Chapter 4

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Im literally writing this on the way to California yay me

Also my uncle is emo af and so he's playing only the finest songs XD so if this chapter seems weird that's why lol

4 Days later: oh yeah hi um so I wrote that msg there and then only wrote like a few sentences before I gave up XD but hello I'm back now


I woke up feeling... refreshed? Maybe I actually got some decent sleep last night...

I stretched and slid out of bed, checking the time on my phone.



I held on to my phone and made my way to the office. It didn't really matter where I went but I felt like an important person when I sat at the big desk. I sat down and took a deep breath.

"I need to get serious." I mumbled.

I'm running low on food and there's a killer probably outside my house right now waiting for the chance to kill me. I can't call the police and I don't have much to defend myself.

I sighed.

"Okay. Let's break this down. I'll just worry about one thing at a time. Okay so I need food. Maybe I can ask someone to bring me some?" I thought out loud. I nodded my head. That might work.

I picked up my phone and scrolled through my contacts.... there wasn't much.

"Ah (F/N)!" I exclaimed, clicking on their contact info and dialing the number.

The phone rang.

And rang.

And rang.

"Hi! You've reached (F/N)! I'm probably sleeping right now so do me a favor and STOP CALLING. Leave a message and if you're lucky I might call you back!" I listened as the voice of my friend played on the phone.

I sighed.

They didn't answer.

"Uh hey (F/N)... listen I really need your help. I'm in a -uh- bad situation and I can't leave the house. But I'm running low on food.... call me when you get a chance..." I said, hanging up the phone.

Now what?

I sat in thought for a few minutes before an idea struck. "I'll order a pizza!" I shouted in excitement. I opened up the app of my favorite pizza place and starting ordering my pizza. I decided to order the largest size so I could have leftovers. I smiled in satisfaction as I finalized everything.

Now I just had to wait.

-le time skip-

Something isn't right. The pizza should have been here two hours ago. I called the pizza place but they told me the delivery guy was on his way and he should've been here. They told me they'd try to call him but I never got a call back. What's going on?

After pacing back and forth down the halls for what felt like forever, I finally made my way towards the front door.

There was another envelope.

"Fuck." I muttered.

I picked up the envelope carefully and walked to the kitchen.

Inside was a letter and a photo. I looked at the letter first.

NicE trY bUt tHaT wOnT wORk. AN iNnOCeNT lIfE hAS beEn loST noW bEcAUsE oF yOu.

No... does that mean-? I took a deep breath and flipped the photo over. My stomach lurched.

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