Chapter 35, Xander

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I'd spent over an hour driving to Manhattan all the while avoiding traffic cameras as much as possible. You could never be too careful when it came to the Legion.

Before Izzie would just hack the cameras and loop the feed but with her gone, we only had one hacker and he was drowning in work Izzie could have finished in a few hours.

Finally, I made it to the Hideout and gave my keys to the valet. I'd have to change the license plates when I got it back but I doubted anyone would take it.

I walked up to the front door and was about to get in line when I realized how stupid that was; I was probably on the list or something like that.

Avoiding looking at the people in line I walked up to the bouncer. He didn't have a list, and he definitely wasn't wearing a hat.

What if it's a trap? What if it isn't?

"Ummmmm I like your hat," I said.

He gave me a funny look but after a minute he let me in. I walked into the crowded bar and instantly recognized at least ten people on the Order's 'kill list'.

Of course, I was probably on their kill lists too. 

I kept walking but stopped as I saw a large man grab a waitress's wrist. She flinched but didn't try to pull away. Then the man laughed and twisted her wrist at an angle it was clearly not meant to twist to.

She cried out in pain and I started moving towards her to help. To my surprise, she pulled a pill bottle out of her pocket, swallowed a pill, and started trying to clear a table.

I got to the girl and tapped her on the shoulder. She flinched I instantly regretted my decision. Her nametag read 'Jenny'.

"Sorry sir, can I help you?" Jenny smiled as if her wrist weren't hanging sideways.

"You need someone to set your arm."

"It's fine, really. I'll go to the hospital after my shift."

"I'm sure your boss will understand you leaving early."

"Well, you've clearly never met my boss. Now is there anything I can help you with sir?" Her voice was surprisingly firm.

"Yes, is the Devil here yet?"

"She's in the backroom, is she expecting you?"

"Unless I got the time wrong she is."

Jenny smiled and started walking towards the back of the building. I followed, and suddenly Kate was there.

She was absolutely stunning in a floor-length black dress with a slit up her leg. She was wearing makeup that made her beautiful eyes even brighter. And she was looking right past me.

"Who broke your wrist?"

I was confused for a second. Then I remembered Jenny. I was surprised Kate would care.

"My wrist? Umm, I crushed it in a door. It's fine I took some Paingone." Jenny was a decent liar.

"The angle's wrong for being crushed in a door. Now tell me who broke your wrist."

"I really don't want to cause trouble ma'am, it's fine."

"No it isn't, now tell me who broke your wrist. Everything will be ok I promise."

Kate had a kind look on her face that I'd never have imagined she could make. Her smile was warm rather than smug and her eyes weren't nearly as cold as usual. It was beautifully unlike her.

Jenny pointed to the man who'd broken her wrist. I wondered if Kate would kick him out. She did own the bar after all.

"His name's Daniel Waters, he's a big stockbroker. Please just leave it be, he's a powerful guy."

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