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Idea by: @Mavis_Dragneel_Lover

This takes place BEFORE (Y/N) returns just so you guys know. And this is in the POV of the OTHER (Y/N).

also smh why do some of y'all distrust the other (Y/N) so much like dang maybe (Y/N) is just a common name in this universe XD


From what I knew about Toby, he was a nice guy. Sure, he acted a bit loopy sometimes, but he took his missions seriously and knew when it was and wasn't appropriate to joke around.

Once I got to know all of the pastas, I think Toby was the one who had surprised me the most at first. He was just so happy all the time and it was hard to imagine him hurting anyone.

I got used to Toby's upbeat attitude though and it came to a point where I didn't even believe that he was capable of being sad. Toby and sad just didn't belong in the same sentence.

So imagine my surprise when I found him alone in the woods and just sobbing his heart out. I almost didn't recognize him.

I was currently in the form of an owl because I wanted to experience what it felt like to be able to turn your head 360 degrees. It was great, by the way.

I studied Toby for a few moments trying to figure out what was going on and what I should do.

Do I fly away and pretend I never saw this?
Do I try to comfort him as an owl so he doesn't know it's me and he's not embarrassed?
Or do I shift into myself and hope he doesn't push me away?

I decided on the second option, except instead of remaining as an owl, I'd shift into a dog so I could be a better emotional support animal.

I flew down from the tree I was in and shifted into a German shepherd , going completely unnoticed by Toby. Then I hesitantly walked towards Toby.

He had his head buried in his knees so I nudged him with my nose, causing him to jump and fall back.

"O-ohh... it-it's ju-just a dog-g..." he mumbled, returning to a sitting position and wiping his eyes.

He didn't seem too bothered by my presence, so I took that as a sign that it was safe to move closer. Since he was sitting, my face was about level with his. I judged him gently and whined.

"I-I dont-t thi-think you ca-can he-elp me..." he trailed off, continuing to cry. He sounded so... broken that it was hard for me to believe that I was looking at Ticci Toby and not someone else.

Like I said, he was just always so happy. What could have made him this sad? Why didn't he go to anyone?

I whined again and licked his face. Then, I laid down by his side and rested my head on his lap. I was hoping that my presence would make him feel better, like he wasn't alone.

"I-I mi-miss-s He-her..." he cried softly, barely audible to me. I probably only heard due to the enhanced hearing that came with being a dog.

He missed someone? I tried to think of who he might be missing, but I hadn't known him for very long. I think Ben once told me that he lost his sister and that's sort of what led him to becoming a creepypasta, so could he be crying over her?

I nuzzled into him a bit more and eventually he began petting me. He was still crying, but not as much now.

"S-She did-didnt-t have t-to d-die... b-but she-e did-d it t-to en-end the war-r..." he mumbled out, scrunching his eyes and frowning.

War? What war? I didn't think Toby's sister had been involved in a war... and I thought Ben has said she died in a car accident or something... so then, who was he talking about?

He continued petting me, seeming to calm down more and more as time passed. I had briefly considered turning back into myself, but I felt like he might feel... betrayed? I just had the feeling that he wouldn't react well to it, so I decided to remain a dog until he was better.

"S-someti-Times I won-wonder if-f she mi-might still-l Be-e al-alive. Wh-What if sh-shes been-n lo-lost some-somewhere all this-s time?" He asks, no longer crying, but still sounding down.

Who was she? Was she a creepypasta like us? But... if she died, then she couldn't be right? Is that why I've never heard anyone talk about her? Is that why Ben was nervous about telling Slender about me in the beginning? My mind was swarming with questions, but I decided to save them for another day.

Eventually Toby stopped sniffling too and I looked up at him. I gave his face a few licks and wagged my tail. A ghost of a smile appeared on his face.

"T-than-k you..." he whispered, scratching behind my ear a few times. I barked at him once, before licking his face one last time, and then got up and ran away. My job was done. As I ran, I could hear his shouts of protest, but I quickly shifted into a bird and perched in a tree until the shouts stopped.

I flew back to the mansion in silence, wondering if Toby would be okay. He was family and I cared about my family.

I silently hoped that his heart would heal soon.

957 words

Thoughts? Comments?

For those of you who don't know, this book is over. I might consider making a second book for it, but that probably wouldn't happen for a while. However, I might make some more bonus chapters, so if you have a request, then DM me and if I'm ever feeling inspired enough, I might write it. :)


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