Chapter 12, Xander

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All that mattered was that I'd saved her. The Devil was alive. The plan had not failed. Her father would surrender. He had to.

Izzie and Leo were glaring at me but Ian looked like he'd murder me any second. The Devil had been handcuffed to the table; I could see the metal digging tightly into her wrist.

On the counter were her knife and a pile of those metal things Izzie put in her hair sometimes. I had no idea where she's gotten the knife but it wasn't one of ours. She must've used the hairpins to pick the locks on her chains.

I glanced back at my friends. Still glaring. The tension was unbearable. I'd had to save her.

I spoke, hoping to ease the tension; "I had to give it to her. Her father will contact us; the plan will not be a failure. I promise."

"Why should we believe that Xan" Izzie retorted, she sounded angrier than I'd seen her in years, "You saw with your own eyes what she did to those guards. I love you but you can't save everyone."

"I say we shoot the little bitch in the head." Ian added.

Ian let out a yelp and bent down clutching his balls. The Devil was smirking and it was obvious she'd been the one to kick him there. He'd deserved it. I'd never really liked Ian; he was only here because he was one of the few adults who'd survived the last bombing.

"So I exist." The Devil reminded us, "And for your sakes I recommend we avoid the bullet in the head approach."

"I'm going to take her down to the basement." I said, hoping it would help everyone calm down.

"Good idea." Leo grumbled.

Izzie pulled out the key and unlocked the handcuffs. I grabbed her arm, careful not to hold to tight. She yanked it out of my hand.

"I can walk." She snapped.

She led the way down the stairs and I followed. It didn't really matter that she was supposed to be our prisoner. She boldly grabbed the cot and moved it to her spot. I couldn't care less. It was my watch anyway.

She sat on the cot and I picked up one of the chains and wrapped it around her ankle. I made sure it was only as tight as it had to be and moved on to the other.

I fastened the other and looked up at her face. She was stunning. I couldn't associate this girl with the Legion and what it had done to me. She was only 17. Then again I was only 18 and in charge of a huge network of rebels.

"I'm really sorry." I blurted. I honestly meant it.

"Why?" She asked. She acted like I'd told her the sky was green.

"You didn't ask for any of this, you didn't ask to have Death for a father and you definitely didn't ask to be kidnapped."

"You say that like I'm innocent."

"You don't have to be innocent to be human."

"I'm not human. Not in the way you're thinking. I've killed hundreds if not thousands of innocents. I am not good, I will never be good, and I don't ever want to be good. Stop trying to save me, I don't need to be saved."

"I know there's a little good in you. You could have killed us when you tried to escape, but you didn't."

"I'd been poisoned, I wasn't thinking straight. Next time you won't be so lucky."

"We'll see." I felt a smile creep across my face. "I should go."

I turned and made my way upstairs. She was right. The Devil was a cold-blooded killer, and she was far from innocent. But she wasn't pure evil, I saw good in her. I just couldn't see her killing me.

When I got upstairs I found my friends waiting for me in the living room. I sat down across from them ready to defend the plan.

"We can't just kill her." I opened, stating the obvious.

"Yes we can," Ian spoke, "You just point the gun and move your finger. If you can't find the balls to do so I'd be happy to help."

"I hate to say it but I'm with Ian" Leo added, "she's too big of a risk, you saw how she killed those men."

"Guys," It was Izzie this time, "I know exactly how you feel and I agree with you. But I also agree with Xander, what if we kill her and Death agrees to the terms the next day."

"That won't happen Iz." Leo snapped before continuing in a more quiet tone, "the plan was never a good one. Do you honestly think Death, the most feared an evil mad in the world would give up his empire for one girl. I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't give her a second thought."

Leo continued, "And even if he did care what's to stop him from giving us fake missile codes. It's not like we can test them to find out. I vote we kill her quickly and get it over with."

"No!" I yelled, and then I realized how loud I'd been. "That plan is our only chance. We are outnumbered and outmatched. They have more advanced weapons, stronger men, and a better leader. Yes it sucks, but what do you suggest we do?"

No one said anything. Izzie looked sad, torn. The anger that had been on Leo's face was gone, instead he looked hopeless. Ian had a look of fury on his face, but it didn't seem directed at me.

"Three days," I could barely hear Izzie as she spoke, "we told death five days, it's been two, but in three days one of us will kill her. It has to be done."

I knew it was the best I'd get; I just had to hope Death would respond soon. "Deal."




I was surprised Ian had agreed. It was a good compromise; I just hoped her father would surrender by Friday. Or that she'd manage to escape again. Anything would be better than having to watch those blue eyes close forever.

"Anything else you guys want to talk about?" I asked, not expecting anything.

No one spoke. They all looked as tired as I was.

"In that case, Izzie do you want to have crazy wild sex?" I asked with a laugh.

Leo fake gagged and Izzie jokingly winked. Ian just rolled his eyes and left. It was exactly as it had always been. This was my family; I hoped nothing would change for a long time.


Hi guys! Do you think Kate really has good in her? What do you think will happen in three days? Do you think Death cares what happens to his daughter? Please vote and comment, I want to know what you think!


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