Chapter 9

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Peter POV

I shuffled my bag over my shoulder. I honestly was not in the mood for school, I didn't feel like seeing Flash, and I was also looking forward to thanking Wade.

When I got to my locker, I was engulfed in a hug by none other than Ned. "I was so worried, Pete! You never came to lunch and didn't come to any of the other classes, and I heard Flash talking about how he beat you up. I called Tony and he didn't answer. I hacked into your system and called Steve and--" "Woah Woah Woah!" I stopped his ramble.

"Look," I say calmly, lifting up my shirt slightly to reveal no bruises, "Healing factor, remember? I'm fine."

Ned nodded, running a hand through his short hair. "I know I know. You just...didn't contact me during the weekend," Ned explained himself, taking deep breaths. I facepalmed. "Sorry man, I didn't--" "It's okay, you're here now, that's all that matters," Ned interrupted.

I slowly nodded, hesitantly, before grabbing my necessary books and putting the rest in my locker. Ned leaned against the unoccupied lockers once again. "Ready for class," Ned asked. I hummed in agreement. A tingly feeling ran down my spine, slightly causing me to shiver.

I wasn't in danger, but someone was watching me, like a hawk, and I was alerted for some reason. Why? I glanced behind me as Ned and I walked to class. No one appeared to be looking at me, everyone was in their own quiet groups with calm commotion. 


I took my seat at my desk by myself, Ned taking his normal seat on the other side of the class. I doodled while I patiently waited for the teacher to come. No need to be worried, seeing that class doesn't start for a while. "Of course, you're here today," a familiar voice said softly. I looked up and almost choked on my own spit.


"It''s you," I stuttered. Wade smirked, leaning against my desk and breathing against my forehead, the curls in front fluttering along with his breathing pattern. "The one and only," Wade chuckled. I opened my mouth but no noise came out. Wade watched in amusement. When I finally found my words and opened my mouth, the teacher finally walked in.

"Sorry class that I took so long, but now I'm here," The teacher chuckled nervously, like the socially awkward person he is. Wade looked over his shoulder to the teacher who was settling in, before walking over to his own desk.

Great, just great.
I couldn't even thank him without freaking out and becoming a blubbering baby. The class continued on as normal, taking notes and listening to pointless lectures. Good thing is, he was so distracted by the class clown, that he forgot to give out the homework. No one went out of their way to remind him either.

Stepping out into the hallway, I began to walk to my other class when a gentle hand was placed on my shoulder. "What's the rush for, cutie?" Wade asked.

My senses tingled for a moment, but I put a soft smile on my face. "Thanks, Wade, for, uh, what you did on Friday," I said under my breath. Wade laughed. "That dingle-ling was hurting you. To be honest, I wasn't expecting to see that, what he was doing to you," Wade cringed at the thought.

"Don't worry, I'm fine now," I assured him. Wade nodded with his adorable smile plastered on his face. "I know that Petey," Wade said sweetly, before walking past me.




I stood froze for a moment before shaking my fogged head and continued on my way to class. My other classes followed, and my last class got out early. I had eight minutes to spare, and I foolishly spent them wandering the hallways to take up my time.

The feeling of being watched grew. "Eh, Penis!" I froze where I stood. can't be happening!
"Hey!" Flash growled angrily, I could hear him powering walking behind me. A then I did something I didn't expect myself to do.

I ran. I ran and hid around a random corner. I held my breath, patiently waiting for Flash to pass by. He did, growling and murmuring things. When he did pass and I could no longer hear me, I got out of my hiding spot and looked around cautiously. I saw it coming a mile away and could have avoided it, but to avoid suspicion, I took it like a champ (Hear the pain in my voice?).

Flash punched him straight in my eye and all I could see my red in my left eye. I crumpled to the floor in agony. "Why me," I cursed. "I didn't finish what I started Friday, now did I?" Flash smirked.

What I didn't expect, was for a dark shadow to come out of nowhere and shoved Flash away. "Как ты смеешь так поступать с Питом ?! (How dare you do that to Pete?)"Dear, God. Natasha.

"Don't hurt him," I cried out pleadingly, holding my eye and watching Natasha hover over Flash himself, growling like a protective dog. "He hurt you, Pete. This Мудак! (Asshole)" Natasha spat on him. I stood up, still holding my now swelling eye, grabbing onto Natasha's arm and giving her a reassuring squeeze. Flash was shaking with fear. The Black Widow was hovering over him dangerously.

"He's already down and scared. He learned his lesson," I told her, gesturing to the boy who refused to look Natasha in the eye. Natasha didn't even look me in the eye, still growling and making quiet threats in Russian, putting her foot on Flash's chest, pressing down hard. "Nat, look at me," I demanded softly. Natasha glanced at me and paused. She seemed to be looking at my purple eye in horror, and then at my unharmed eye.

"Please," I say softly. Natasha sighed softly, taking her foot off of Flash's chest and smiled gently. "Fine, Проклятье твое миловидное лицо. (Goddamn your cute little face.)"

I giggle softly. "Go head to the nurse, get patched up, and go to lunch. Your coming to the tower...early," Natasha gave me a look that said 'Don't argue with me'. I roll my eye and nodded, before walking off to see the nurse again this month.


Natasha watched as Peter walked away, sighed softly and crossing her arms, shaking her head slightly. Flash hesitantly, yet slowly, got to his knees in an attempt to get up, only for Nat to upper kick him in his jaw, knocking the air out of him and shoving him into the locker in the process.

"Oof," Flash grunted. Natasha knelt down to him and held his jaw tightly, digging her nails into his face."If you ever bother Pete again, so much as look at him, I'll make your life a living hell, and that's a promise. And trust me, I always keep my promise. Always. Got that," Natasha hissed, her Russian accent coming through.

Flash nodded vigorously. "Talk, dammit!" Natasha spat. "'am," Flash stuttered.  Natasha glared into his eyes, making him see the truth. "Now run off before I actually hurt you."

Flash didn't need to be told twice, scuttling off down the hall, disappearing. Natasha stood completely still, processing what just happened. She clenched her jaw and tightened her fist, marching down the hallway to the exit.

Boy, Tony was going to love hearing this.

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