Chapter 11

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Oh did you think I'd publish one update and then fall off the face of the Earth? Or did you think I'd go back to updating every 24 hours? Well surprise bish, it's only been 8 hours but here you go!!!!!


(Y/N)'s POV:

Most nights, I didn't get very good sleep.

I'd toss and turn or stare blankly at the ceiling as the hours ticked away agonizingly slow. I'd be surrounded in darkness and yet I'd feel wide awake as if it was still day time.

This time, was not one of those moments.

This time, for whatever reasons, I slept amazing.

I'm not sure why, but I felt a strange warmth. It was like I had a  blanket woven with pieces of the sun wrapped around me. I had a good feeling.

It didn't last for long though.

My mind was fuzzing and my hearing didn't seem to be working right. Everything seemed far away and I was overall just very disoriented. But one thing was painstakingly clear: the sound of screams.

If my eyes weren't opened before, they sure were now. The door to my room was shut and so were the curtains. I stared at the door, goosebumps forming on my arms and legs,  and tried to get out of bed.

But I couldn't.

My legs wouldn't move and I could only assume it was a side effect of the drugs. That... or I was frozen in fear.

Okay... it was probably both.

I looked around helplessly, but there was nothing nearby that I could use to defend myself. The screams became louder and I heard a lot of crashing. It sounded like things were being thrown and broken.

I had no choice but to sit in bed and wait for the moment someone tried to open my door. I turned my attention to the door knob and realized that it had no lock. Not like I could've locked it anyways, but I wouldn't felt a bit better if it had had one.

My ears were overwhelmed by all the noise happening around me. I was extremely aware of every little sound. The steady tick of the clock, the wind blowing outside, the continuous screams, the constant sound of things being broken, my breathing, my heartbeat, I could hear everything.

I don't know what's scarier: hearing the screams of someone before they die... or suddenly hearing nothing but silence.

The silence was scarier.

It could only mean one thing and it wasn't good.

I did my best to hear any sort of sound at all, any indication that the other people in this house with me were okay.

I pulled the comforter further up and stared at the door. I still couldn't move my legs, so I sat there helplessly.

Then I heard it.

Heavy footsteps echoed throughout the house and I couldn't help but to imagine I was in a horror movie.

I heard a door creak open down the hall and I knew it wouldn't be long before whoever it was made it to my door.

My heart sunk along with the rest of my body too, and I pulled the comforter over my head and laid myself down. My lip quivered and I used every cell in my body to stop myself from crying or making noise. I was breathing heavily, and thanks to the blanket covering my head, that was all I could hear. Everything else seemed to be muted and I waited for the inevitable.

Thump. Thump. Thump.

I almost mistook the noise for my own heartbeat, but the creak of a door told me it was something else.

It might have seemed childish to be hiding under a blanket, scared, but after everything I had been through, it was the only form of comfort I could think of.

I heard the floor creaking softly and felt a presence looming closer to me.

I held my breath.

"(Y/N)? Is that you? Are you awake?" I heard someone ask.

They sounded both familiar and foreign at the same time.

Slowly, I peeked my head out from under the covers and came face-to-face with Toby.

But it couldn't have been Toby.

Toby stuttered.

This person didn't at all.

"Who... Who are you?" I asked, cautiously, examining the 'imposter' from head to toe.

He looked at me with confusion.

"What did those people give you? It's me, Toby. Have you forgotten?" He asked, taking a hesitant step towards me.

I shook my head.

"You're not Toby. You might look like a very disgruntled version of him, but you're not Toby. Toby stutters when he speaks." I asserted, crossing my arms.

He had the audacity to laugh.

He straight up laughed at me.

"(Y/N), I thought you were smarter than that. In case you didn't already figure it out, I just murdered two people and I've still got that adrenaline pumping through me. I don't usually stutter when I'm in this state." He explained, holding up two bloody hatchets and giving them a slight wave.

I lowered my head in thought.

Okay... that made sense.

Maybe I was a little dumb.

But you know what? I'm gonna blame it on the drugs.... and the school system.

"Oh." I replied, not really sure where to go from there.

"Are you okay? They didn't torture you or anything right? Because I saw some whips and stuff in one of the rooms and I swear if they hurt you, I'll bring them back from the dead and chop them up into tiny pieces and then feed those pieces to Smile Dog and-" he ranted.

I cut him off.

"Woah chill there buddy. I'm fine. They actually took care of me. They gave me some pain medicine because the chloroform they used on me had some side effects and uhh I mean they let me sleep in this nice bed. So, I mean, yeah I'm good." I told him, casually.

Toby just kind of stood there for a few seconds before nodding his head.

"Yeah. Okay good good. We better get out of here now, so let's go." He stated, sliding his hatchets back into their holders.

I chuckled nervously.

"Ah well about that... I kind of can't move my legs right now." I explained.

He just sighed and walked towards me before taking the comforter away from me and then facing his back towards me.

I got the gist of what was going on and did my best to get onto his back. Once I did that, he hooked his arms around my legs and began carrying me out of the room.

I looped my arms around his neck to balance myself more and tried not to look at my surroundings.

The smell was enough to tell me that I didn't want to see the crime scene.

I closed my eyes and put my head on Toby's back, hiding my face. I swear I heard a soft laugh, but maybe it was my imagination.

With each step Toby took, I struggled to keep my eyes open. My body felt heavy and as much as I tried to fight the sleep that was trying to overpower me, I eventually fell asleep.

However, no amount of sleep could have prepared me for what was about to happen.

1181 words

(A/N- literally I just published the last chapter 48 minutes ago and now I'm done with this one XD, but I think I'll wait to publish this chapter xP)

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