Chapter 2

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Peter POV

After classes, I walked down the long halls, making my way to the cafeteria. Slowly, I brought my hand to my face. 1....2....3-- "Penis Parker!" I mentally curse to myself, refusing to turn around, only for a strong grip to be placed upon my shoulder.

"Haven't seen you all day, Penis," Flash growled. "Yeah, I was busy with classes," I replied simply, a fake smile on my face. "Or was it the internship?" Ugh...

"Look, Flash, I've had a long day and I just want to eat lunch," I grumbled.

Flash had a familiar scowl on his face that I knew all too well. "Look man. There are cameras everywhere and hitting me wouldn't satisfy you anyway," I muttered. "Give me your money," Flash demanded. 

"Ain't got any," I lied simply. Flash studied me before shoving me to the tile floor. He straddled me, searching my pockets for money while I sat limp, not bothering to protest. After all, I've dealt with this since freshman year.

Flash stripped me of all my money, mumbled something insulting that he like he always does, before leaving as if nothing ever happened. I stood up and continued on to the cafeteria, sitting with Ned and MJ.

"Hey loser, what took you so long," MJ asked, not bothering to look up from her book. "Eh, not much," I replied. Everybody had pizza, but then again, I didn't have any money. I sat beside Ned, resting my head against the table.

"Aren't you, like," Ned paused, for a moment for no reason, "gonna eat something?" I rolled my eyes, my grumbling stomach seeming quiet. "Flash," I grumbled. Ned nodded in understanding. MJ blew a strand of her hair out of her eye. "You can eat my pizza. I don't want it," MJ offered, glancing up from her book for a millisecond. 

"It's your food, MJ," I reminded her. "Besides," I yawned, resting my head against the table again,"This is a free period for me anyway." I could have sworn I saw a frown on MJ's face for a moment, but it was immediately replaced with her neutral face. "Your loss loser."

I closed my eyes, hoping to ignore my hunger and catch up on the sleep I missed.


After school, I patiently waited for Happy to pull up in the car. I recognized the car as it pulled up around the corner. I quickly hopped in and Happy only grunted a hello to me.

"School was fine, by the way. We had an easy math test and a science quiz," I rambled like I normally did. I continued on as Happy drove silently, as usual. I paused, peering into his brown eyes in the rearview mirror. "You listening?" I asked. Happy rolled his eyes. "Surrreee kid," Happy murmured sarcastically.

I chuckled, looking out the window. "Eh, I know you love me," I teased. "Trust me, kid. I see you like a smaller version of Tony," Happy retorted. My grin grew wide. "And you love him don't cha?" I purred. Happy remained silent, and I fake pouted. We pulled up to the tower and I practically skipped my way in.

"Welcome back, Peter. Boss is in the lab," Friday greeted in her sweet voice. "Hi, Friday," I replied back sweetly. I stepped into the elevator and requested to be sent to the lab when I did, I spotted Tony crouched over a table, examining a chip placed carefully in a dish.

"What'cha doin'?" I asked, plopping my bag near the door. "Oh just in time, kid," Tony replied, turning to me with his signature smile, "I was designing a new feature for my suit," Tony explained. "Cool." I hummed, watching his every move. Tony looked down at the chip once again, tweaking it.

"How was patrol last night? Karen informed me that you were up at 4 AM," Tony smirked, watching the shift uncomfortable. "Care to explain?"

"Well, you know me, uh, always losing track of time," I joke, my face slightly flushing red. Tony chuckled. "Don't let it happen again, okay kid?" I nod, before turning to the test tubes and continuing to do my own thing, adding a few adjustments to Karen. For a moment, I actually forgot about my throbbing hunger (no sarcasm), when suddenly it growled loudly, actually startling the two of us out of the silence.

Tony smirked, not bothering to look at me. "Didn't eat lunch," Tony teased. "Nope," I blurted, continuing to fidget with a tool between my fingers. "He also didn't eat dinner last night and breakfast," Friday added loudly. This caused Tony to tense, making the silence no more comfortable, as he stared at me with a dead tone. "Missing one meal is like missing two days worth of food for you, correct?" Tony asked. I slowly nodded.

His eyes seemed to be studying me, and out of nowhere, a sandwich was launched out of the sky. Of course, with my spidey-sense, I caught it. "Don't let it happen again...or else," Tony scolded. I looked around in confusion. "How did---what," I tripped over my words like shoelaces. "I have a built-in system for this sort of situation," Tony explained in a monotone voice. I hummed before scarfing down the food like never before. It felt good to eat something, considering I hadn't eaten anything for at least the last seventeen hours I think. 

When I returned to work, Tony looked up from what he was doing. "Why did you miss lunch? Doesn't Aunt Hottie give you money," Toney asked with curiosity. "Lost it on my way to school," I mumbled. Tony didn't seem to buy it but he didn't press on. I looked down at my watch. "Welp, I better head home to do my homework, then patrol and," Tony seemed to simply stare at with, unimpressed," you already know all this sooo...."

I swiftly left, swinging home, on tall towers, so no one would see my face. As I swung in through my room and began to do my homework at my desk, my earplugs shoved in my ears, blasting Mr. Blue Sky, Tony's words suddenly smacked me so hard, I had to pause for a moment of silence. 'Or else'

Or else?

Or else what?

Aunt May peered into my room and spotted me. "Oh, I didn't hear you come in." She scurried into my room and looked over my shoulder, seeing I was doing my homework. "Seeing that you're here now, why don't you join me for dinner," Aunt May offered. I smiled at her friendliness. "Yeah, why not," I stood up and followed her to the kitchen.

Tony POV

As I left the lab and began to get ready for bed, I couldn't help but feel a protective feeling for Peter's heath. "Fri," I called, as I brushed my teeth. "Yes, Boss," Friday purred sweetly. "Whenever Peter misses a meal, Karen is expected to report to me," I ordered.  Friday buzzed quietly. "Should Peter be informed about this?"

I thought for a moment. "No, because if he is, he'll go out of his way to eat something so I won't be on his back. I want to see what he'll do if he doesn't know I'm watching." A smirk spread across my face. "As you wish, Boss," Friday replied in her usually cheerful tone.

This'll be fun, SpiderBaby.

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