Chapter 51, Audrey

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Sam had me pinned to the floor.

I refused to tap out. Sam had a smug look on her face and I wouldn't give her the satisfaction of beating me again. I tried to twist free but she was too strong.

Then I remembered the move Sam had showed me earlier.

I put my foot next to her ankle, pushed my hips up, and rolled grabbing her neck as I went. Sam was pushed to the side and a moment later my dulled training knife was out of my belt and at her throat.

Realizing I'd won I let her up.

"Good job with that move Audrey." Sam said, "You get why you need to use your foot for leverage?"

"I do. Can we keep going?"

I was getting stronger. Gold and Doc wouldn't be able to hurt me anymore. I would be too strong.

"I'd love to but I have a senator to meet with. Why don't you explore for a bit."

Due to some of Sam's meetings we'd flown to DC on an actual private jet. I hadn't gotten a chance to look around the new base.

"Sounds good. See you later."

Sam and I walked out of the training area and split apart as I went back to my room. I showered and changed into a cute blue blouse, green skirt, and flats.

As I finished weaving my hair into a braid my x-com started to beep. I picked it up and saw it was my mom calling. I answered and her face came up on the hologram.

"Hey, honey! Sorry if I'm interrupting you at work but I was wondering if I'd left my green sweater at your place last week."

I'd lived in a small apartment in Maryland ten minutes from the Gold Order base. When I'd arrived at the new base the Legion had somehow brought all of my possessions over.

"I'll look, it's bound to be in my closet somewhere. Speaking of which I moved a couple days ago."

I walked into my massive walk-in closet and started to go through drawers.

"What? How did you possibly find and move into a whole new apartment in two days?"

"A friend was moving and needed someone to rent her place, she helped me move and here I am. It's in a much safer neighborhood."

My mom looked around and seemed to take in the size of my new closet. And the amount of new clothes courtesy of the Legion.

"Sweetheart, how are you affording all of this? It's okay to tell me if you moved in with a boyfriend you know."

Classic mom, always worried about my love life.

"I don't have a boyfriend mom. I did, however, get a raise at work."

At the mention of my fake success, my mother perked up. I found her sweater in between two others from an expensive designer.

"Oh, baby I'm so proud of you! Now would you please ask your boss for that recommendation for law school?"

My mother still thought I was a secretary for the department of labor. Something I didn't intend to correct her on. If the Gold Order was too dangerous to tell her about the Legion definitely was.

"For the last time mom I'm not interested in law school. Found your sweater."

"Thanks love. Where is your new place by the way? I'd love to come help you settle in."

I'd come up with a solution to the where-I-actually-live conundrum a while ago. I couldn't really explain away living in a Legion base.

"It's in DC, in that new apartment building on 13thstreet."

My mother was extremely superstitious despite living in 2120 where we had science. She avoided the number 13 like the plague.

"13thstreet? Are you sure you'll be safe there, I don't want anything bad to happen to you."

"I'll be fine mom, how about I come visit you next Thursday?"

"That sounds good angel. You can bring those blueberry muffins you're so good at."

"I will. I should go, my lunch break ends in ten minutes and I should get back."

"Alright, I love you."

"Love you too mom."

I hung up and decided to go see if I could borrow a car for this upcoming Thursday. Sam had said they were free for the ghosts to use.

Sam had been so welcoming and helpful during my time here. I just couldn't believe a sixteen-year-old girl was so high up in the Legion. She should have been obsessing over boys in high school.

I walked through the training area; unlike in Manhattan there wasn't a set Ghost compound but a general training wing and some bedrooms.

I got in the elevator and started down to the garage to see about reserving a car. Then the elevator stopped.

The doors slid open and a tall, imposing man walked in. I glanced up at him and fought the urge to run.

He was wearing an expensive-looking suit and solid jet-black mask that covered his entire face. A mask Death himself was famous for.

I averted my eyes hoping he wouldn't kill me on a whim. He could do that and have no questions asked.

I'd heard so many horror stories about the man standing five feet away from me in an elevator. A small, inescapable, elevator.

"Who are you?" Death asked, his voice was icily calm.

I forgot my own name.

"Ummmmm... It-it's Audrey Fields sir."

"And why are you in my elevator?"

"I-I um... I'm a Ghost trainee, I'm umm just going to ask about a car, sir."

"Yes, I believe my daughter mentioned you at some point." He smiled, seeming to enjoy my terror.

Then I decided that was ridiculous. I had every right to be here, I was under the protection of the Devil herself. I didn't have to be afraid.

So I stood a little taller and looked Death in the eye.

The elevator stopped at my floor.

"Have a nice day," I told Death.


Hey guys! What do you think of Audrey's training? Will Audrey's parents find out what she actually does? What do you think of Death? Please vote and comment, I want to know what you think!


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