Chapter 17

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Just to summarize what's happening, Mr. Aizawa announced that the class will participate in a rescue exercise for our Basic Hero Training class.

We were then told to put on our hero outfits and once we were done to get on the bus.

We all boarded the bus, thanks to Iida's help.

I sat in between Tsu and Kirishima on the bus.

"I say whatever comes to mind," Said Tsu. "Midoriya..."

"Um... yes! Asui?"

"Call me Tsu."


I then began to wonder what she was going to say. Well, lets be honest, I think everyone was wondering.

"You Quirk is like All Mights."

"Huh?!? Y-You think so?" Midoriya then became a nervous wreck, he began to stutter and failed to get words out.

Feeling pity for him, I decided to intervene.

"Well Tsu, when All Might uses his Quirk his body doesn't get hurt."

"That's what I was thinking (Y/n)! Y'know what they say, two great minds think alike!" Said Kirishima as he gave me a wink.

I looked away not wanting Kirishima to see me blush.

"(Y/n)," Tsu Said. I immediately thought that she noticed me blushing and was going to point it out. I quickly hid behind my hands and waited for her to say something. "You remind me of a pro hero."


"I had it at the tip of my tongue. She has pink hair, that's for sure."

Realizing who she was talking about, I put my hands down and hung my head slightly. I looked off to the side not wanting to make any eye contact.

"Oh, you probably mean my mom. Is it Rose Quartz?" I Said.

"YOUR MOM WAS ROSE QUARTZ?!?" Shouted Midoriya. "O-Oh, I mean, your mom was Rose Quartz..?" He softer this time.

"Yup. The one and only."

"Does that mean you know the Crystal Gems?" Asked Kaminari.

"Yes, in fact I live with them. They're basically my family." I said with a smile, happy that we stopped talking about Mom.

"Amethyst is my favorite." Said Mina

"Pearl is obviously the best! Don't any of you see how elegantly she moves while she's in battle?" Said Ayoama.

"Garnet." Said an emotionless voice. We all looked over and saw todoroki staring in our direction. "I like Garnet." He said. Then our eyes met for barely a second until he looked away and went back to looking out the window.

Then the rest of the bus ride was mostly quiet. But I couldn't stop thinking about why he only looked at me when he said that.


"Everyone! I have been waiting for you!"

"It's the Space Hero, Thirteen!!" I quietly fangirled.

"Now then," Said Thirteen. "Lets go inside without delay. I look forward to getting to know each and one of you."

"How gentlemanly!" I whisper to Uraraka as she giggled in reply.

Once we all got inside I was amazed at the place. There were multiple natural disaster simulations, and personally, I wanted to do all of them. ((A/n: if this was about me, I would never. I would be to lazy.))

"This a training ground I made with different types of accidents and disasters. It's called the "Unforeseen Simulation Joint", or USJ for short!" He then did a cute pose.

Mr. Aizawa then pulled Thirteen to ask him something. Being curious, I tried to listen in on what they were saying, but Iida stopped me.

"(Y/n)! What do you think you're doing?"

"U-Uh nothing!"

"I don't think you're being honest! As your Class Rep, I demand you tell me!" He said.

Before I could answer, thirteen started speaking. I internally thank him.

"Before we begin, I have something to say. I'm sure your all aware of my quirk, Blackhole. My power can easily kill someone. If I were to make a mistake with my quirk, things would be devastating. With the help of Aizawa's physical test, you found out the possibility of your own hidden powers. And with All mights help, I think you experienced the danger of using powers against others. This class is a fresh start. You will learn how to use your quirk to save lives, you do not have powers to harm others."

     "Wow, Thirteen is incredible." I thought.

     "That is all, thank you for listening." Thirteen said as he gave a bow.

     We all cheered in gratitude. We were all about to get ready to start today's training until all the lights in the arena started flickering and breaking.

     I knew right away something wasn't good.

      Then all of a sudden a dark purple appeared in the middle of the arena.

      "Gather together and don't move!" Aizawa shouted to us. "Thirteen protect the students."

      Then a wave of Intimidating people came out of the portal and started heading our way.

       "Is this like the entrance exam and we just attack them?" Asked Kirishima.

      "No, don't move," Aizawa said as he put on his goggles. I then knew we were all in danger. "those are villains."

       I looked over and saw a man with hands all over his body, including his face. He was looking in our general direction, but I couldn't help but think he was actually staring at me.


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