Chapter 27

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Flashbacks entered my mind like warning signs. Events of the past replayed as I stood up and made my way towards the familiar bookshelf. Previous emotions coursed through me, reminding me of the pain my actions might cause me. But I kept walking. I kept walking until I reached the shelf.

A chill went down my spine as I considered the weight of my situation. Visions of destruction and fear flashed in my thoughts, but I shook my head and pushed them away. I couldn't let my anxiety get to me. After all, that's all it was: anxiety. I needn't worry about destruction or crippling fear.

I took a deep breath and scanned the bookshelf. A tiny layer of dust had formed on the books and on the shelf itself, but I payed no mind to it. I used my knowledge to determine which books were untrustworthy and then I focused on the ones I deemed to be safe.

I quickly skimmed the titles, my hand hovering in the air, ready to pull out a book if needed. Then I proceeded to grab the books that I thought would be most helpful.

I carried them to a comfortable spot and plopped myself down. Then I gazed at the covers once more and slowed my breathing. After this, everything could change. By reading these books, I could be throwing a pebble into a pond and producing ripples at first puny but then profound in size. Was I sure I wanted to do this?

Maybe not, but I was still going to do it.

I opened the first book and began reading, soaking up the words like a sponge. Then I let the words fall softly from my lips and felt their power course through my veins. And then I repeated this with the second book and then again with another book. And I kept doing this until my eyelids became heavy, my eyes burned, my throat sore, and my body weak.

Then, just when I would have normally called it a night, I stood up and made it even clearer what I was doing.

I performed a spell, first to soundproof the room, and then another spell to give a little bit of protection to the contents of the room and myself.

And that's where it all really began.

I practiced spells until they started becoming second nature. I practiced until my legs gave out and even then, I picked myself up off of the floor and kept practicing.

It wasn't perfect at first, none of it was. In fact, most of it wasn't even decent at first, but I didn't give up.

For what felt like forever but was perhaps only a week, I practiced spells in the library every day after training with the proxies. Actually, sometimes I even practiced spells during training. It was never anything obvious. I only ever performed "natural" spells, as I called them. It was an occasional boost to my speed or my hearing. It was increasing my stealth every so often.

Even without practicing spells during training, I improved. The proxies commented on my stamina being much better, my analyzing of situations too, and also my strength. I felt that they were proud of me, even if they didn't say it.

"Why don't we have some cheesecake after this (Y/N)?" Masky would ask.

"Let's have some waffles too!" Toby would add enthusiastically.

"Yeah, I agree," Hoodie would contribute.

One night, after a good day of training, the proxies left on a mission as usual, and I went to practice spells. I later left the library and entered Toby and I's room. It wasn't too late, so I figured I had plenty of time before Toby returned.

Maybe the room was particularly cold, or maybe it was just me, but either way it was cold. So I quickly took off my pants and pulled off my shirt. I still had on a tank top and my undergarments of course, but that was all.

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