Chapter 26

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Photo from: @JonsieSplitzer

Did y'all miss me?


Slender's POV

I watched as (Y/N) rushed out of my office.

I felt pity for her, which was odd.

Regardless of how long (Y/N) had been here, or how much she had contributed, she was still a human.

If it were any other human, I probably wouldn't have let them stay. If it were any other human, I'd have had them killed.

If for some reason, I had let a different human stay, I wouldn't have treated them on that same level as the other creepypastas. I wouldn't have told them about the library, or ever leave them alone.

I definitely would not have told them about The Unknown and I definitely wouldn't have told them my plan. I wouldn't have asked them to train either.

But (Y/N) was different.

At first, I only let her stay because I was intrigued, and perhaps I still am.

I wanted to know what made her so special, that she managed to talk Tobias out of killing her. I knew he had had lots of fun killing the owners of the house she was watching. I knew that he enjoyed tormenting her with the dead pizza guy. He was excited to kill her as far as I knew, so I was intrigued by how she got out of it.

I realized quickly that she was very intelligent, but she didn't make it obvious. In fact, she might have even been oblivious of it herself.

Normally I would have been satisfied with just knowing she was smart, and then I would have had Toby kill her.

But when she arrived, her reaction intrigued me further. She didn't act how any other normal human would have and never once did she try to escape.

She adapted to her new life so quickly and without a struggle.

I would have called it surrender or giving up if she had been any other human. I would have lost my interest if it had been any other human at that point.

But it was (Y/N).

Something in me told me that that wasn't her giving up. She hadn't surrendered or lost the battle. Something told me that (Y/N) didn't stay because we were making me. She stayed because she simply felt like it.

It intrigued me.

(Y/N) intrigued me.

I had heard her numerous times exclaim that she was just like any other normal human, but she wasn't.

(Y/N) wasn't normal.

She managed to befriend some of the creepypastas in what seemed like such a short amount of time. She practically had them wrapped around her finger. Jeffrey wouldn't admit it, but even he was worried when she was injured.

She had somehow won EJs trust with what seemed to be minimal effort. He trusted her so much that he avoided telling me what she had told when, when I knew that he knew, and he knew that not telling me could have serious consequences. It was practically tyranny. Yet, he did it so easily and it was all because of (Y/N).

I feared (Y/N) in a way.

She was unpredictable.

She had more power than she knew she did.

She had so much power, even against me, and she was only a human. She was a human. She was not a creepypasta.

Seeing a human with that much power scared me just a little.

But (Y/N) always had good intentions.

It intrigued me.

She intrigued me even further when I realized she had managed to get inside my head too.

I realized that I had been treating her just as I'd treat Jane, or Clockwork, or even Sally.

I had accepted her, a human, as one of my own.

So that's why I pitied her.

She was a human mixed up in things humans shouldn't be mixed up in.

Just because she lived among creepypastas, that did not make her one.

She was in danger.

(Y/N) had no powers, no abilities, or strengths.

She was weak.

I shook my head and took a moment to compose myself.

(Y/N) was like a daughter to me and I wouldn't let any daughter of mine get hurt.

I hoped that the training would help her out even a little, because I feared she'd need it.

The Unknown might cause a war.

I absolutely would not let (Y/N) fight if there was a war, but I couldn't guarantee her safety either way.

Even if she stayed home, locked up in the library, there was still a chance she'd be found and something bad would happen.

I chose not to think about it, and instead called for Benjamin.

I needed him to contact someone.

-lil time skip-

(Y/N)s POV:

It wasn't long before I started training. Toby wanted me to start as soon as possible.

At first, it was only him training me.

He'd have me try to hit him, or block him, or whatever else. Eventually he had me throw rocks at targets, then knives, and at one point, even hatchets.

I sucked at first.

I was horrible at everything.

But Toby kept making me train and eventually you could say I was decent.

Sooner or later, I was training with Masky and Hoodie too. They'd try teaching me things like stealth and endurance.

I did a lot of running in the woods and climbing trees.

I had a lot of cuts and bruises.

I wasn't the best, but I was decent.

That was the problem though.

I was only decent.

I was no where near their level and if I wanted to be able to defend myself, I needed to at least be close.

But I was only human.

On one particular day, the proxies made me train the whole day. I ran through the woods, tried jumping from tree to tree, threw daggers, tried to protect myself from the three men, and so on. Even though they congratulated me on my progress, I knew it wasn't enough.

I wasn't strong enough.

I wouldn't be able to protect myself if something happened.

The proxies went out on a mission that night and I retreated to the library.

I needed time to myself without interruption and my hiding place was the perfect spot.

I sat in the chair and groaned.

"You're going to die out there, (Y/N)," I told myself.

"If a war does happen, you have no chance. None," I said.

I held my head in my hands and sighed.

I stayed like that for what felt like forever, trying to block out my emotions.

Eventually, I slowly raised my head out of my heads with the intent to go to bed, but my eyes caught sight of something.

I knew what I had to do.

1131 words

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Until next time~


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