. I gave the group a pointed look combined with an impatient rattle of my chains hoping one of them would take the hint and move the cot. The girl noticed first but rather than moving my cot she smirked.

"That isn't for you Devil," she sneered "It's for whoever has the unfortunate task of guarding you"

Stupid, stupid, girl. I couldn't wait until I could escape and kill her. For now I just rolled my eyes and sat with my back against the wall.

I actually respected her righteous hatred of me, that look in her eyes was almost cold. She was nowhere near as strong as me but she definitely wasn't a weakling like the rest of them. Sure the boys could put up a good fight but they were all good guys hindered by their useless morals and ethics.

As they started to leave I showed the rebels one last bone-chilling smile, I could tell they were uneasy as they climbed the stairs leaving me alone.

Xander gave me one last look before he ascended the stairs. It was a look I had never received in my life. Pity. The worst possible thing to receive from another human being. Although it was good that he thought I was helpless it still made me want to punch him in his stupid, handsome, stupid face.

Then I noticed the giant, I wasn't alone after all. He hadn't gone up yet. The look on his face spelled danger. He casually strolled towards me in a manner that made my instincts scream RUN! But I held my ground standing at my full height and staring him directly in the eye.

"You know I'm pretty sure no one checked you for weapons" he said reaching out to touch my thigh.

I calmly stepped back, the way I saw it I had no options that would keep me out of trouble. So I did the first thing that popped into my head.

Dropping into a crouch I swung my leg out sweeping his legs out from under him. I winced as one of my chains hit my leg at full speed.

He went down and in a flash I was on him punching him in the jaw. He was out cold. Fumbling through his pockets I found his x-com. I never carried one as they contained trackers but I seemed to be the only one without one of the devices. I knew his type; men like him cared about their reputations above all else.

Opening the device with his thumbprint I left him a message.If you don't tell anyone what happened then nobody will know that you got beaten up by a 17-year-old girl. However if you touch me again I will guarantee you never live it down.

I then retreated into the small bathroom that my chains could just barely reach. I shut the door, locking it. A few minutes later I heard Bigfoot angrily ascend the stairs and I came out taking a seat against the wall.

I shifted trying to get comfortable on the floor. Eventually I took off my high tech, bulletproof, not to mention expensive, jacket and lay down on it.

I heard laughter and cheering from upstairs, clearly they were playing some sort of game. They were fools to play games with one of the most dangerous people in the world chained in their basement. A few hours later one of the rebels came down to guard me, I pretended to be asleep on the floor but in reality, I was planning.


Hey guys! What do you think of Kate standing up to Ian (the giant rebel). Do you think Kate will escape and if so how? Updates every Sunday at no specific time. Please vote and comment, I want to know what you think!


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