Chapter 18

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So it's 4:58am on November 7th as I write this note and I have been spooked. I was just on my phone, buried underneath a warm blanket, when suddenly my ears legit started ringing. So the logical side of me says there's got to be some sort of scientific explanation for it but the other side is screaming "Slenderman" at me. Do I dare come out from underneath the blanket? Do I dare crawl to my window and peek outside?

Haha yep. Here I go.

Update November 14th: Slenderman was not in my house, but the ringing did keep happening almost every day. I finally asked a family member who is a nurse and she explained that it could be caused by listening to music too loudly while wearing earbuds. Soooooo lesson learned: if you don't wanna get spooked don't blast out your ears.

ALSO: I saw some comments asking if Chapter 17 was the last chapter and I couldn't help but to laugh. Trust me, this booking isn't over yet.

Today was the day that the pastas had decided to go on a big "hunt" together. Well, actually, I guess I should say that tonight was the night. Anyway, everyone would be leaving.

This would be the first time that they've left me alone since I've been here. Slenderman and Toby already asserted that if I tried to leave they would stop at nothing to hunt me down. It's not like I planned on leaving anyway, though.

I was looking forward to getting some peace and quiet for once. However, at the same time, I was also a little nervous to be left alone. It'd be weird to be on my own in such a big place. I had grown so used to always having someone nearby that I wasn't sure if not having anyone at all would cause me anxiety.

Regardless, I had no choice in the matter. I couldn't go with them and no one would stay back with me. It wasn't because they didn't want to, though. In fact, I'm sure Toby, Jeff, or Ben would have gladly stayed behind with me, but Slenderman wanted everyone to go. That is, everyone but me.

I waved goodbye to everyone as they walked out the door. Most of them seemed excited to go out, while some seemed indifferent to the matter. Toby was the last one to leave and he, of course, left me with some parting words.

"D-don't bur-burn the h-house down-n. Do-don't ans-answer the door-or. Don't-t get hu-hurt. D-don't lea-leave. W-we will-l be back-k la-late, s-so do-don't feel ob-oblig-gated to st-stay up-p. If th-there's an-n emer-emergency-y, Ben-n has so-some phon-phones in his-s room-m th-that you c-can use to call-l one of-f us. Do-don't c-call the pol-police. An-nd yeahhhhh th-that's it-t." He explained to me.

I nodded my head and waved him goodbye. I watched as he shut the door behind him and then I stared at it. I stood in place for what felt like minutes but was probably only seconds. Then, I shook my head and turned around.

The house felt empty without anyone else in it. The walls seemed to stretch higher and loom over me. It was both deafeningly silent and frighteningly loud. While there were no voices, echoes from video games, or metal clangs, the house creaked, wind howled in the distance, and my footsteps were ear-splitting.

I felt a chill crawl up my spine which led me to head for my room. I walked in and searched for one of Toby's hoodie, thinking it would provide me with more comfort than one of my own. I found one and immediately put it on.

The silence in the house was killing me, so I crept to Bens room in search of something to fix that. I remembered Toby telling me about emergency phones, so when I entered his room, I made sure to grab one. It was an older phone. It wasn't a touch screen nor did it seem to have a lot of features. It was just a simple flip phone. I slid it into my pocket and continued searching Bens room.

He had so many different electronics that it seemed nearly impossible to find some sort of iPod or other music player. But after quite a lot of digging, I managed to find an old iPod along with some headphones. I powered it on and smiled when I saw it was fully charged. I put all the songs on shuffle, hoping for the best, and slid the headphones over my ears.

From there, I made my way to the library where I had planned to spend the majority of my evening. With music flowing into my ears, I no longer felt so anxious on my own. I made it to the library and opened the secret door, stepped inside, and then closed it behind me.

I began skimming through the copious books and picked out a few that struck my eye. As I walked towards the place I planned on sitting, I couldn't help but to glance at the spell books. I shook my head and looked away, remembering Slenders warning.

With that, I began reading and continued reading for quite some time. I read more about the creepypastas and found a lot of new information. I also read more psychology books and couldn't help but become drawn to something: Stockholm syndrome. I pondered my situation and connected the dots.

Perhaps I did have Stockholm syndrome.

I shook my head.

It wasn't like I was in love or anything. And really I had no choice but to stay here unless I wanted to die. And it really wasn't so bad here. I closed the book and set it aside. Then I began reading more books until I came to a point where I felt bored. Music still played in my ears, blocking out any noise from the outside world.

I glanced at the time and saw that it was late, but still hours away from the return of the pastas. My eyes drifted once again to the spell books. My curiosity got the best of me and I decided to take a closer look at the books.

I walked over cautiously, ready to retreat in case someone came to stop me. No one did. My eyes wandered over the numerous books and skimmed some of the titles. Most of them seemed to be in English but there were still quite a few in other languages.

A Beginners Guide to Spellcasting: Do's and Dont's to be Aware of

Avoiding Cursed Books: How to Spot them and What to do if You Become Cursed

Soy Muy Perezosa y No Quiero Nombrar un Libro: Hay Muchos Libros

Puedo Hablo un Poco Español Porque Estoy en una Clase de Español: La Clase es Muy Aburrida ¡Ayudame!

As I looked at the various books, I couldn't help but to feel like Slenderman might have been exaggerating. I mean, there were literally books telling me how not to read the wrong books. They even explained what to do if I did read a bad book! I sighed in frustration and debated on whether or not I should pick up one of the books.

After what felt like forever, I finally made my decision.

1232 words

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I would like to disclose that I didn't use Google Translate. I just used what I know, so if I messed it up then please let me know XD

If you actually understood what I wrote without translating it online then a round of applause for you.

How many of you actually looked up what it meant?
Did anyone just keep reading even if they didn't know what it said?

QUESTION: If I made a book with like little writing tricks/advice or like common mistakes to avoid, would anyone be interested in reading it?

Anyway that's everything! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Until next week~


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