Chapter 62, Xander

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Finally, we were there.

The virus and the cure were in front of me. I could finally save the world. Millions of people wouldn't have to die.

I was almost sad at the prospect of fighting with Kate again. Once the virus was destroyed the alliance would end and we'd go back to being enemies.

Maybe we wouldn't have to.

Kate wasn't a bad person. She had so much good in her and maybe if I got her away from her father she would realize she didn't have to be evil.

We could fight together against her father.

Together we could be unstoppable. And we wouldn't have to hide out relationship anymore. If all went well we could spend the rest of our lives together.

Of course, I was getting ahead of myself.

With the help of three Gold Order guards Kate was packing vials of the virus cure into a padded cooler. She would take them back to a scientist at the legion who could replicate and spread the cure.

"Are you sure we can trust her? She is Death's daughter after all." Charlie said walking up to me.

"I would trust her with my life. She always acts like she's this ruthless monster but underneath she has a big heart. And she's practically on our side at this point." I said.

And it was true. At this point, I would trust Kate with my life. We'd saved each other already and I didn't doubt she'd help me again.

"Good to know. Speaking of ruthless monsters what's our plan for Gold?" Charlie asked.

"Like Kate said earlier he can't stay in power anymore. Whether we kill him or simply kick him to the curb is up to you."

Charlie paused for a moment to think. I could only imagine what was going through his head as he decided what to do with a man he once fought for.

"I say we kill him." Charlie declared. "He tried to kill 25 million innocent people. And you should see how horrible he treats his children. Some monsters just don't deserve to live anymore."

"Good. We'll kill him then." I said.

"One more thing Xander, after Gold's dead I say we join forces. There's no good reason for the Silver Order and the Gold Order to be separate once Gold is dead. And with you as our leader and us outnumbering the Legion, we'll be unstoppable."

I didn't even pause to think.


We shook on it.

Kate would be happy for us and Death wouldn't stand a chance.

I looked over to Kate as she set off a force field bomb around the refrigerator full of virus. In a single explosion, the world was saved.

She got two of the remaining vials of virus cure and walked over to Charlie and me.

"Just in case you guys don't trust me." She said, handing us each a vial.

"I trust you completely," I told Kate, giving her back the vial.

"Your mistake Silver." She said smiling.

Charlie pocketed his.

"So what's the plan Devil? Are you just going to distribute the cure then go back to trying to kill us?" Charlie asked Kate.

She stopped to think for a moment and I could see her trying to make a decision. Maybe she really did want to join us.

"I'm definitely going to distribute the cure. After that I'm not sure, I've discovered Silver and I work well together." She said.

And it was true; we did work rather well together. I was really falling for this girl. She was beautiful and smart, and badass.

"Good answer for someone who's surrounded by Gold Order men. I wonder what you'd say if you had any power here." Charlie said.

Before I could step in Kate's hand went to her knife and her eyes filled with fury.

"Need I remind you that I'm the only one with a way to distribute the cure. If you try anything millions of people will die. Not to mention the fact that if you try to hurt me or even so much as disrespect me again you will be the first person I kill before I leave.

"Are you really willing to risk the lives of millions just so you can insult me?"

Charlie was left speechless.

I couldn't blame him.

"Now if you don't mind boys we really should get going. We have to kill Dick and get going." Kate said in a much cheerier tone.

As if on cue a group of four Gold Order soldiers burst into the room. One man was clutching a bleeding wound on his arm and another woman was leaning on a man for support.

"Gold's fighting back. He managed to convince about a third of us to fight for him, we outnumber him but they still have guns."

"Where's Gold? If we can kill him maybe it'll stop." Charlie said.

"I'm right here Charlie. And might I say I'm rather disappointed in you. To think I trusted you."

Richard Gold himself strode into the room followed by twenty men and his daughter. He was spotless despite the bloody tired appearances of his guards.

Rachel was in tears and bleeding from a cut on her cheek. I almost felt sorry for the girl. Almost. She'd still lied to me.

We were outnumbered.

With a gesture of his hand and four gunshots, the soldiers who'd tried to warn us were dead. Rachel whimpered and Gold grabbed her wrist to keep her from running.

Kate pulled her gun and Charlie and I followed her lead.

Gold simply chuckled, I wanted to shoot the smug look off of his annoying face.

"No need to be rude. Simply put your weapons down and I can kill you all quickly and escape." Gold said.

To emphasize Gold's point his men aimed their weapons at us. Reluctantly I lowered my gun. Charlie and Kate did the same. We couldn't die like this.

"What do you want Dick? Your base is rebelling; you're not going to make it out alive. Surrender and we let you live." Kate said.

"Or...since I'm going to die anyway I might as well take you down with me. Kill them all."


Hey guys! Will they get the virus cure to the world? Will Kate ever join the Silver order? Will Gold kill them all or die trying? Please vote and comment, I want to know what you think!


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