Chapter 17

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Peter POV

I walked into the school building, clutching my bag behind me. 
This week is supposed to be laid back, seeing that it's the last week of school but, knowing my luck it won't turn out that way.

As soon as I made my way to my locker, I saw Flash. He was talking to one of his friends, leaning against the lockers ahead of mine. Once he saw me, he paled and hauled ass outta there.


I choose to take my bag with me to class, feeling as though it'd be safer on me. "Hey Nerd," MJ greeted me. I cocked my head to the side with a smug grin. "You talk now," I asked smugly. MJ lightly punched me in my shoulder. "If you had checked the group chat, you would know that Ned didn't come today and that I am actually," MJ gagged on her words, hunching over for a moment. "your help with a presentation."

I giggled. Like the little school girl I am, I giggled at her. "Michelle. coming to me? Peter Parker himself, The Nerd, The Loser, for help?" I teased. MJ crossed her arms, rolling her eyes as her hip swayed to one side. "No need to rub it in my face. I literally need a partner for the project and seeing I never got one, I did it by myself. All I need you to do is present with me," MJ explained.

My smirk grew into a grin. "Sure, uh huh," I teased. MJ grabbed me by my hood and ground her teeth. "Look Loser, I was planning on asking Ned but he's out sick today," MJ growled matter-of-factly, her cheeks tinting pink. I finally gave in. "Well, where is this project?"

MJ tilted her head dramatically. "On a hardware drive. Lucky for you I have it written down here so we won't have to waste time pulling it out," MJ said simply, sliding the paper to me. I looked it over in confusion. "All the parts labeled for Ned are yours."

"Mkay," I said in return. I skimmed over the page. I felt cool breathing on my neck and my breathing hitched for a moment. MJ stood behind me, reading the paper as well. "Got all that," MJ asked me when she finally refreshed it. I nodded. "What class?"

"Spanish, duh!" MJ retorted, and I simply laughed at her response. We both had Spanish for 3rd period, so I took the paper, seeing that MJ knew it by heart. Heading to my first class, I listened to the lectures of bullshit, simply relieved I'd no longer have homework. Flash seemed to be staring at me, his face blanks but his eyes filled with hatred.

This can't end well...

I looked at the teacher in fear as the teacher glared at me. "The answer?" The teacher dragged out, gesturing to the eraser board by staring dead at me. "x over y," I stuttered out. The teacher nodded, erasing the board. "Pay more attention next time," The teacher scolded.


The second period we watched a movie, last week of school and all, so I had the chance to talk to MJ. "Since when do we have projects in Spanish. I didn't get one," I said matter-of-factly. "And you also didn't get extra credit, Peter," MJ spat in her normal monotone voice. "Wait you're bad in Spanish," I asked in shock. MJ looked at me with a look that said 'If you don't shut the fuck up I'll feed your dick to the birds' so I immediately shut my mouth.

Around thirty minutes before class ended, MJ stood up and excused us both. As we walked down the halls, MJ kept staring at me. "Flash is talking behind you're back and bragging about how he's gonna kick you're an ass," MJ blurted, dwindling the flash drive around her fingers.

"He always talked that way even before the SI trip," I pointed out. MJ looked at me with concern. "And he also avoids me as if his life is at stake, I added for good measure. MJ crossed her arms, tilting her head to the side with a small smile on her face.

"Yeah, well Flash is Flash. He gets cocky and anger builds up in him when he can't bother you, he's a strange motherfucka you know," MJ continued. "I'll deal with him, I have the power of Wade and anime on my side," I concluded confidently. "I can't argue with that shit," MJ admitted.

We walked into the Spanish class and was greeted by the teacher. "Now present you two," The teacher said, clearly in a rush. I cleared my throat as MJ popped in the Flashdrive. As I spoke fluently, MJ clearly fell behind as she spoke, falling over her words and cursing under her breath everytime she messed up a word.

As soon as we finished presenting, MJ was fuming in embarrassment. "You did good Michelle, and I think it was really slick to have Peter, one of my A students, to help you," the teacher smiled. MJ kept her composure, her arms crossed. "You'll get a good grade, don't worry," the teacher teased. Michelle and I released a breath we didn't even know we were holding. 
"Thank you," MJ exhaled.

I was...shooketh. 

The rest of the school was calm and quiet. I felt as though someone was staring at me, with burning eyes, but I simply ignored it, considering it was either Natasha again or something. The final bell rang and I walked off of the school property and began to text May.

Hey, do u think I can skip school for the rest of the week? Report cards already came out two weeks ago so I already know my final grade.

I know May won't reply immediately, her phone is never her first priority. Patrol or no patrol, I thought to myself quietly.  Eh, why not, I hardly did anything today anyway. As I crawled into the alleyway, I heard footsteps following behind me.

"Uh," I murmured, my lips thinning. "Penis..."
I groaned loudly. Flash, of course. Peter Parker is a wimp, but that doesn't mean he doesn't get pissed. 

"Look, Flash. You already know that the Internship was real, Tony fucking Stark even admitted it. I could never afford to pay him off either, so don't make that excuse. Black Widow herself came to school to kick your ass and all the other Avengers know me by name. What the blue FUCK makes you want to corner me in an alleyway, Eugene. I want to hear it now," I finally snapped.

"No," Flash growled as I turned to look at him. His eyes were dark and flashed red. "You don't, fucking deserve it," Flash pulled a pocket knife. My eyes widen. "Are you batshit crazy??" I asked with actual concern. I never believed Flash was fucking mental.

"I deserved that fucking internship, not poor lonesome Peter Parker," Flash spat in disgust. Oh god, I can't fight him back. I didn't slip into my suit yet. "If you deserved it, he would have come to you with the offer, dumbass," I shot back. Wait, since when did Peter Parker grow balls? Fuck it, I'm lovin' it.

Flash balled his fist and stepped closer. "Shut the fuck up Parker!" Flash yelled out, charging at me with the knife. If it weren't for my heightened senses, I wouldn't have been able to dodge out of the way. "You don't want this, Eugene. Trust me," I tried to coax. Flash went to stab me again, and got lucky, slightly grazing my cheek. It looked like a cat scratch.

"What are you going to gain from this??" I asked him. Flash growled and aimed for my abdomen. I tried to pull away without revealing my strengths, only for him to get another hit. The adrenaline pumped through my veins as I kicked him away, blood slowly pouring out of me. "You won't get away with this, Flash," I claimed gently.

Somehow, Flash kicked me down once again, pinning me down with his leg. He cut me slowly. "This is why you don't have parents, they left you because you were weak. Tony Stark only took pity on you. He deserves someone like me to be his personal intern," Flash went on as he cut me slowly, down my arms, he cut my stomach deeply, hissing insults and how poor and pitiful I was.

I tuned him out, but what I didn't remember, was that I had the spiderman suit on underneath my clothing, and I don't need the mask for Karen to scan me. Flash got off of me and spat in my face before walking off as I bled on the alley-floor. The alley got blurry, and my mind was elsewhere. With the heightened hearing I heard.

"You're are facing extreme damage. Calling, Tony."

Ah, shit...

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