chapter 13

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Peter POV

The arrow was soaring in my direct direction and I tried to turn, but I knew that no matter what I did, I wouldn't be fast enough. The arrow went past my head, gently grazing my ear.

I think that the fact that it grazed my ear that it sent the arrow out of wack and it missed Flash by a hair, hitting the floor and electricity bouncing off of it. Flash went pale and I could see a slight smirk on Clint's face.

That dick.

"Are you the tour that came to watch us practice," Natasha asked, tilting her head and making her hair bounce, staring at MJ slightly, even though she was mainly looking at me.

Kate nodded, stepping off to the side. "This is the only class that's touring today." Natasha hummed as Clint studied the room. "Today, we'll be teaching self-defense. Something especially all kid like you should know," Clint explained. Natasha placed her hand on her hip, looking over all the students.

"This is a tough one, Hawkeye. Who should we pick for an example?" Natasha asked dumbly. Everyone seemed to raise their hand. Well, not MJ, Ned or Flash. Flash was cowering away, behind me, still freaked out by that arrow thing that nearly shot his head off.

"How about that kid right there," Natasha suggested, pointing directly at Flash. Flash cockily went up to the mat, too afraid to back down. "Oooh, tough guy," Clint chuckled, his eyes flashing red for a moment. No one noticed but me.

"So, when a person walks up behind you," Natasha said slowly, motioning for Flash to stand behind her. "They usually go for your waist or arm. Sometimes they can go for your mouth to keep you from screaming." Flash hesitantly placed his hand on Natasha's shoulder and everyone snickered.

Natasha didn't even glance back at him before slowly pretending to go low, and elbow Flash in his ribs. "Go low, and elbow them straight in the rib," Natasha explained, before standing back up. Without warning, Natasha swiftly ducked down low and actually elbowed Flash's harshly in his ribs. He fell over, hissing in pain.

MJ stifled a giggle, covering her hand over her mouth. Clint helped Flash up with a warm smile. Abruptly, Clint yanked Flash up at an inhuman speed, causing Flash to fall into Clint's chest, trying to catch himself on his feet. Clint didn't even flinch. "Someone may attack you from the front, most of the time you'll see them," Clint continued on with the lesson. I saw MJ smile out of the corner of my eye, flipping out her sketchbook and pencils, drawing the scene in front of us eagerly.

"You can always carry pepper spray or a taser for this type of situation, but you need to prepare for when you don't have the essential weapons," Clint explained, turning to the group as he talked, before turning back to Flash, patting his forearm. "Grab me right here, will ya kid?" Flash did as told, even though his eyes were hesitant.

 "Going for the arm in what most attackers do. When they grab you, lift their hand up to expose their arm," Clint lifted Flash's arm, before tapping his bending elbow,"This is the simple part of the arm. Hitting this area at a quick speed can break their arm, rendering it useless."

My eyes widen, and everyone was on the edges of their seats to see Clint break Flash's arm (We're not sitting, just an expression). Flash closed his eyes tightly, awaiting his pain, but it never came. "Or, you can always resort to kicking them in the groin. That's a good advantage," Clint added, letting go of Flash. Flash gratefully rubbed his arm that was not broken. Natasha handed Flash a plastic toy knife and everyone snickered.

"Nowadays, people approach with weapons instead of hand to hand combat. When approached by a gun, it is wise to stay calm and not engage a fight. A knife, however, can easily be turned around on the attacker," Natasha went on.

MJ eagerly drew Flash with a fearful expression on his face, snickering at her work. "When a person approaches you with a knife, they automatically head for the mid-torso. If possible, move out the way and trip their ankles up," Natasha taught.

Flash was getting the hang of it and pretended to go for a stab at Natasha's abdomen. She reacted quickly, ducking low and kicking Flash in his ankles, violently. Flash let out a girly yelp, falling to the mat in defeat. I looked at his ankles from where I stood with concern.

His ankles weren't broken...unfortunately. Natasha pouted, knowing she hadn't broken him. Wade snickered. "Getcha ankles BROKE!" 

Everyone broke out into laughter, especially when Natasha continued to kick Flash's ass. Clint flashed me a grin and I turned away to look at Kate. She dead-ass had a smile on her face and was giggling. Was everyone who worked here in on this weird plan?

After a few more minutes of torture, Kate finally stepped up. "The students should be heading to lunch now. Thank you for the lesson Black Widow and Hawkeye," Kate finally interrupted when Natasha had Flash pinned under her foot.

Natasha looked lost for a moment, clearing enjoying giving Flash a beating. "Huh? Oh well, yes of course. Thanks, kid," Natasha pulled Flash up while Clint patted his back.

"Thank you all for paying attention and learning self-defense," Natasha coughed awkwardly. Flash limped back into the crowd dramatically. MJ turned to him with a grin. "Walk it off hippy!" MJ said in her best Mr. Fredrickson voice.

Everyone continued laughing. Kate and Ms. Green had small smiles on their faces as we walked off to the lunch room. I honestly wasn't in the mood to eat anything, so I simply sat with Ned and MJ, who was eating the good food Tony Stark Industries could offer.

My stomach slightly growled, and I had a feeling to be watched. I looked up to see Clint in the vents, staring down at me with a knowing glare. "Eat," Clint mouthed. I rolled my eyes but did as told. 

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