Chapter 15

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Peter POV

School the next day was...something.
Everyone was talking about me, and Flash avoided me, clearly angry. MJ and Ned pretended everything was normal, but it wasn't. We scarfed our food quickly so we could spend the rest of our time in the library.

MJ sat in the seat across from us, clearly paying no attention to us. "So, you going on patrol tonight?" I cringed at that thought. "I'm still tired from that trip, man. All I want to do is collapse on my face," I grumbled. Ned nodded in agreement. "You need the rest," Ned added.

As I pulled out a random book to pass the time, I saw Flash pass by the library door, pause, and scowl with me, mouthing,"Penis." I frowned at this, before continuing to read. "What a dick," MJ murmured. I chuckled weakly at that before continuing to read.

"Are you ever gonna tear that page of me and Tony out?" I asked suddenly. "Nope, it's too precious," MJ chuckled softly. 

The day went by quickly, and I shuffled my bag onto my back, before walking out tiredly. I walked slowly, dragging my feet behind me when abruptly, my Spidey-Sense went off. "Ugh! Why me," I whined softly, swiftly ducking into an alleyway and putting on my suit. I saw a car driving at wild speeds, as a pregnant lady and her child across the road, as the speed of a pregnant lady and small child.

I raced into the road, putting my body in their way. The car rammed into me, but it didn't weigh much to me. I put the car down gently, looking at the lady and child. The child was shaking in fear and the lady was frozen. "Thank you Spider-Man," The pregnant lady exhaled.

"No problem Ma'am," I said, trying to catch my breath. Even though the car didn't harm me, the anxiety it gave me was still there. The mother and child hauled ass out of there, and I went to the driver seat of the car. "Yo, you okay in there? You alive?"

A man with a thick beard looked at me tiredly. As I went to pull him out of the car wreck, I could smell the alcohol on his breath. "Spiderboy?" The man slurred in confusion as I sat him down safely on the sidewalk. "Spiderman," I corrected him with a grumble. 

He drunkenly nodded. I turned away from him for a moment as I noticed people on the other side of the street, recording and some were most likely calling the police. I looked back at the drunk man in annoyance. "Don't. Move. The police will handle this mess," I ordered him. The drunk man blinked back at me in response as I swung away from the scene.

I was swinging freely for a moment, almost forgetting I wasn't planning on going on patrol today, seeing I was too tired for it. As I turned my direction to my apartment, only for my web to break with a swift slice.

"Oh come on," I cried as I fell onto the roof of OSCORP. I inspected the cut on my web, before groaning loudly. "Deadpool I know that's you."
Wade, who was hiding behind a ventilation shaft, poked his head out and smirked behind his mask. "Wow, you found me," Deadpool complimented.

I held the broken web for him to see. "So, like, why did you break my web?" I demanded to know. Deadpool fidgeted with his katanas, before looking at me. "I didn't expect you to go on patrol today. I was gonna stalk you until you were safely home."

"That's not creepy at all," I said sarcastically as I tested my wrist. "Why were you going to stalk me?"

"Why am I going to stalk you," Wade corrected me with raised eyebrows. "Yeah, sure. But why?"
"That dingle-ling was talking about getting you back for what happened on the trip. You're too pure to fight back, so I would do it for you, if he stuck to his word that is," Deadpool explained.

"He won't, following me home would be a new low for him," I assured him, before bringing my wrist up to web away. Deadpool pulled me back with a short whine. "No, let me take you home!"

I tried to wiggle out of his grasp, but there was no use. I blushed under my mask, turning away from him, knowing he could practically sense my feeling. "Fine," I huffed in defeat. Wade smirked under his mask and did something I'd never expect in a million years.

He lifted his mask a little, exposing his mouth, lifted my mask (My arms are pinned, I can't move them myself), exposing the lower half of my face, before gently kissing my cheek. "Wa-" My voice got caught in my through, as I blushed uncontrollably. 

He didn't just---he just--I'm not.
My mind was rambling as Wade hopped skillfully to my apartment building. "Spidey. Spidey? Pete? Petey? Petey-pie? Petey-poo?" Wade tried to gain my attention, but I couldn't...move. Wade chuckled, opening my window and plopped me down on the floor.

"See you at school tommorow, kid," Wade laughed manically before jumping away.


The fuck.



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