Chapter 55, Kate

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Twenty guards from the Legion, eight soldiers from the Silver Order, Xander, Leo, Sam, and me. That was our team to save the world in one night.

We'd arrived half an hour ago and distributed bulletproof gear and weapons among the men from the Silver Order. Then after a briefing an only one fight to the death between two men (my guy won) we were ready to go.

The warehouse where Dick was keeping the virus was a terrible location to invade. Since the warehouse was in a large factory district it was surrounded by other buildings full of people.

Dick had easily rented the warehouse under a false name. Any other building could be hiding soldiers from the Gold Order.

Of course, the risk made it infinitely more fun.

I hadn't had an opportunity to go on a full-scale raid in months and was getting bored with minor fights and kidnapping attempts.

We had divided into four groups of Legion and Silver troops. Xander, Leo, Sam, and I each led one. We each entered through one of the four entrances.

I led my group through the labyrinth of old car parts piled throughout the dark building. Heat scans hadn't shown any life forms but we were still on edge.

We walked through the dark building, our footsteps echoing on concrete. My heart beat in excitement as we walked.

Then I saw the bright red light of a flare.

Someone had found the virus.

I led my group to the center of the building where the flare had been set off. We were finally going to end it.

We reached the center and met Xander, Leo, and Sam in an open clearing. There were about ten industrial-sized refrigerators spaced out around the circle.

"Who wants to open the first one," Xander asked.

It's my mission.

"I'll do it. We take inventory then destroy them all." I said.

Xander didn't protest.

It felt almost sad for everything to be over. The alliance would end and Xander and I would go back to trying to kill each other. No more kisses in the conference room or sweeping declarations of like.

Then again I didn't want to die of a painful super virus. And 25 million people would probably include someone important to my operation.

So I slowly walked forward, extended a hand, and opened the closest of the giant refrigerators. And instantly I regretted my stupidity.

Men burst out of the metal box and on cue, Gold Order Soldiers came out of all of the refrigerators. We were surrounded.

Before I could stop them two men grabbed my arms and pointed a gun at my head. It took me two seconds to escape but we were still surrounded by about ninety armed Gold Order men.

I had my gun in one hand and my knife in the other but we were significantly outnumbered. This would be a shitty way to die.

A full-color hologram of Dick Gold appeared in the center of the room and I cursed myself for falling into a trap. The look on his face was obnoxiously smug.

Too bad you can't stab a hologram.

Why hadn't I thought of refrigerators to block out the heat sensors? I'd have to have my people invent a way around that when we got back.

"Come to gloat Gold? To bad you're too scared to come here yourself or I might take you seriously." Xander said.

Xander had the look of someone trying very hard to be brave. It almost looked real and for that, I was proud of him.

"Brave words from the boy who fell for my trap. Awful convenient that there weren't any guards in the computer room. And that Rachel was just waiting to give you my password." Dick said.

Xander's face fell and I realized we'd been tricked. There had never been any spies, Xander had known where the base was the whole time, and we'd been dumb enough to fall for Dick's trick.

Dick continued, "You don't honestly think my own daughter would turn against me? Rachel is too loyal to turn over something as stupid as you letting her go."

Letting her go? What did Xander do?

Xander appeared to die inside. Oddly Sam had a hurt look on her face and I decided to ask her about it later. And with Leo focused on Xander that left me to take charge.

As usual.

"What do you want Dick? I have better things to do than hear you gloat all day." I said.

Dick's hologram simply turned to me and smiled.

"Don't worry Devil I won't waste your time for long. You'll only be asleep for a few hours." Dick said.

Then he disappeared.

And his men pulled on gas masks.

Immediately I sprung into action and my allies followed my lead. I managed to shoot and stab five Gold Order soldiers before I noticed a pale blue gas spreading through the room.

Electronic sedative. Knocked out instantly, woken with the push of a button.

I took a huge breath of air and began to fight while holding my breath. My suit was bulletproof, not airtight.

But we were outnumbered three to one and half of my men were already dead or knocked out.

I need air.

Three more men fell in front of me. It wouldn't be enough. I was out of bullets.


I turned around and started to run. Stabbing and slashing a path through the Gold Soldiers. Sam and Leo appeared beside me and we were running for our lives.

I want to breathe.

I couldn't see Xander. We kept on running. He had to get out somehow.


We made it into the labyrinth of car parts. Leo and Sam kept going but hands grabbed me from behind. I turned to fight.

Holy fuck I need oxygen.

The man in the gas mask kneed me in the stomach and I fell. Out of instinct, I took a deep breath before realizing my mistake.

I stabbed the man in the throat.

I got up and started to run.

I fell.

The world went black.


Hi guys! Is there another virus location? Are Xander Sam and Leo okay? What will happen to Kate now that she's been captured? Please vote and comment, I want to know what you think!


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