Chapter 9

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Third Person POV:

After Toby raced out of the house, Slenderman gathered the rest of the pastas in the living room. Some of them sat on couches or chairs, while others leaned against walls or stood impatiently. Once Slenderman saw that everyone was there, he began to speak.

"Someone will be joining us shortly. Tobias is fetching them now. Before they arrive, I must explain some rules. You are not to harm them in any way. Not even a scratch. However, they aren't allowed to leave the house so if you see them trying to escape, alert Tobias and bring them back however you can. Preferably alive. Their job here will be to do chores and such around the house. You can ask them to do things for you, but they will answer to Tobias first seeing as he is the one bringing them. Don't distract them from their work. If you break any of these rules, you will have to face Tobias and me. That is all." Slender explained. His voice was powerful and full of authority. Not one of the creepypastas in the room would have dared defy him at that moment.

The room was silent, except for the shuffling of feet and the sound of Jeff tossing his knife in the air and then catching it in his hand. A few moments passed before anyone said anything.

"Are we getting a new pasta?" asked Clockwork, confused by Slender's speech. She wasn't sure if this person coming to work was a new pasta or just someone random.

"No. A human will be working here." Slender stated calmly. He portrayed no emotion in his voice.

A look of surprise could be seen on several of the creepypastas faces. No one had ever brought a human to their home before without the plan to kill them. They were quite confused.

"How long are we going to keep the human before we kill it?" Jeff asked, pausing his knife throwing and waiting for an answer. Slenderman took a few seconds to think of an answer.

"We won't be killing this human. The human will stay here as long as possible. If it acts out, it is up to Tobias whether or not the human remains living." He answered.

This answer surprised the pastas even more. None of them would have imagined that Slender would be letting the human stay. Even more they were confused by why Toby had so much of a say in this. The pastas wondered why Toby was put in charge, and not Slenderman himself of one of the other proxies.

No one dared ask questions about these thoughts though, because they knew not to question their leaders decisions. There must have been reasoning behind what Slender was doing and questioning his motives might be seen as insubordinate.

When Slenderman saw that no one had any more questions, he made his leave and returned to his office. The silence that had been enveloping the living room left with him and the pastas began an intense discussion.

"Do you think this human is special?" Jane asked.

"I wonder if it's a boy or girl." Sally thought aloud.

"Too bad I can't mess with them." BEN thought sadly, thinking of all the pranks he would have pulled had he been allowed to.

"Do you think they'd give me one of their kidneys if I asked?" EJ questioned, wondering if the human even had a kidney to give.

The pastas continued their discussion, oblivious to what Toby was experiencing at the same time.

He had arrived at the house (Y/N) was staying in, only to find her gone. He searched the whole house, but couldn't find her anywhere. His first thought was that she ran away, but upon examining the room she had been staying in, he didn't think it was likely. If she planned on running away the moment he left her alone, then why would she have packed her bags? This was Toby's train of thought.

After years of being a proxy, Toby could confidently say he had at least some deductive skills. He was no detective, but he could probably guess what occurred while he was gone.

Toby scanned the room, leaving no surface untouched by his eyes. It was the area in front of the door that caught his attention. He examined it for several minutes before coming to a conclusion. (Y/N) had been taken. He didn't know why, but he knew that she was still alive when they took her. There wasn't any blood on the floor and if someone broke in, they probably didn't bring poison darts or anything like that with them. So if (Y/N) was killed, it would've been by a knife or some sort of blunt object. Either way, there would've been blood and Toby saw none on the floor.

His only concerns now were finding (Y/N), hoping she's still alive, and killing whoever took her for making him go through all this trouble.

All of this was easier said than done of course.

Toby tried his best, but he couldn't find any clues that may have told him who took her or where they went. There was no convenient business card lying on the floor that told him the address of the kidnappers nor was there a ransom note giving away more information than it needed to.

Toby wasn't a detective, so his only option was to return home and ask one of his friends for help. Finding (Y/N) may have seemed like a difficult task, but when you're a creepypasta, you have a lot of resources. Toby walked right to the room of BEN Drowned and went in.

"Gah! Toby what is it? Can't you knock?" BEN spat, agitated. He could've been doing something no one wanted to see. Luckily he wasn't, but that still didn't help his mood.

"I n-need your hel-elp. Can y-you get m-me cam-camera footage-e?" Toby asked. BEN just sighed and went over to his computer desk, plopping himself into the chair. He turned on the screen and did some typing before looking at Toby expectantly.

"Type in the address here and it'll bring up all camera footage in the area if there is any." BEN stated, turning the screen towards Toby and moving away.

Toby nodded and began typing in an address. Within seconds, a bunch of code popped up on the screen and various videos started to load on the screen. There was much more than BEN would have thought.

"Wow this must be some sort of gated community. Most neighborhoods don't have this many cameras. Do you have a specific time?" BEN asked, hoping he could narrow down the videos.

Toby nodded his head.

"L-last night t-to an hour a-ago." He stated.

BEN typed in a few things which caused some of the videos the disappear. Together, Toby and BEN watched the remaining videos.

A car parked down the street from the house (Y/N) was watching. Two people got out of the car and snuck towards the house. They entered through the front door, which Toby now regretted destroying with his axe. After a significant amount of time, the two people exited. The only difference was that the guy had someone draped over his shoulder.

Toby pointed at the screen silently and BEN understood the gesture. He hacked into the street cameras and searched for where they two people took (Y/N). Then he opened a new tab, entered an address and pulled up a map.

"Here's the edge of the forest and here's where all those humans are." He said pointing at the screen. Toby nodded his head, uttered a small 'thanks', and left the room. BEN scoffed at his rudeness but brushed it off, shutting the door behind Toby and locking it for good measure.

He decided to mess around on Cleverbot and meanwhile Toby stormed out of the house.

He was going to get (Y/N).

1341 words

How did y'all like the third person POV? Do you prefer I write in someone's actual POV, or should I mix in a third person POV every once in a while? Let me know :D

If you have ideas, feel free to comment. They don't have to be ideas for the next chapter, they could be an idea for many chapters ahead. Whatever ideas you have, please share! :)

Until next time~

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