Chapter 38, Xander

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"I know about the kiss."

My heart stopped as Leo said the five words that could possibly get me killed. If the rest of the Order found out I could be accused of treason and sentenced to death by angry mob.

"What kiss?"

Maybe he meant something else?

"The one where you made out with the Devil."


"I don't know-"

"What I'm talking about? Xander, I saw the whole thing through my rifle scope."

"Leo I'm so sorry, it only happened once and it won't happen again."

"So you normally come back from important meetings smelling like women's perfume with lipstick on your collar?"

"Shit. Are you going to tell anyone?"

"Of course not. You're a cheating asshole but you're still my best friend, I wouldn't let them kill you."

"But you hate her."

"Of course I hate her. If it weren't for her Hazel and Melody might still be alive. But you're the reason I've survived this far. And anyway it's not going to happen again, right?"

"Right...I mean probably. No definitely."


"I won't kiss Kate again."

"Kate? Now you're calling the fucking Devil Kate?"

"I am. I mean I have no idea. What do you want me to say?"

"I want you to say it's over and you don't like her. That it will never happen again and you will kill her the first chance you get."

"I can't say that."

Why can't I say that?

"Why the fuck not."

"Because I'm falling for her."

I'm what now?

"You're what now? Xander her father wants to kill us, she wants to kill us, everyone working for her wants to kill us. And you're fucking falling for her?"

He was shouting at me now.

"Leo I'm sorry. She's more than that though."

"How the fuck is she more than that?"

"She helped us escape. She let me take her knife. And she could have killed us sooner but she didn't, and she didn't kill Izzie. And-"

"So little-miss-dictator's-daughter doesn't kill us and you're suddenly over the moon for her? What is wrong with you Xander?"

"I honestly don't know. But I care about her. And she grew up with Death for a father, how do you expect her to be?"

"I expect her to be just like her father. Which she is. Being raised by him is a shit excuse."

"Well, maybe she'll change."

"That's a great basis for a relationship Xander. Now promise me you won't kiss her again."

"I-I promise."

I'm lying.


Leo then proceeded to punch me in the jaw.

"What was that for!?"

"For Izzie. She's like a sister to me and you hurt her."

"Fine. I do feel really bad about hurting Izzie. She doesn't deserve any of this."

"I'm sure you'll make it up to her and she'll forgive you. Maybe you'll even get back together."


Please no.

"Why don't we go back to the square, you have your big announcement to make in five minutes."

"About that. Maybe you should do it."

"It's your alliance. Relax, they probably won't kill you."

"I'm announcing an alliance with the Legion. As in the reason the Order even exists. As in the thing my parents died for."

"Your parents would support this. It's for the greater good, and it's not like you're surrendering."

"I really hope so. Let's get this over with."

We walked through the mess of tents making up the base. Most of them were empty, as I'd announce my speech this morning during breakfast.

We went through the dining hall which was made up of old picnic benches lined in rows, then the training area with three old boxing rings and some exercise machines. Finally, we got to the square with its terrifying podium at the center.

Leo wished me luck and I took the yearlong journey up the five steps to the podium. Finally, I switched on the microphone and started to wonder what they'd put in my obituary.

Xander John Silver age eighteen, shot to death by allies after making a decision everyone hated. Lived a decent life full of rebellion and stuff. At least he tried.

My father would have done better.

I started.

"Two months ago most of the adults in the Order were killed in a tragic bombing. Afterward, you decided to make me your leader. You placed your trust into my hands and for that I'm grateful.

"The reason I chose to lead is that I want to change the world. And this is the best way to do it. I know I can bring the Silver Order to victory.

Surprisingly I wasn't lying. Weird how truth can come out when you talk about something.

"Recently we've faced a threat that I'm sure all of you have heard of at this point. The Gold Order has developed a genetically engineered virus that's designed to kill 25 million innocent people.

"Now we don't have the firepower or manpower to stop them on our own. So I turned to the only source I could find for this power.

"The legion."

At this, the crowd started to boo. I didn't blame them, I sounded crazy. But I knew it was the right thing to do. I raised my voice.

"I know it's not ideal. But given access to the base imagine how easy it'll be to get their missile code or their bank passwords. And it's the only way to stop the virus.

"I need you to trust me. It's the only way we won't lose three percent of the world's population. It's the only way to avoid seventy-five of you dying slowly and painfully."

I would have continued but I got shot. Weird how adrenaline dulls the shock of a gunshot. I ducked under the podium and waited for more bullets.

But none came.

Instead, I heard shouting. I peeked out from behind the podium to see Kristin being dragged away by two boys. She was screaming obscenities about how the legion would kill us all.

I stood and as they saw me everyone began to clap.

Then I passed out.


Hey guys! Has Leo fully forgiven Xander for the kiss? What will happen to Kristin? Does the Silver Order really support the alliance? Please vote and comment, I want to know what you think!


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