Chapter 2

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Okay fun fact: my dumb self decided to sign up for an AP English Literature and Composition class that requires I do SUMMER HOMEWORK. Yeah well the second assignment is due August 1 and I JUST NOW started typing this long essay... AND I haven't even finished half of the book I was supposed to read in order the complete said essay. Haha so instead of typing this dumb essay, I'm gonna write a new chapter while I contemplate my life decisions. :'D


My first couple of days have gone well. I mostly just watched NetFlix or scrolled through Tumblr to pass the time. No one had knocked on the door yet either so maybe that was just put on the list to scare me. I still followed everything else on the list though.

It's my third day here and I have to admit I kind of like it here. The WiFi is very fast, there's a lot of food, and it feels like I'm staying at a fancy hotel. Suddenly, my phones starts ringing.

"Hello?" I answer, not bothering to check the caller ID.

"(Y/N)! How are you doing?" A voice asks me. It was my friend, (F/N).

"Oh I'm doing great! This new job I told you about is awesome!" I told (him/her) happily.

"Ah, that's nice to hear. But... I didn't really call you with good news..." my friend trailed off. The smile instantly left my face.

"What's wrong?" I asked with concern.

"Well... As soon as I realized you don't watch the news I called you. Apparently there's been some people going missing around town. At first I wasn't concerned about it, because they said it was mostly rich upper class people... but aren't you housesitting for some rich people?" (He/She) Asked.

"Yeah, but I'm just housesitting. Don't you think if someone was going to kidnap these people they would know they went on vacation?" I asked.

"I guess... but please be safe, okay? And you should really start watching the news." My friend told me, before hanging up the phone.

"Rude..." I mumbled, putting my phone down next to me and stretching. This couch was a little uncomfortable.

I thought about what my friend told me. Rich people going missing? Well... I'm definitely not rich so I shouldn't worry about it. I wonder why it's only rich people going missing, though. Maybe for better ransom money? I don't know.

It was starting to get dark out, so I decided to get ready for bed. I put on my sleepwear, did my nightly routine, and got into bed.

The bed I chose to sleep in was very comfortable. The sheets felt like silk and the mattress was like a cloud. I smiled as I buried myself under the covers. Then I drifted off to sleep.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

Huh? I groggily opened my eyes and turned over, picking up my phone. The brightness nearly blinded me, so I quickly turned it down.
2:27 am. Who could be knocking at this time? I was just about to get out of bed when I remembered the list of rules.

I'm not supposed to answer the door no matter what. I sighed and pulled the covers back over me, hoping whoever was at the door would go away soon.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

I sighed. This was kind of annoying. I'm trying to sleep here! I pulled the covers over my head and buried myself further, trying to block out any noise. It shouldn't be long before they realize that no one is going to answer the door. Especially at 2:30 in the morning!

Knock! Knock! Knock!

I let out an exasperated sigh and threw the covers off. I can't deal with this anymore! I silently slipped out of bed and tiptoed to the other side of the room. Then, I slowly unzipped my bag and pulled out some earbuds. I tiptoed back to bed and plugged the earbuds into my phone. Next, I unlocked my phone and starting playing some music, turning the volume up just high enough so that it would block out noise but not too high that it would hurt my ears. And then, I fell asleep.

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