Chapter 1

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Peter swung from building to building, desperately looking to help someone. When he couldn't seem to find any, he perched on a lamppost. "Karen," Peter huffed.

"Yes, Peter," Karen replied sweetly. "Any trouble nearby,"  Peter asked. There was a short pause as Peter swiftly looked around hopefully. "There's an attempted mugging happening in an alleyway. Sending coordinates," Karen hummed. "Thanks,"  Peter chirped, swinging towards the alleyway.

A blond young lady in her early twenties stood in the alleyway, cornered by a man in black. This was normal, for Peter anyway. "Hand over the bag and no one gets hurt," the man purred. "I think it the other way around," Peter joked, leaning against the alleyway wall, pretending to look at his nails. The man immediately looked in Spiderman's direction with a sharp gasp, giving the lady a chance to step away from the scene.

"Spiderboy? Well what a surprise," The crook spat. "Thanks for inviting me." Peter took down the man with a swift web, sticking him to the wall, easily apprehending him. Peter looked at the blond lady, who stared back at him, obviously in shock. "Are you alright ma'am," Peter asked politely, studying the lady for injuries. "None, um, Spiderman, was it?" the lady asked, a hint of nervousness in her voice.

Spiderman nodded.
"Stay safe, okay," Peter asked, in a serious tone. The lady nodded vigorously before rushing off. Peter smiled behind his mask, feeling happy. He swung out of the alleyway and continued on in the shadows. "Peter, I warn you to head home. It's a school night and its 4 AM," Karen reminded him in a motherly tone.

"4 AM?!" Peter yelped to himself. He didn't even have a chance to eat dinner! Peter swiftly webbed himself home, slipped out of his uniform, and collapsed into bed, getting a good three hours of sleep.


Peter POV

Beep Beep Beep

"Ugh," I moaned to myself, my eyes squeezed shut as I blindly reached for my phone sitting on my nightstand. I lift it up to my face and immediately regret it as the bright light shimmers in my face. When my eyes adjust, I literally fall out of bed onto the cold wooden floor with a thud. 7 AM?! School starts at 8!

I struggle to get to my feet, as the covers are wrapped around my legs, keeping me from standing. I rush into the bathroom, not even bothering to comb my hair through. I brush my teeth swiftly, before stuffing my suit into the bottom of my bag. As I rushed out of my room, I hardly heard Aunt May hum, "Goodmorning, sleepyhead."

 As I slipped my shoes on, I began to rush out the door, only to be yanked back. "Hey, what are you rushing for," Aunt May scolded, her hands on her hips. "School is in an hour and I need to catch the subway," I explained quickly.

Aunt May held out a piece of toast for me. "You missed dinner last night and you need the food," Aunt May muttered simply. She knows about the whole Spiderman thing. I groaned, taking the toast and nibbling on it, hoping to satisfy her. She gave me her signature stare, urging me to eat more. When I simply stared back, she groaned in defeat, giving me a quick peck on the cheek.

"Have a good day at school," Aunt May said in a sing-song voice. I smiled back, quickly rushing out of the apartment building and throwing my toast to the ground, watching as a familiar stray cat ran out of nowhere, swiping up the toast for itself before rushing back into the shadows.

At least someones enjoying breakfast.

My stomach growled in protest, demanding food, but I ignored it. I was able to ignore my hunger pains before the whole spider-bite thing, thanks to Flash constantly stealing my lunch money. 


"So, Pete, what'd you do yesterday," Ned asked, leaning against the unoccupied lockers. I took out my needed books, before turning to him. "Stopped a mug," I shrugged. Ned and I basically made up our own way of talking about superhero things, so if anyone happened to be listening in, they'd wouldn't suspect a thing, not like anyone would be listening to us anyway.

"Ah, cool," Ned muttered. The halls were sort of empty, the chatter was quiet. These days the halls are oddly cold, so most people rather sit in a class where it's warmer. So when my stomach abruptly growled loudly, interrupting our conversation, it's was very noticeable.

 "Are you okay?" Ned asked with concern. 

I nod my head. "Gave my toast to a cat. I'll be fine," I assured him. "What about your metabolism?" Wow, Ned is very observant. "Eh, it's fine," I muttered in a cool tone. "I have a granola bar in my bag if you'd like," Ned offered, his voice laced with concern.

"No, that's your granola bar," I refused. Ned was about to argue when the bell rung. "See you at lunch," I muttered.


I don't know much about Marvel (in my opinion) so plz forgive me if I make any mistakes.

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