Chapter 10

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*peeks head around corner slowly*
*sees you and jumps slightly*
"O-oh hel-lo. It's uh been a while hasn't it? Oh um like a month? Haha uhhhh oops?"
"I'm sorry!!! I promise there's a reason for it! I swear I swear! I'll give you an explanation."

And an explanation you shall receive.

If ur reading this A/N rn <33333

So the main reason I've been gone is school. But if school gets out at 2:55 (3:30 if I have a club meeting) that leaves a lot of time doesn't it? Haha well actually I give some people rides home and usually I don't go home right away. My stepsister and I will go places like Walmart or Starbucks after school to relax because let's be honest school is really stressful XD. By the time we do this, it's around dinner time so I will either eat at home with my family, or we will all go out to like McDonalds or some place. Except for some reason when we go out, we can't just eat dinner and go back home. They drag me to go grocery shopping, to the bank, the mall, Goodwill XD, and a lot of other places. Today we spent an hour and a half at our phone place (Verizon) and didn't get home until 9pm. Except as soon as I got home, I had to run somewhere else so I didn't step inside the house until 930pm. Now I also have chores and homework I have to do, plus stuff like showering and things like that. It's not every day that I come home so late and there are some days where I have an hour or two to myself, but sometimes I don't have any motivation to do anything or I just procrastinate like crazy. So that's basically why I've taken forever to update. I did warn that updates would be slow but taking a month to do a chapter is really slow. As of right now, I have even started the new chapter. But if you're reading this, then obviously I finished it because this is the new chapter XD

Anyway DM me or comment if you have any questions, ideas, or whatever for me, or the book, and so on. I'm usually pretty good at responding to DMs but comments sometimes get lost.

And without further ado, here's the new chapter.

(A/N- this note ^^^ was written Oct. 3rd)


??? POV

A human is really going to live with us? I can't believe Slenderman is letting Toby do this. He couldn't even take care of a goldfish so how is he ever going to take care of a human?! I have a feeling I'll have to help him out eventually.

And what about the others? Just because Slenderman told us not to harm the human, doesn't mean we will all listen. I can guarantee that at some point, Jeff will probably try to attack them. Even if he doesn't attack them, he will surely harass them in some way.

But I am looking forward to this. I could definitely use someone to help me clean up a little especially with how bloody my lab can get sometimes. It doesn't help that I share it with Dr. Smiley who never seems to clean up after himself and uses my things...

Anyway, this human might also come in handy for other things. We haven't had a decent meal in a while so maybe they can do something about that. And the house is always messy so I'll bet they could clean up a little too.

... I wonder what blood type they are

AB- is the best, but O+ seems to be the most common. I'm sick of people with O+ blood. Well... maybe I'm just sick of eating the kidneys of people with that blood type but still.

And I suppose blood type isn't the only thing that determines how good a kidney tastes.

Gender, diet, health, and age are also factors.

Female kidneys taste better than male and the less junk food someone eats the better it tastes too. Someone who isn't in good health, for reasons such as they smoke a lot, have a disease, or don't exercise a lot, also have bad tasting kidneys. And I have found that the younger a person is, the better the kidney.

...I could probably write a book on how to have good-tasting kidneys. Maybe humans would actually read it and I wouldn't have to be stuck eating so many O+ kidneys. Wow... wouldn't that be great?

Third Person POV:

EJ stood still, contemplating kidneys for quite a while. Once he got to thinking about it, it was hard for him to stop. He loved kidneys. Although he complained about bad-tasting kidneys, he wouldn't want to give up kidneys for human food. To him, human food was mostly bland with a few exceptions. It wouldn't hurt him to eat it, but usually when he did, he'd  find a way to add kidneys so there'd be more flavor.

Anyway, while EJ continued to contemplate kidneys, Toby was almost to the house of the people who kidnapped (Y/N).

Toby was furious.

The people who (Y/N) house-sat for put him through a lot of trouble. Then once he finally killed them, he realized he still had one more person to deal with. While she was amusing at first, Toby quickly got tired of waiting for (Y/N) to slip up and he just wanted to get things over with. However, she didn't make things easy. It's a miracle he didn't kill her the second he got into her room, because honestly, he had a lot of pent up frustration.

At the same time, he was also relieved he didn't have to kill her.

It was too much effort.

But he didn't go through all that and make an amazing deal with (Y/N), just for someone to kidnap her and take it all away.

Toby's anger could be seen from a mile away.

When he finally spotted the house of (Y/N)'s captors, he began sprinting. Without any regard towards his surroundings, Toby pulled out his hatchets and held one in each hand.

He wasn't going to be nice today.

Toby's mind was filled with thoughts of blood and violence.

And the people inside the house had no idea he was there.

1103 words

I finished writing this Oct. 4th which is exactly one month after I posted the last chapter. And I literally just did 4 hours of homework before this. And that was just for one class 😭

But anyway, let me know what you guys think of this chapter. I'm going to start writing the draft for the next chapter now, but I have no idea when it'll be finished.

Until next time~


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