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Ah I wrote this chapter like 3 days ago but never published it. I'm almost done with the new chapter but I'm going to finish it tomorrow. So in the mean time, I'll publish this:

Hi! So I'm writing this as I'm on my way to California. I have just barely started writing another chapter for tomorrow. Since I'm not sure how busy I'm going to be while I'm California, I'm making this so I have something to publish in case I can't write another chapter. So here's some small facts about me:

1. My friends like to call me a closet emo XD Basically I don't look like a stereotypical emo but mentally I'm pretty emo XD

2. I watch a lot of anime. Like a lot.

3. I'm very interested in learning other languages but I can never fully commit myself to learning them so because of that I know a lot of random phrases in some languages but I'm not fluent at all XD

4. I have ADHD and anxiety, and I am proud to say I no longer have depression : )

5. I'm pretty much an open book. I'm not afraid to talk about anything bad that's happened in the past.

6. I got into writing at a young age thanks to a bunch of my teachers who encouraged me. One of my teachers became my pen pal, and another even sent a book I wrote in 5th grade to a publisher (it didn't get published but it encouraged me).

7. I was born in Las Vegas, Nevada but moved to Arizona when I was about 3 or 4. I lived there for about 8 years before I moved to Iowa with my dad. I still spend my summers and some holidays in Arizona.

8. I like learning. But I'm not necessarily a fan of going to school. I enjoy learning about things that interest me and everything else I could care less about XD.

9. For as long as I can remember, I've wanted to become a teacher. (Although briefly I wanted to be an archeologist in Egypt XD)

10. I love making friends and talking to people but I'm VERY VERY antisocial so I suck at making conversation. Yet for some reason, I can talk to people online just fine.

11. I dye my hair once a year before school ends. When my mom told me I couldn't dye my hair red, I dyed it the closest color to red: pink. I don't even like pink that much but my hair is pink now so XD

12. I'm left handed.

13. When school starts, I'll be a Junior/11th grade (I still can't believe it like I swear it was just yesterday when I was in 8th grade XD)

14. I like pretty much every genre of music.

15. I wanted to learn to play piano but I can't read sheet music for the life of me (I can read it and tell you what note it is but I can't translate it to piano keys if that makes sense) so instead I memorized which keys to play when playing a particular song.

16. I'm a pretty down to earth person. If you're nice to me, then I'm nice to you. I have black friends, gay friends, trans friends, emo friends, nerdy friends, like I really don't care about your background. I have friends who are failing school and friends who are top of their class. I'm friends with people younger and older than me. I. Don't. Care. If you're nice to me, then I am nice to you. End of story.

17. There's a lot of things I can kinda do. Like I can kinda paint, I can kinda sew, and so on. That's because I'll start learning a new skill and then get bored and learn something else XD

18. I'm single if that's a thing people care about.

19. I'm a Capricorn. Yeet.

20. I can't really define my style. One day I could dress like the whitest girl out there and the next I look emo.

21. I took a psychology class last year and now I can't look at people the same. XD

22. In 9th grade, people called me TicTac because I ALWAYS had TicTacs. If u don't know they're like mints. Anyway, one day a teacher heard them shaking around in my pocket and thought I had drugs XD

23. Speaking of drugs, people used to think I was a drug dealer because I'd sell candy and stuff at school and that ended up being a great conversation with my teachers.

24. I know how to get around rules. And I know how to get away with stuff. But I never use this knowledge to do wrong. Like I could tell you how to easily get away with skipping class or pulling the fire alarm, but you'd never see me do it myself.

25. At this point I'm just saying random stuff in hopes one of you finds it amusing or can relate XD

26. I dressed as Jeff the Killer for Halloween once and literally the next year I dressed as a cheerleader. Ooo! And when I was younger, I dressed as Jason (the hockey mask dude with the machete). Like I guess you could say I'm bipolar in that sense?

27. In 3rd grade or so, I was in competitive cheerleading and in 5th grade I cheered for my school. After that I stopped. (Let's just say the other cheerleaders weren't exactly the nicest)

28. I'm part of a food club at school because food is life. (Okay so it's actually called Multicultural Club but there's a lot of food so).

29. Oh dang I just realized that I'm the Secretary for said food club. O.o how do you even forget about something like that XD

30. My brother was a huge drama freak. He took drama in high school and was in a lot of school plays. This led me to sign up for Drama class in 9th grade even though I had crippling social anxiety at the time. The class actually helped me come out of my shell a little!

31. My friends tell me I have an interesting life but to me it's just normal. One of them even said I should have a reality show XD

32. As a kid I probably watched way more horror movies than I should have. I mean I was like 8 watching rated R movies XD anyway for some reason Chucky (the murderous doll XD) didn't scare me at all but you know what did? Those freaking dinosaurs in Jurassic Park. Yeah.

33. I love Greek Mythology.

34. I managed to be a vegetarian for 3 months before a hot guy made me a hamburger and I broke XD

35. I hate when people assume things about me. Just because I have colored hair that doesn't make me dumb. Being white doesn't mean I don't know anything about other cultures. Like I'd much rather someone just talk to me instead of just assume what I'm like.

If you actually read that all then wow. I probably bored all of you to death sorry XD. Anyway hopefully I manage to write whatever I need to write.

Ah and feel free to ask questions if you have any. But idk why you would because idk I think I'm boring XD

1242 words

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