Chapter 23

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Happy Whatever Day It Is! XD
I always enjoy reading all of your comments!
Some of you had some interesting answers as to what (Y/N) was going to ask EJ. I think one of my favorites was by @MoonlightSans9 who said "she might ask ej to sleep with her" XD. I just wasn't expecting an answer like that lol. It's always interesting to see what you guys think might happen!


I had a lot of questions for EJ.

I decided to just ask them as they came to my mind.

"Were you ever in medical school?" I asked first.

EJ tilted his head slightly at me.

Perhaps my question caught him off guard.

"You could say that. At one point I did take a few classes, but most of what I know comes from books. I have a lot of medical books and I like to read them occasionally. That's sort of how I became the doctor here," he explained, shifting everything in his arms.

"What kind of medical books do you have?" I questioned, slowly getting on top of the bed and sitting criss-crossed.

"I have some books on human anatomy, various medicines, a bunch of diseases, famous cases, and even some mental health and psychology stuff," he answered.

The whole time he talked, I gave him my full attention, never once looking away.

"You're into psychology?" I asked, surprised.

"Yeah. It really helps me deal with all the others. I guess you could say it makes me a pretty good therapist too. Really I just find it interesting," he replied, cautiously setting everything in his arms on top of the bed.

"I find it interesting too! The human mind is just so... captivating I suppose," I commented, watching as EJ carefully got on top of the bed and sat across from me.

"Speaking of the human mind, there's something I'm curious about... you saw my face earlier. Normally I would say that because you were so preoccupied with Toby, it didn't bother you, but you know that Toby is okay now and yet you still seem so indifferent. You've been looking at me right where my eyes should be this whole time. Are you not bothered?" He questioned with a tone of seriousness and curiosity.

I tilted my head to the side and studied him.

"No? Why would I be bothered?" I asked.

EJ just sort of stayed quiet for a few minutes before scratching his neck.

"Well... I don't exactly look human. Most people are usually pretty startled when they see I have no eyes... or that I have sharp teeth... or that my skin is kind of grey..." he trailed off.

"EJ. Listen buddy. I hate to break it to you, but almost none of you pastas look human. Sure when I first got here I was a little shocked by some things, but do you really think that after all the time I've been here I'd be shocked by seeing your face? And has no one else here seen it? I mean come on EJ. I'm sure it wouldn't bother any of the others. Or... wait. Does it?" I asked, incredulously.

EJ shook his head.

"If you didn't already notice, I don't really like anyone seeing my face. So, no. Not many of the pastas have seen my face... but I guess no one but humans have really given me a bad reaction. Regardless, it's still something I'm... self conscious about, okay?" EJ explained, rubbing his shoulder.

Now don't get me wrong.

I did not like EJ in a romantic way or anything like that.

But when he said that to me, it did something to my heart.

I don't know if my heart shattered or something else, but it did something.

"EJ... listen. The fact that I saw your face does not change how I look at you at all. It shouldn't change how anyone looks at you. And I mean honestly, your name is Eyeless Jack. Eyeless. So if someone is going to be surprised that you don't have eyes or whatever then I think they're the one who has a problem." I stated, not sure if I was trying to cheer him up, or change the odd atmosphere.

Probably both.

"Thanks (Y/N).... I- you really aren't so bad. I'm... My apologies for being so suspicious of you these past few days. It's just... these guys are my family and I wanted to protect them. But... I really can't see that you would try to harm any of us in any sort of way..." EJ replied.

Immediately, I felt bad.

"EJ, I- I'm sorry too. You have to forgive me for not being able to trust everyone here very easily. You see, well I mean... as you already know, not all the pastas are friendly to me. I have to be careful about who I interact with and things like that. Slender... I think he pitied me a little... surprising I know... but he told me about this hidden library and told me I could use it as a sort of safe place. That's- that's where I was that night. I really did have headphones on so I didn't hear a thing. But anyways... that's why I sort of lied to you when you asked what happened. I didn't want anyone finding out about my hiding place and I didn't know if I could trust you. I realize it probably seemed really fishy, but that's the truth." I explained, hoping EJ would understand.

In the time I had spent talking to him, I suppose you could say he earned my trust. However, I still had to leave out the part about me using spell books and I hoped that he wouldn't ask me any questions.

"I- wow. It all makes sense now. Um... does anyone else know?" He questioned.

"Well... Slender knows about it, but I never really told him that's where I was that night. Then again, he hasn't really asked. But otherwise, no one else knows that that's my hiding place and I'd really appreciate it if you didn't tell anyone," I told him, yawning at the end.

"Of course. Yeah. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone. Um... I'm going to go now so you can get some sleep. I... friends?" He asked, gathering his things and facing me.

"Friends," I nodded my head, smiling.

EJ made sure that he had all his things and then he left the room -his room- and walked out of sight. I yawned once again and got under the covers.

It felt nice to have a friend... well one besides Toby.

My mind wandered to Toby, hoping that he was okay and becoming consumed with other thoughts about him.

Eventually, I drifted off to sleep, not sure what the next day would bring.

1138 words

Thoughts? Comments?
What do you think will happen next?

Until next time~


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