Chapter 53, Xander

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Walking into the Legion for the second time wasn't nearly as terrifying as the first time. The guards simply glanced at me as I passed and Madeline was waiting for me in the lobby.

I walked over to her, attempting confidence. I wanted to be known as the respected leader of the Silver order, not a scared kid.

"Hold your head a little higher next time." Madeline greeted me.

"I'm sorry?" I said.

"If you're trying to act confident, you don't want to look at the guards' nametags you want to look them in the eyes."

Madeline started to walk and I unquestioningly followed.

"I'll work on that next time."

"You're just like her you know. Whenever she does something wrong she doesn't make excuses, she fixes it."

Madeline had a motherly look on her face, a look similar to the one my father got when he gave me life lessons. And then I realized she was talking about Kate.

"You think I'm like Kate. Because I'm nothing like her. Kate's decisive and strong and badass, she's a natural-born leader."

"Most people would have brought up their morals when compared to Kate. Called her evil and moved on. Why didn't you?"

Why didn't I?

Because Kate was more than just evil. She was a whole human being, not a stereotype.

"Because she's more than that."

"She definitely is. You know she's never killed one of us maids; she'll kill guards from time to time but never a maid. Always promotes or fires us if we do something wrong. Worst case scenario she'll fake a death."

"How do you know she fakes the death?"

"Because I know everything around here. At least I do until someone finds out, in which case I know my dusting schedule and how Kate likes her blouses organized."

"Why do you even work in a place like this? We could get you out, help you find a normal life."

"You are so much like your mother, I mention I know everything happening in the Legion headquarters and you want to help me find a normal life. You didn't even ask for information I definitely have."

"You're a person, not a database. Do you want help?"

In reality, Madeline's information would be extremely useful. But people are more important than secrets.

"No. I'm happy here; my daughter is one of the Ghosts. I like you Xander but I'm loyal."

"I understand. But if you change your mind I'm here."

Madeline gave me a sad look and I knew she'd never take my offer. I wondered about her daughter, maybe I'd seen or even fought her at some point.

"Speaking of here."

We got to the familiar door of the sitting room where Kate and I met a few days ago. I knocked and when I glanced behind me Madeline was gone.

Kate called for me to come in and I entered the room and sat down next to her.

"978 Druthers Street, Baltimore Maryland." I declared.

I'd decided opening with the virus location was a good idea.

"Please tell me that's a virus location," Kate said.

She was trying to maintain her composure but he was clearly excited.

"It is. Gold finally got back to me and my agent got the location."

She doesn't need to know about the loss of the betrayal. Or the second virus location.

"I'll send a team in first thing tomorrow. We'll destroy the virus then hopefully kill Gold."

I'll send a team. Not we'll go.

"I want to bring people too, it's my location I should have a part in this."

Kate pondered my fate as if deciding on what to get for lunch. I had every right to come on this raid.

"Ten people, including you. That's my only offer."

It was more than I was expecting.


"Did your agent find out if Dick's going to be there at some point? In the ideal scenario, we'll kill him during the raid."

Gold would never leave his base unless he absolutely had to.

"I doubt he'd get his hands dirty. My guess is he'll send guards to pick it up. Also, I love how you call Richard Gold Dick."

Kate had a beautiful laugh.

"Well he is a dick, and the opportunity's right there. You should see how he reacts when I say it to his face."

Then we were both laughing. Leaning against each on the couch like a couple of regular teenagers.

Maybe we could be regular teenagers, if only for a few minutes. Maybe we could have it all. Maybe everything would be ok.

"We have to stop. Xander we can't keep doing this." Kate said.

Maybe we were still supposed to be enemies.

"If that's what you want I'll obviously respect your wishes. If you want me to get up and walk out that door and not show up tomorrow I will. If you want me to keep trying to kill you I'll try. But only if that's what you want."

I meant it. Kate deserved respect above all, she wasn't a love interest she was a person.

"It's not what I want. But it is what needs to happen."

It's not what she wants.


Why couldn't we just be happy?

"Because I've sacrificed too much for the Legion to give it up for a boy I've barely known a week."

She stood as if to leave. I wanted to stop her but it was her choice.

And even though I'd only known her for a few weeks it was enough time to know I cared about her.

"I'm not asking you to give anything up. I'm asking for kisses in between battles and plotting Gold's death over sandwiches. And I'm only asking, whatever you choose I respect you."

I'd take whatever she'd give me.

"But what if it ends?"

"It will end. Kate, we live in a world where a stray bullet or a few drops of poison could end everything. In this world, we need to love quickly and desperately since we don't have time to wait for something easy."

Izzie and I had gone through the same thing. We'd been worried about having a relationship during a war. But love was worth the risk.

Not that I loved her yet.

"It has to end when Gold's dead. Until then we risk it all." Kate said.

"We risk it all."

It's worth the risk.


Hi guys! Who is Madeline's daughter? Will Kate find out about the virus at the Gold Order base? Is love worth the risk? Please vote and comment, I want to know what you think!


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