Chapter 20

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Peter woke up, laying on his back and breathing calmly. He stretched with a short yawn, before sitting up. He looked out of his window and saw that it was early in the morning, and the sun hadn't risen yet.

For only a moment, Peter thought about waiting patiently but then he remembered he didn't even want to be a baby in the first place. For some reason, Tony left the web shooters on Peter's wrist, and with ease, the toddler to webbed back onto the ceiling before bouncing off onto the floor. Cautiously, Peter felt around his stomach. He was completely healed. A sigh of relief escaped his mouth.

Almost immediately, Peter's door slowly opened. Peter looked up like a deer caught in headlights. Tony stood, rubbing his eyes groggily. "What are you doing up so early, Underoos?"

"You scarwed me!" Peter yelped. Tony chuckled lightly, going over to pick the boy up. Peter yawned once again, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes with his fist. "How'd you know I was awake," Peter pouted, a clearly disappointed he couldn't cause mischief. "I was one step ahead of you and programmed Fri to alert me when you wake up," Tony smirked.

"No fair," Peter whined, pounding his tiny fist against Tony's chest. Tony grabbed the tiny fist and gave Peter a stern look.

"You get away with this because you're most likely still tired, but I won't accept this behavior, do I make myself clear?" Peter frowned. Since when was Tony stern? He was normally such a pushover! Maybe Clint gave him a few pointers.

"Yes, Mr. Sta--" Tony shifted the boy to his hip swiftly, causing the boy to quietly yelp at the sudden movement, taken by surprise. "Let's still to Dada, okay kid?" Peter blushed. 

Yup, they'd never let him live it down.

"You have a friend who wanted to come over and visit later," Tony informed, walking into the living room and plopping the boy on the couch. Peter held the remote but found he couldn't hold it and press the buttons at the same time.

"T....V...TV!" Petter babbled, holding the remote out to the billionaire. Tony was happy to oblige, turning the TV on and channel surfing, Tony paused on Supernatural. Peter bounced in joy. "That one! That one," Peter chanted.

Tony smiled down at the boy and ruffled his hair. "How about something more you size, okay Peter?" Peter tilted his head in confusion but it was quickly replaced with terror when Tony changed the channel to Sesame Street.

"No no no!" Peter cried. "Happy Tree Friends, pwease," Peter pleaded. Tony scrunched up his nose. He had never heard of that show before, but when he turned that on, he saw bright colorful animals and bubbly music and put that on instead.

"Thank you Da--" Peter stopped himself, but Tony had already heard him and simply went back into the kitchen, where Steve was already preparing breakfast along with Natasha (Because Natasha can cook in this book). "Morning, Tones," Natasha greeted, scrambling the eggs.

"What's our little buddy doing," Steve chuckled, clearly in a great mood (because when is he not in a good mood?). "In the living room, watching TV," Tony explained nonchalantly.

Pepper decided to walk into the room at that moment, her hair in a clean ponytail. "You really are good at this parenting, huh?" 
"Sure am," Tony replied cockily. Steve brushed his hands on his pants.

"Breakfast is ready, I'll get the kid," Steve stated, before walking out.

Steve walked into the living room, not paying attention to the TV but instead the couch, with a little head of brown curls sitting. Steve smiled, petting his head lovingly. "Good morning, bud," Steve cooed.

"Morning, Cap," Peter giggled, not taking his eyes off of the screen. "Whatcha watchin?" Steve asked, looking up. His eyes widen.

On the screen was a yellow rabbit getting his head decapitated off while the pink bear screamed in terror. "Tony I'm going to kick your ass, motherfucker!" Steve yelled, scooping the boy up and shielding his youthful eyes and stomping into the kitchen, plopping him harshly in the highchair. He wasn't mad at Peter, more Tony.

Tony stared in confusion. "What? What'd I do," Tony squinted at the Spiderling, "What'd did he do?"

The rest of the Avengers walked in, expecting to eat breakfast, and paused seeing the two friends arguing, and kept silent, sitting down on the barstools. "He's a toddler, Tones! Do you see what was on the TV?"
"What? The kid show with animals?" 

"Ha, kid show? Go look for yourself," Steve spat. All the other Avengers, including Tony, went into the living room before coming back, Tony with a pale expression while everyone else snickered.

Tony, feeling cornered, pointed directly at Peter. "He asked for it!" "What'd you expect from Peter," Pepper asked with a raised eyebrow and crossed arms. She had a point, Tony taking a suggestion from Baby Peter was kinda stupid. Tony's head dropped in defeat. Before he could reply back with something snarky or genuine, Bruce walked in and sighed softly.

"Can we all just let it go?" Peter raised his hands. "I agree!"

"I agree with the kid," Clint muttered, sitting down and helping himself to a plate of food. "Uh huh," Natasha hummed in agreement. Everyone else nodded and helped themselves to food. Peter was given some small pieces of pancakes and bacon, and Peter happily munched away.

He messily got it all over his fingers and face, but he hardly carried. "Do you know where you're mouth is, bud?" Steve smirked. "I sure do, Cap'in," Peter gave a cheeky smile. 



Peter's smile immediately disappeared and he glared in Clint's direction. "You're making this too easy kid," Clint stated happily. Peter crossed his arms with a pout. "He makes a great baby," Wanda joined in on the tease.
"I have to agree," Vision smiled at Wanda.

"No, I don't!" Peter cried out, clearly not enjoying the playful teasing. "You know Bruce," Natasha said, turning to the scientist, "Maybe you can work on keeping him like this. His aunt will most likely agree."

Before Bruce could give a teasing reply, Tony answered for him. "We'll think about it." Everyone laughed, and Peter kicked his feet.

Seeing he wasn't getting them to stop their mean teasing, Peter shoved his empty plate on the floor, and it smashed against the floor, breaking into a thousand tiny pieces.

Everyone stared at him in shock, and Peter can't determine if they're looks are stern or not, so Peter said the only thing he could think was appropriate.

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