Chapter 20

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I was very sick for like 5 days and today was the first day I was actually well enough to leave the house and go to school. Even though this chapter was prewritten, it slipped my mind and I forgot about it. So please forgive me for the late update 🙏🏻

Also I had like 1000+ notifications since I was off of Wattpad for so long and I probably won't be able to look through them all so if you want me to know something, then let me know now and I will read it.

-Okay so everything after this was prewritten-

I loved reading what all of you guessed happened XD

So I noticed some authors do a thing where they won't update until they get so many votes or something like that. I thought about it and I decided that I wouldn't do that to you guys because it wouldn't be fair to my loyal readers if they couldn't read the next chapter because other people didn't want to vote. So I'll just stick to my weekly updating : )


I stood still for a few moments debating on what to do.

If I left the library, one of them might see me and my hiding place would be revealed. However, if I stayed it might make things worse.

I could hear footsteps running through the house, throwing open doors and shouting my name desperately. I didn't know what was going on, but I knew staying where I was wouldn't bring any good to the situation.

I needed a way to leave the room without anyone seeing me.

Almost immediately, my mind went to the spell books.

I had just spent all that time putting them away all neatly and not leaving a trace of evidence that I had read them.

On top of that, casting spells took strength and I didn't have much of that. Seeing as I was a beginner, I hadn't gotten the time to build up my stamina. Seeing as I was already tired, casting another spell might not end well for me.

However, I really couldn't think of another option.

I didn't want to reveal my hideout and I didn't have much time.

I quickly pulled out a familiar book and flipped through its pages, opening it up to the page I had recalled seeing an invisibility spell on.

The spell was temporary and had a short duration, meaning I wouldn't stay invisible for long.

I followed the directions as quick as I could and then put the book back.

I had no idea if it had worked or not but there was only one way to find out.

Just as I was about to walk out the door, I hit myself in the head.

Just because I was invisible didn't mean a pasta standing outside wouldn't find it weird that the door opened on its own. Plus, that wouldn't stop anyone outside the door from seeing it open. My hideout would be revealed.

I felt tired. I felt very tired.

However, all I needed was one more spell.

The problem was that the spell I had in mind wasn't a beginners spell.

Essentially, I wanted to use a spell that would allow me to walk through walls.

I didn't have much time to think about it though, seeing as the invisibility spell wouldn't last long.

So, in a fit of haste, I ran back over to the books and followed the directions to cast the spell.

Immediately, I felt all my energy begin to drain out of me, but I pushed on.

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