Chapter 64, Xander

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We were gathered in the mess hall in the center of the Gold order base. Charlie was talking to his men about their new leadership.

The Gold order was mine.

With Charlie's forces joining mine, not to mention more resources and a new base, we would match the legion. For once we wouldn't be the underdogs.

And with Kate's knowledge of the Legion, we'd be truly unstoppable.

All I had to do was ask her to join us.

And after what Madeline had said about her father I'd be helping her get away from him.

She was over with Gold's daughter. The girl hadn't stopped crying since her father's death. I didn't get it, the man was a monster, and she'd been the one to kill him.

Still, Kate seemed to care about Rachel so I'd give her a place in the Order.

I walked over to them and both girls looked up at me. Rachel has tears running down her face and Kate had a protective arm around her.

"Kate, can I talk to you alone for a minute?" I asked.

"Can't you see I'm busy Xander? We can talk later." Kate said, annoyed.

"Okay. Just find me before you leave." I said, turning to leave.

"Wait," Rachel said softly, "You should go, Kate, I'm going to go talk to my brother."

"Alright, I'll find you later so we can go back to my base. You're going to love it with the other Ghosts."

Rachel smiled at that. She'd be happier at the Silver order though. I don't know why Kate thought the Legion was a good place for someone like Rachel.

Kate and I walked side by side out of the mess hall and into an empty hallway. Our footsteps echoed off the concrete floors.

"So what did you want to talk about?" Kate asked.

Where do I even start?

"Remember when we said our relationship would end when Gold was dead?"

Kate's face hardened.


"Well, I don't want it to end. I don't ever want us to be enemies ever again."

"I don't want to be enemies either. But we're still on different sides of a war."

"What if we didn't have to be? Kate, I want you to join the Silver Order."

I grinned at the beautiful girl with the bright blue eyes. This was the first moment of the rest of our lives. The minute we'd tell our grandkids about.

But Kate didn't smile back. Instead, her face was perfectly blank.

"You want me to co-lead the Silver Order?" she asked, her tone as emotionless as her face.

"Well not exactly... I want you as my third in command. I wish you could co-lead but my men wouldn't trust you enough to follow you."

I could never let Death's daughter lead the Silver Order, none of my men would follow her. No matter how good she was.

It was as if I'd insulted her the way Kate got angry at me.

"So you expect me to give up everything I've ever worked for at the Legion. Come to the Silver Order. And accept you as my leader?" She snapped.

"It's not like that Kate. I want us to be together."

I love her. Why can't that be enough?

"So if I asked you to join the Legion you'd say yes. You'd come and be my third in command and work for me. You'd abandon your life's work for me?"

Of course, I'd never join the Legion.

"Your father would kill me though. Or your men."

"And you can guarantee nobody would try to kill me at the Silver Order? And my men do what I tell them to, they wouldn't hurt you."

"I'd protect you."

"I don't need protection. Now answer the question, what's so different about you joining the Legion?"

Kate's hand was on her knife and her eyes were on fire. Why was she so angry?

"The Legion's evil. But you aren't Kate; you can be good if you join us. You can help so many people." I begged.

She had to see that I was right.

"Good and evil are fairy tales Xander. And you're stupid enough to believe them. I'd rather die than spend the rest of my life taking orders from you."

Kate turned and stormed off. I chased after her and suddenly I was grabbing her wrist.

"Kate please I love you. I don't want to lose you."

Kate yanked her arm out of my grip.

"And what if that isn't enough? What if I have more ambition than being your girlfriend?"

"So you'd rather be your father's attack dog than my equal? He doesn't deserve your loyalty."

"I'm not an attack dog, I'm the second most powerful person in the world."

"But you won't be for long. We almost outnumber you. You aren't going to win; I just want you to be okay. Kate please."

"Even if you win I'd rather die fighting than join you."

"I know your father used to hurt you." I blurted.

The color drained from Kate's face as she pulled her knife on me.

"How could you possibly know that? Nobody knows about that." Her voice was deadly calm.

"You talked in your sleep when we kidnapped you." I lied. "But you can't want to work for a man like that for the rest of your life."

"You're right. That's why I don't work for him."

Kate lunged forward, pinning me against the wall with her knife at my throat.

"Kate, please. I love you." I begged.

She won't kill me. We love each other.

"I don't care."

The knife drew a thin line of blood.

"He's just going to keep hurting you, let me help you."

"No. He's not."

A single drop of blood ran down my neck.

"You can't be sure. Kate please."

I put a hand on her wrist and looked into her eyes. She wouldn't kill me.

"Xander I killed my father when I was fourteen. He killed my mother so I killed him with this exact knife."

"But what about Death?"

"Xander, I am Death."

The End.


Holy shit I finished writing a book!!!

Read on for an authors note and info on the sequel!

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