Chapter 56, Derek

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That was the second time my sister had to go and get herself kidnapped. Sure she'd escape in a few days and probably kill Silver and Gold in the process but it was still getting on my nerves.

With Death gone that left me to run things around the base.

Kate would return, a smile on her face, covered in the blood of her enemies, and tell me an over-exaggerated story of how they all died. And then someone would walk in and she'd snap orders at them.

But for now, I was in charge.

I was definitely good at it. And at the same height as my mask-wearing father, nobody would even question whether or not I was him.

My father had skipped out on a meeting when I was seventeen and I'd stood in. I'd been doing it ever since and with Death gone my presence was even more needed than usual.

So it was with the mask on that I walked to my first meeting of the day.

I got to my helicopter and it took me to the Legion's food processing plant in Virginia. Although it was run under the name Independence Foodsthe Legion controlled most of the world's food production.

After the war, America couldn't import anything. So my father had set up a means of food production. Originally it was just for profit but with the help of my mom and Kate, it had grown into a quality food supplier that kept a big part of the nation from going hungry.

Of course, Kate kept that mostly secret. To the outside world, it was simply Independence Foods, a company whose profits were frequently stolen by the Legion.

"The only way to lead is through fear and nobody fears the good guy." –Grayson Ballard.

My father's message to me when I was a kid. He was a shit father but a great leader.

Kate and my father were the leaders. My mom and I were the supporters. They changed the world and we kept them alive long enough to do so.

The helicopter landed in front of the factory and I got out and walked towards the front entrance. There were guards lined up in two rows along the sidewalk and they all saluted as I walked past.

I couldn't help but love the respect I got as Death.

The fear in their eyes was exhilarating. I could change their lives with the snap of my fingers, whether for better or worse.

I made my way through the building and up to the factory manager's office. Either Kate or I inspected the factory every other month.

The factory manager was six inches shorter than me and in truth that was why I'd hired him. That and he could run a factory.

The 5'6 man who I knew was named Jim but Kate and I never called him the right name walked into the room. He was wearing the same $300 tailored blue suit and green tie as always.

By comparison, my suit cost more than a sports car and it wasn't even my best one. And mine didn't have a coffee stain on the left pocket.

"John good to see you again, how are the wife and kids? Are Carrie and Lucy still at Rockwood Prep?" I greeted him, smiling a little at the nervous look on his face.

"The family's good sir. Ready to start the tour, sir?" Jim asked.

"I'm very ready to start my inspection Jack," I said as I walked out of the room, Jim following.

We made our way through the five buildings of the factory complex. They processed fruits, vegetables, dairy products, meat, and seafood.

I found things satisfactory as usual until we got to the loading dock. Most of the food was being sent to various grocery stores but a few trucks of rejects were being sent to homeless shelters.

"Jaime, why are we sending the worst quality food to the homeless shelters?" I asked.

"Well-Um your daughter told us to give it to the last time she was here. She also killed a man when he questioned her decision." Jim said, putting all of the blame on Kate.

"Yes, Kate tends to do that. Most people have learned not to question her by now." I said.

"Well, she is a little headstrong. Reminds by of Lucy when she was Kate's age." Jim said, as if to an equal.

"Did you just compare my second in command to a rebellious teenager? Because I could very easily tell Kate what you said." I said.

If Kate found out Jim wouldn't last a week. I probably wouldn't tell her when she got back from being kidnapped. Of course, Jim didn't need to know any of that.

"No, I'm sorry sir. Please don't tell her." Jim begged.


"I'll decide when I see her later. About the homeless shelters though why did my daughter say to send them the food?"

Calling my sister my daughter still felt weird.

"She said it was cheaper than disposing of the unusable food sir. And that it's a good way to manipulate the public into liking us."

"Well, I say we can exploit it further. You said we're understaffed in the fruit department. We can use the people at the shelter as workers. That way we won't have to bother with feeding them."

"Of course sir." Jim paused. "But what about the addicts and the people too incompetent to work here."

"Rehab Tim. The local shelters are in a competitor's territory, we pull out their drug business and I earn more money. As for incompetence, it's factory work, not rocket science."

"Yes, sir. You're right sir."

"Of course I'm right. Contact the shelter about the workers and find an orphanage or somewhere to send the food. Child labor is frowned upon so it's not like we'd be wasting a work source."

"Yes, sir. I'll get right on that sir."

"In that case, we're done here, Joel. Give my best to the wife and kids."

"I will sir."

I walked out of the factory and back to my helicopter.

Kate and I would laugh later over how I convinced a guy helping homeless people was a brilliant strategic move.

I loved my job.


Hello People! What do you think of Derek point of view? Could Derek ever exploit his resemblance to his father? Is the Legion secretly doing good? Please vote and comment, I want to know what you think!


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