Chapter 7

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Sorry I haven't updated in forever! I honestly don't even have an excuse I just kinda forgot about it XD

Also I finally went and saw the Slenderman movie and idk how to feel about it. Did any of you see it? If so, what did you think?

Comment something funny on this chapter and I might dedicate the next chapter to you! Or just a funny comment on any chapter works XD

Also school has started for me so updates will probably be really slow :/


I did my best to pack my bags. It wasn't hard since I didn't bring much with me when I took the housesitting job anyways. That was good because it didn't take long to pack. But it was bad because it meant I probably didn't have as much stuff as I would need.

I packed up all my clothes and everything else I needed. I even raided the house for anything else that might come in handy. I mean... Jim and Rebecca are dead anyways so it didn't really matter if I took a few things.

After I finished packing, I realized just how tired I was. My lack of sleep paired with the high stress I had been under were finally taking a toll on me. With heavy feet and tired eyes, I made my way towards the bed and flopped onto it, getting comfortable under the covers.

And then I passed out.

-meanwhile in Toby's POV-

I walked to the mansion and tried to figure out what I was going to say to Slender. I wanted to bring a human into a house full of killers so they could do my chores because I'm lazy? I sighed and walked into the mansion, quickly making my way up to Slenders office so I could get this over with.

*knock* *knock* *knock*

"Come in." Slender said from inside.

I took a deep breath and twisted the handle, pushing the door and stepping inside. Then I shut the door as quietly as possible. I looked up at Slender slowly and walked towards him.

"What is it Tobias?" He asked, shuffling some papers on his desk. I cleared my throat and hoped for the best. Just as I opened my mouth to say something, I realized that he might not take me seriously with my stutters. I mean no one at the mansion really cared about my stutters, but this was important and I wanted it to sound that way too. So I decided to just say everything in my head. Slender can read minds anyways so he'd hear me.

"Do you ever get tired of no one doing their chores? There's always dishes in the sink, dirt on the carpet, stains in the couches, and laundry strewn about everywhere. And who ends up cleaning it all up? You. You ever get tired of that?" I asked him, trying to ignore the fact I sounded like I was in a commercial.

Slender tilted his head at me, clearly interested in what I had to say.

"Where are you going with this Tobias?" He questioned. I smiled and continued my "thoughts".

"What would you say if I told you that I found someone who could help out around the house. I'm talking cooking, cleaning, laundry, you name it. AND for free. They'd do as much as we asked them to for nothing in return." I stated.

Slender sat for a few moments in thought. Then he sighed.

"What is it child? What's the real reason you're asking all of this?" Slender questioned.

I guess I had to tell him.

"I found a human. I was going to kill them as usual but they offered to do work in exchange for their life. It seemed like a nice offer. I mean, have you seen this place? But of course... they are a human... and I need your permission." I explained.

Slender nodded his head before leaning back in his chair. We sat in silence for what felt like forever before Slender finally sat up.

"Fine. But the human is your responsibility. If they escape, you will be the one to find them and kill them. And I expect you to protect them from the others." Slender stated.

I nodded my head as a grin spread across my face.

I actually did it!

"Um so while I go back and get them, can you warn the others?" I asked.

Slender nodded his head and with that I ran out of his office and out of the house. My hatchets dangled from beside me as I made my way back to where (Y/N) was.

None of us have actually brought a human to the house without the intent to kill them. Hopefully the others won't mess with her since she'll probably end up doing their chores too. That is... if she does them. As far as I know she could've just said that to buy herself time. The second no one is watching her she might try to escape. If that happens, I'll have to kill her.

Hopefully it doesn't come to that.

I'm really lazy.

Really. Lazy.

-(Y/N)'s POV-

For the first time in a long time, I actually had a dream. I know it's weird but I don't normally have dreams. I just kind of stare at the back of my eyelids in thought before sleep takes over.

Anyways, it was an interesting dream.

I was in someone else's body that wasn't mine. It's like I was seeing things through their eyes. In my dream, the person got out of bed and walked up this long staircase. When they reached the top, they turned left and walked into a dining room. Then they went through an archway and into a kitchen.

This is where it gets weird.

The person, who I realized was a girl, walked towards the fridge and opened it. She shuffled some things around, probably looking for something, but I don't think she was able to find it. She kept moving things, her actions getting more frantic, but she couldn't find what she was looking for. She closed the fridge and then opened it again, still searching for something.

As if having a dream like this wasn't weird enough, it got weirder.

The girl slammed the fridge shut and sink onto the floor, bringing her knees to her chest and rubbing her face with her hands. Then she started crying. I couldn't make out what she was saying but she was definitely saying something.

Then there were footsteps and someone began speaking to her. "Are we out of Sunny D again?" A male voice asked her. He made it sound like this happened a lot. The girl continued crying before she nodded her head.

I heard the guy walked away and a while later he came back and set something down beside the girl. She sniffles a bit before finally opening her eyes. The guy was gone and I was a little disappointed I didn't get to see his face but whatever. Anyways, the girl opened her eyes and next to her was a bottle of Sunny D.

Isn't this such a weird dream?

She started chugging the Sunny D and then the dream changed to her staring up at the kitchen ceiling surrounded by empty bottles of Sunny D.

And that's where the dream ended because some loud knocking woke me up.

Someone was outside my door.

1236 words

If you have any ideas for this story, feel free to comment here and if I use it, I'll dedicate the chapter to you (it could be just a scene, a one shot idea, ideas if (Y/N) becomes a pasta, really anything so go crazy) :)

What did you think of this chapter?

Until next time~

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