Chapter 1

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Some of you may be coming here from my BEN Drowned x reader and if you are then hello!

But if you're new here, then welcome! I hope you enjoy my story and don't be afraid to comment!


Hi. My name is (Y/N) (L/N) and I'm 18 years old. I recently graduated from high school and moved out of my parents house. I'm just an average person really. My friends say I'm very basic and I'd have to agree. Anyway, this is my story.

Instead of going to college right after high school, I decided to take a year off to figure out what I really wanted to do with my life. I mean sure I had some ideas but I still wasn't sure what route I wanted to take. Anddddd I kinda needed to get a job so I could actually afford college.

My parents helped me get an apartment and they even laid my rent for the month. But after that one month, I'll have to pay it on my own. I rubbed my face as I clicked through several websites trying to find a job I could tolerate.

It was kind of hard considering I didn't like people very much. I'm just really bad at making conversation. I continued to scroll until my eyes landed on something that seemed promising.


Curious, I clicked on the link. If I can't find a job, I might as well take what I can get. Right?
I read the information.

"We are going on vacation for a few weeks and our usual sitter cancelled last minute! We need someone reliable to watch over our house for about two weeks while we attend an important business trip. We'd like it if you could sleep at the house as well so it isn't broken in to. We will pay you $85/day which would also include food expenses. Please call this number ***-***-**** if you are interested!"

I read over the ad one more time. $85 a day for two weeks totals to... $1190! That didn't seem bad at all. Plus I get food! And how hard could it be to basically live in someone's house for them? I decided to call the number.


"Ah yes, I was calling about your ad. I'm interested in being your house sitter."

"Perfect! Could we just get your information? Name, age, etc?"

"Oh of course. My name is (Y/N) (L/N), I'm 18 years old and my number is ***-***-****."

"You're quite young aren't you? Hmm. Normally I wouldn't let someone your age watch our house because you may throw parties but... well we really need someone to watch the house."

"I can assure you that I don't plan on throwing any parties. I'm a very quiet kind of person."

"Well. Alright. Since you read the ad, you are aware that we expect you to stay at the house for two weeks, correct?"


"Okay. You're hired."

I mentally cheered. That was strangely really easy. Well... they seemed desperate so I'm sure it's nothing sketchy. After all they said their last sitter quit last minute.

We went over the details for a bit longer before we finally hung up and I decided to start packing my bags. They wanted me to be there tomorrow. I can't believe they couldn't find anyone until now! I wonder what they would've done if I didn't call?

I put all the things I would need in a suitcase as well as in a backpack. Then I decided to take a shower and unpack my apartment a bit more. Although, it's not like it mattered since I wouldn't be living here for two weeks...

-time skip-

"Okay, (Y/N) here's the keys and once again, I left you a list of everything you need to know on the kitchen counter." Rebecca told me. I nodded my head and waved both her and her husband off. They seemed like a nice couple, although it seemed like they were in a hurry to leave. It must be an important business trip I guess.

The house was beautiful. What do these guys do for a living?! It looked so expensive! I'd have to try really hard not to break anything during my stay. I walked inside the house and locked the door behind me before heading to the kitchen to see what she left me.

On the counter sat a long piece of white paper. I picked it up and began to read:

1. Please keep all the doors and windows locked at all times.
2. Close the curtains and blinds tightly at night.
3. There are people who sometimes like to knock on the door at odd hours,don't answer the door no matter what. They're very annoying and will do anything to get you to open the door.

I paused as I read number three. It was kind of an odd thing to put on there. Maybe they have homeless people living nearby? Or perhaps annoying teens? I brushed it off and continued reading.

4. Although, the woods seem lovely, please don't go adventuring there at night. Our neighborhood has a strongly enforced curfew.

I paused again. Why couldn't she just tell me there was a curfew? Was the part about the woods really necessary? I shook my head. She seemed like an odd person.

5. Feel free to eat whatever food you can find around the house. We would prefer you don't leave to go grocery shopping unless you really need to.

6. We'd like the house to remain clean so please keep it that way.

7. No friends allowed.

8. You can sleep in whatever room you'd like.

9. The power goes out sometimes, but don't worry it will come back on eventually. Don't bother messing with it.

10. Stay safe!

I sighed and set the paper back on the counter. These people were definitely a little odd. I mean I could understand some of the rules but I didn't see the point in the rest. Also what's rule 10 for? Do they think I'm clumsy and might get injured? I scoffed.

I decided to explore the house a bit more.

It seemed very luxurious and I couldn't help but to feel out of place. Everything just looked so fancy. I didn't dare touch anything in fear I might break something.

I learned that the house had two floors, four rooms, an office, and three bathrooms. On the first floor was the kitchen, living room, dining room and one bedroom as well as a bathroom. Upstairs were three other bedrooms, the office and two bathrooms.

Why did they need all this space for only two people?

I yawned and decided to get comfortable.

I wonder what these next few weeks will hold.

1137 words

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