Chapter 13

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(Third Person POV)

Life at the mansion wasn't so bad.

Well... at least after (Y/N) got things in order.

Before she came, the place was trashed. The sink was piled up with dishes so high, it almost resembled the leaning tower of Pisa. The floor was so dusty and dirty that one might have assumed a bunch of pigs lived in the house... which wasn't far from the truth. The bathrooms and the bedrooms were probably the worst when (Y/N) arrived. Their filthiness couldn't even begin to be described.

But (Y/N) understood what her job was and she knew the consequences if she chose not to do it, so every day after she finished doing whatever Toby asked, she would start cleaning parts of the house. She didn't necessarily like cleaning, but sometimes it wasn't so bad and if it meant she could stay alive she wasn't complaining.

After about a month or two of living there, (Y/N) had brought a sort of order to the house and for the most part, it maintained its cleanliness. She even implemented a system of doing things that made it so the house stayed clean. Mostly it was just her reminding everyone to pick up after themselves.

It wasn't perfect living at the mansion, though. Especially since she wasn't a pasta and many of the pastas only saw her as a sort of maid. There was one argument that really stuck with (Y/N).

(Y/N)'s POV
-Three Weeks Ago-

The mansion is looking cleaner than ever. After hours of slaving away in the laundry room, I finally got almost all of the laundry done. And, in between washes, I managed to sweep all the floors and vacuum about half of the carpeted rooms.

I swiped my hand across my forehead and knew it was time for a break because it felt quite sweaty. I made my way to the kitchen and  headed for the fridge. Jeff was in there too, drinking a soda and twirling his knife, but I just chose to let him be and do my own thing.

I guess he didn't feel the same way.

"Hey, (Y/N)?" He asked gruffly, staring boredom at the wall. I continued getting myself a drink from the fridge and responded back. "Yes?" I replied. Jeff continued staring at the wall, seemingly not finding any amusement in it. "Clean my room." He stated, a hint of demand laced in his words.

I was taken aback to say the least.

I knew how Jeff was, and for the most part I was used to it, but normally he didn't really speak to me.

"I'm sorry, what?" I asked, slightly unsure if I had heard him right. He scoffed and effortlessly threw his knife at the wall. It was a quick, precise action, like he'd been planning on it for a while.

"I said clean my room." He gritted out, now glaring at the knife in the wall.

"Well, I'll have to see what else I've got going on after I finish laundry and vacuuming. Toby might need something from me, so I'd have to take care of all of that first. Can't you clean your own room?" I asked, trying to make it clear I didn't have time for it.

By this point, I had already poured myself a drink and began sipping on it. I was leaning against the counter facing Jeff, while his back was to me. That didn't stop me from seeing him ball his hands into a fist though.

"I told you to clean my room. Stop whatever else you're doing and clean it." He responded, anger sweeping through his words. His voice was rough and strained. I could tell he was holding back, but I couldn't let him boss me around like this.

"I can't just stop everything to do something that's your responsibility. You should feel lucky I'm even doing your laundry. Technically, I don't need to help anyone but Toby, but I still cook for everyone and help everyone else out, don't I? I've got lots to do. I can't waste my time just because you don't want to clean your room." I stated firmly, arms crossed. I took an annoyed sip from my drink, but then chugged the rest of it and walked over to the sink. I was now facing away from Jeff.

I didn't dare look at him, because I knew he must be fuming.

"You're. A. Maid." He grit out.

I scoffed.

"I am not a maid. Maids get paid to clean whole houses and take care of people. Me? I do most of it for free. And my pay is the fact I get to stay alive... which right about now doesn't seem too pleasant if it means I've got to deal with jerks like you." I spat out, now violently drying my cup with a cloth.

Behind me, I heard a chair smash into the floor and a pair of hands slam on to the table. I set the glass down slowly and turned around, only to be pushed against the counter roughly.

Jeff was in front of me, holding his knife to my neck.

"If you want to die, I will gladly help you with that." He spat, pressing the knife to my neck.

I should've been scared, but for some reason I felt... alive.

I smiled at Jeff, a sickly sweet smile and held up my finger.

"Now Jeff, you cant kill me. Slenders orders, remember? And as much as I know how you loveee to disobey orders, I have a feeling that Slender is getting prettyyyy fed up with you, so I would watch it." I warned him.

His hold didn't loosen and I sighed.

"Look, Jeff, I'm not a maid. If anything, I'm a slave and I'm definitely not yours. Yet I still cook your meals, do your laundry and pick up after you out of the kindness in my heart. What's your deal, huh? Surely you didn't pin other pastas to the kitchen counter and demand that they clean your room before I came, did you? You probably didn't even clean it before I got here. What about before you became a pasta? I'm sure your mom made you clean your room, am I right? Just because you think you've got all this power as a creepypasta doesn't mean you can pretend your higher up than the rest of us. We've all got responsibilities dude. I wasn't even that mad at first, but you've crossed the line. Now I'm going to go finish doing what I was doing and maybe you should figure yourself out." I stated, annunciating each word and making sure he understood. I removed myself from his hold and waltzed out of the kitchen, leaving him to his own.

After another few hours, I finished laundry and vacuuming and I began dinner.

Jeff didn't come down when it was finished and I didn't expect him to, but I still left a plate in the fridge for him.

1179 words

Oof, what did you think? I'm not sure if I like this chapter or not.

Unedited as always

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