Chapter 46, Kate

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I'd decided Dr. Taylor had to die. He was too condescending, and he didn't respect my authority. At some point, he'd try to bypass my orders and go to my father.

I definitely wasn't going to let him find out where Death was.

I'd do it after he created the new version of the virus. I'd have better reason to when Xander didn't die of the new virus. He'd never forgive me, but he'd be alive.

Perfect. I didn't want him to forgive me. If he liked me I wouldn't be able to kill him as easily. It would be so much easier for us to hate each other as fate had intended.

He'd arrive any minute.

Xander and I had messaged each other and decided the Legion base was the safest place to meet. I was surprised he'd agree to come here; I definitely wouldn't go to the Silver order base on my own.

Chaos was chewing on a toy up in the corner of the sitting room I'd decide we'd meet in. The puppy was getting better at his training and I had confidence he'd be the world's most adorable attack dog in no time.

Then Chaos started barking at the door. A maid opened it and Xander Silver himself walked through. Chaos sniffed Xander's leg as if checking for weapons before jumping onto the couch beside me.

"Cute puppy, I didn't know you were a dog person," Xander remarked.

"I'm really not, this one just kind of grows on you," I said, then I turned to the maid waiting by the door. "Tell the kitchen I want the grilled salmon and asparagus dish they made me last week and a glass of club soda with lime. Xander do you want something?"

"Can I have a BLT and some fries and a root beer please." He asked charismatically.

"And two slices of chocolate cake," I added.

"Of course ma'am." The maid nodded and left the room to give the kitchen our orders.

"So to business then?" Xander asked.

"Of course. Our top priority is to get the virus location so we can destroy it. I assume your people working with the Gold Order can get the location?"

"Of course. The only trouble is that Gold is away at the moment and we can't contact him, but as soon as he's back we can get the information."


Gold was probably checking on the virus. I didn't particularly care that we were running behind, it gave me more time to work out what to do about Dr. Taylor's plans.

"Well he better get back soon, we only have a week to destroy the virus before it kills me." I snapped.

Xander wasn't going to know I didn't care.

"I'm sure he will Kate. Do we have a plan for once we get the location?"

"Pink mist them and go in guns blazing."

"Won't a lot of people die if we do that?"

No, they'll just let us take the virus, maybe offer us snacks first.

"More will die if we don't stop Gold. Do you at least know where the Gold Order base is?"

"No, I can put people on that though."

"I have an entire department on that, I highly doubt you can find what they haven't"

"I feel like you're underestimating me."

"I doubt it."

Then Xander reached into the bag I hadn't registered he was carrying. My hand instantly went to my gun. He wouldn't really be dumb enough to attempt to kill me in my own base.

Then he took out a single rose and I didn't want to shoot him anymore.

"I know it's cheesy and stupid and I have absolutely no business giving you this. But we've kissed twice now, and I can't get you out of my head."

You're bringing me a fucking rose?

He was bringing me flowers. We weren't even in a relationship and he was buying roses. I'd made two mistakes and I wasn't making a third.

But the idiot had brought me a rose. And I hadn't been able to get him out of my head either. So instead of going with my instincts and smashing the flower, I took it.

I instinctively went to run my finger over the thorns but there weren't any.

"It doesn't have any thorns. What's the point without thorns?"

"I think the florist removes them, why do you want thorns?"

"Because roses without thorns are sad. It's like if you took away my knife. They're defenseless."

"That's oddly poetic. I'll get it with thorns next time."

Then I was kissing him. And I was on top of him as we collapsed onto the couch. Then it was interrupted by a knock at the door.

I pulled away just as a waiter walked in with our food on a silver platter. He set the tray down and left the room with a respectful nod.

I grabbed my plate and dug into the perfectly cooked salmon. I was starving. Xander took a bite out of his sandwich.

"This is amazing," Xander mumbled through a mouthful of sandwich.

"We just kissed again," I said, after swallowing my food.

"Uh-huh." He took another bite.

"That's three times now. And we've never talked about it before."

"Yup." He took a third bite.

Why won't he put the fucking sandwich down?

"Why the fuck do we keep kissing?"

"I haven't the faintest idea. But I really don't want to stop."

"But it has to stop Xander."

"Why does it have to stop Kate?"

"Because we're supposed to be enemies. I'm supposed to poison your drink then offer you the antidote in exchange for your base location, don't drink that by the way. I'm not supposed to kiss you."

Poisoning the drink hadn't been my idea but I hadn't been able to think of a good reason to refuse. So I'd let Lia slip something into Xander's drink.

"You poisoned my drink?"

"I wasn't going to let it kill you."

"And as for what you said we aren't enemies. Right now we're allies, and allies don't have to hate or kill each other. And I think I might be falling for you, and I can't explain why. You're evil, but I don't really care right now."

I am evil. At least I have that going for me.

"We won't be allies forever Xander."

He'd never join the Legion. He wouldn't abandon everything he'd ever fought for to be with me. And I wouldn't give up everything to join the Silver Order as Xander Silver's second in command.

"Then we'll stop when this is over."

"It ends when Gold is dead."

And then we were kissing again.


Hi guys! Will Kate find out that Xander's lying about Gold? What do you think of kisses three and four? Will it really end when Gold is dead? Please vote and comment, I want to know what you think!


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