One Random Day

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Takes place BEFORE the story


Peter sat on the ceiling, Natasha, and Bucky below him, watching TV, like any other Saturday when Peter came to visit. It was a game show in Japan that none of them could understand fluently, but they watched regardless. Tony burst into the living room, running a hand through his hair. "T'challa and the princess are coming to visit," Tony informed them. No one even turned to look at him.

"Oh? That's nice," Natasha murmured absentmindedly, her eyes glued to the screen unfocused. Peter gave Tony a side glance. "Is she my age?" Peter asked curiously. Tony smirked, leaning in the doorway. "As a matter of fact, she is. Why do you ask?"
Peter could see where this was going and didn't respond. Tony turned to leave. "They're coming in like, two hours, so you might wanna clean up a bit."

That got their attention. Natasha shot up and stormed after Tony. "You can't just go inviting people last minute, Tones!" Bucky followed close behind, waving his metal arm and yelling curses, leaving Peter to cleaning out the living room (aka the only dirty room, if you can call it that).

Only an hour later, did the large ship land on top of the tower. T'challa and the young lady claimed to be his younger sister, walked through. "Welcome, all mighty king," Tony said dramatically bowing. T'challa smirked. "Are we going to sit here or are we going to discuss business?" T'challa asked in a lighthearted tone.

Peter, who was standing beside Tony, looked at the princess, Shuri, as she looked around, before stopping on him. Being the princess of Wakanda, Peter became flustered and waved akwardly. "Hi, Princess," Peter stuttered. Shuri squinted at him for a moment, before holding her hand out, bringing her nose into the air. "Kiss my hand peasant!"

Peter paused for a moment, looking at Tony for confirmation, before looking back at Shuri in confusion. Shuri chuckled, bringing her hand away. "Nah, I'm just messing with you." Peter nodded, looking off to the distant. "Oooh, I like your accent where you from?"

Shuri's eyes widen for a moment, but she quickly replied without skipping a beat. "I am Librarian," Shuri said deeply with an accent. Peter snickered. "Oh, my bad," Peter leaned forward slightly in a whisper,"I like your accent where you from?"

The two promptly broke into laughter as Peter led him 

Tony and T'challa shared a look. "Do you understand a thing that just happened?" Tony asked.

T'challa shrugged it off as he walked ahead of him. "They're kids, leave them be."

With Shuri and Peter

Shuri looked upon Tony's inventions along with his lab. "It could use some work in my opinion," Shuri admitted, turning to Peter. "So what? You have any specialties?" Shuri asked in a joking tone. Peter blushed slightly, scratching the back of his neck. "Well Spiderman," Peter admitted.

Shuri snapped her attention to him, before racing over to him, backing him against the wall. Her eyes were wide in excitement and awe. "Your Spiderman?! How do you do it?! The webs and the swinging?!" Shuri asked eagerly. Peter, rolled up his sleeve slightly to reveal his web shooters. "These babies."

Shuri inspected them. "Can you remove one so I can look at it better,"  Shuri asked. Peter nodded, taking one off and handing it to her. Shuri sat it on the counter and looked at the webbing fluid. "You don't make it organically?" 

Peter tilted his head shrugging slightly. "Not exactly. I can make it organically, but I don't have alot of storage for it inside of me. And it doesn't shoot that far, and it breaks easily. It's pretty much useless," Peter explained. Shuri listened closely.

"I have an idea, but it'll take a while," Shuri announced, promptly breaking the web shooter in half. "Hey!" Peter whined. "I can fix it," Shuri retorted, whipping out a handy tool as she tinkered with it.

Peter peered over her shoulder. "What are you going to do with it?" Shuri looked at him and giggled. "That's the surprise, silly!" Peter smiled awkwardly, backing away slowly. "Okay..."

Peter's wrist felt weird as he rubbed it absentmindedly. He always had the web shooters on, at all times, he had it on since he was 14 and turned into Spiderman, so for it to be removed, felt strange. Peter ignored it and went to go mess around with Tony's A.I, Friday.

Back to T'challa and Tony

T'challa pointed to the blueprints Tony had given him. "Is this even gonna work?" Tony nodded. "The area would. Trust me," Tony stretched for a moment and heard his back pop for a second.

"Friday, how long have we been here?" Tony asked. T'challa took a sip of the water Tony had offered him a while ago. "2 hours, BabyCheeks," Friday hummed. T'challa choked for a moment, sitting his cup down as Tony's eye twitched. "That kid is gonna be the death of me," Tony grumbled, rubbing his head. "I feel you, Tony," T'challa chuckled weakly, tracing his pen over the paper.

"Wanna get some pizza," Tony offered. T'challa shrugged, following Tony to the kitchen, where he had left his phone. Tony picked it up and began to dial for the pizza. "Can't you get your AI to order it," T'challa asked. "I'm not gonna listen to Friday call me BabyCheeks," Tony snorted, lifting the phone to his ear.

Peter and Shuri strutted into the kitchen, Shuri sitting on the counter as Peter dug into the fridge, pulling out Gatorade bottle. He looked at it and immediately poured it all out into a cup. "Yo Terry you want some," Peter asked, handing the bottle to Shuri as she hopped off the counter.

She held it and bounced it on her palm lightly. "This besh EMPTY! YEET!"  Shuri threw the bottle across the kitchen, just as Sam walked into the kitchen. It hit him across the head and he fell to the ground. Peter put his hands up to his mouth. "Oof!" Peter grunted, mimicking the Roblox Death noise.

T'challa and Tony shared looks in confusion. "Oh, my baby! He needs some milk," Shuri laughed loudly. "Shuri! Apologize," T'challa scolded. "I hate kids," Sam grumbled, stumbling out of the kitchen.

Tony studied the two, before continuing to call his order. Peter and Shuri scurried out of the kitchen, giggling like five-year-olds.  When Tony finally put his phone down, finishing the order, T'challa rubbed the bridge of his nose.

"I'm starting to think putting those two together was a bad idea," T'challa claimed. Tony nodded in agreement. "I've been thinking the same," Tony added.


The pizza came and everyone was sitting at the counter, eating as many slices as possible. Peter was going for his fifth slice, almost finishing one whole pizza pie by himself, metabolism and all, Shuri rushed over to him.

"If your name is Junior, and you're really handsome, come on raise your hand," Shuri sang. Peter's face scrunched up into a shy smile as he raised his hand and waved it gracefully.

Pepper was eating the breadsticks that came with the pizza. "I was thinking about losing weight," Pepper said, trying to stand a conversation. That set it off. "Oh but you beautiful babe," Tony cooed. Wanda looked over at her and tilted her head. "But you're already so skinny!"

What they didn't know, was that Pepper was in on the joke. Peter threw his head back. "You know what, I love myself. Even though I look like a burnt chicken nugget, I still love myself," Peter said sweetly. Everyone broke into laughter.

Part two to One Random Day will come out next. LOL

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