Chapter 52, Kate

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Not stabbing Dr. Taylor was becoming increasingly difficult as he continued to speak. My hand went to my knife as if trying to decide for me.

Then he finally shut up.

Apparently it was extremely important for him to explain to me how genetics work in order to make sure the new virus wouldn't affect me.

"Dr. Taylor as interesting as this has been I have better things to do. Are you done drawing my blood?" I asked.

I was meeting with Xander in ten minutes.

"I'm done. Now I just need a sample from your father, Richard Gold, and Xander Silver."

I reached into my jacket pocket and pulled out two plastic bags.

I'd sent a team to the warehouse where we'd found Audrey. They'd found a few strands of hair that, when tested, were shown to belong to Dick.

As for Xander's sample, it came from a dead guard who looked a lot like him and would probably have similar genes. As I never paid attention to Dr. Taylor I didn't know that much about genetics.

I'll have to study tonight to avoid looking stupid.

"Here's the sample from Dick and the one from Xander," I said, handing the bags to Dr. Taylor.

"And the one from your father?" he asked, as if it were a simple request.

"If you think I'm going to give a DNA sample from the most powerful person in the world to an amateur geneticist you're dumber than you look. Make the virus using the samples from Derek and me, my father will get a vaccine."


"But nothing Dr. Taylor. Now, do as I say before I decide my dislike for you outweighs my use for this virus."

As I finished my threat I turned and walked out of the room. Sure I was being unreasonable but I had every right to be. And I definitely wasn't giving Dr. Taylor any of my father's DNA.

I walked through the base and into the sitting room where Xander and I were meeting for the second time. I sat on the couch and idly flipped through some confidential files of my x-com.

Then someone knocked at the door and I called for them to come in. Xander walked in and closed the door behind him.

He sat down next to me on the couch.

"978 Druthers Street, Baltimore Maryland." He said.

"Please tell me that's a virus location," I said.

"It is. Gold finally got back to me and my agent got the location."

Finally, we were getting somewhere. I was starting to worry Xander was lying to me.

"I'll send a team in first thing tomorrow. We'll destroy the virus then hopefully kill Gold."

"I want to bring people too, it's my location I should have a part in this."

I considered for a moment, it was a reasonable request. We could do it on our own but if increasing the Silver Order casualties was what he wanted then I didn't see why not.

"Ten people, including you. That's my only offer."


"Did your agent find out if Dick's going to be there at some point? In the ideal scenario, we'll kill him during the raid."

"I doubt he'd get his hands dirty. My guess is he'll send guards to pick it up. Also, I love how you call Richard Gold Dick."

I laughed; for once it was genuine rather than mocking.

"Well he is a dick, and the opportunity's right there. You should see how he reacts when I say it to his face."

Xander laughed too. And we were leaning against each other laughing about a stupid power move. And for once I relaxed.

And then I remembered who I was. I didn't get to laugh over dumb jokes with Xander Silver. I didn't get to let my guard down.

"We have to stop. Xander we can't keep doing this." I said.

I meant every word. I couldn't be weak.

Xander paused as if thinking. His beautiful green eyes looked almost sad as he came to the conclusion I'd already reached.

"If that's what you want I'll obviously respect your wishes. If you want me to get up and walk out that door and not show up tomorrow I will. If you want me to keep trying to kill you I'll try. But only if that's what you want."

I summoned my coldness. I built a shield of ice around my heart and ordered it to protect me. I looked Xander in the eye and prepared to tell him it was over.

"It's not what I want. But it is what needs to happen."


Why? Because I can't be weak. It's not worth the risk.

"Because I've sacrificed too much for the Legion to give it up for a boy I've barely known a week."

I stood about to walk out. He wasn't worth it. He wasn't.

"I'm not asking you to give anything up. I'm asking for kisses in between battles and plotting Gold's death over sandwiches. And I'm only asking, whatever you choose I respect you."

There was a guard who joked I was a stripper. Another who thought I needed to be tamed. Three who'd mistaken me for a maid. Countless people asking for my father.

And one boy who respected me as an equal.

"But what if it ends?" I asked.

"It will end. Kate, we live in a world where a stray bullet or a few drops of poison could end everything. In this world, we need to love quickly and desperately since we don't have time to wait for something easy."

He made a good point.

I sat back down and kissed him, cementing my decision to risk everything. I'd known him for a little over a week. But if I was willing to do this it had to be worth it.

As we broke apart I made a decision. He was worth the risk, but not worth losing everything.

"It has to end when Gold's dead. Until then we risk it all."

"We risk it all."


Hello people! What do you think of Kate not giving Dr. Taylor her father's DNA? How will the virus raid go? Will Kate and Xander's relationship end badly? Please vote and comment, I want to know what you think!


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