Chapter 10

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Peter POV

After my visit to the nurse, I rushed to lunch. Ned was there, but MJ wasn't. I got my lunch and sat beside Ned. "What took you so long. MJ and I were waiting for you," Ned asked with pure curiosity. "Flash, again," I muttered, taking the ice pack away from my eye revealing the now black eye. Ned studied it for a moment. He knew not to question Flash or his interactions with me. 

"MJ left to the library and while ago," Ned changed the subject smoothly. I took a sip of my milk, the scene of Natasha appearing out of thin air and letting him off with a warning.

Yes, that was a warning.
I've seen her at work, and she could have beaten Flash to dust if I hadn't stopped her. But, even though that was a warning, I know Flash most likely pissed his pants and is forever traumatized. Wait...

"Oh my god," I gurgled, choking on the milk that was stuck in my throat. Natasha didn't come here because she planned it, she came here at Tony's request most likely. Meaning Natasha's going to tell Tony regardless! My nose burned at the milky sensation.

Ned looked over at me and laughed. "You okay, Pete?" "Mr. Stark," I coughed violently. "What about him," Ned asked. "Black Widow was here," I sputtered under my breath, not like anyone was listening in any way.

"You mean Natasha Romanoff," Ned asked with excitement. I nodded, vibrating anxiously. Ned paused for a moment. "Is she still here," Ned asked. I shrugged. "Maybe...I don't know. But what I do know is that she knows about Flash." Ned's eyes widen. "Really, that's so cool," Ned fanboyed. I sighed softly. Whenever Ned needs to be serious, he won't be.

The bell then rang. "Saved by the bell," I sang as I got my supplies and went off to my class.


"Tony," Natasha shouted, marching down the hallways of the tower. She was absolutely fuming, and once Tony heard what she had to say, he would too. And if she knew Tony, she knew he'd have some sort of plan for this. Tony was exiting the lab, Bruce following behind him. They seemed to be having small talk.

"Tony, Bruce!" Natasha hissed, her fists clear. Tony looked at her and turned completely to face her. "School's not even over and you already have a report for me," Tony asked. Natasha's eyebrows furrowed together, ready to burst.

"Some asshole hit Pete! Eugene is his name. Goes by Flash. And I know for sure he was the one who hurt Peter Friday," Natasha rambled. Tony's jaw dropped, and Bruce stared down at his feet. "I...have to go see Wanda for a minute," Bruce hissed, his eyes flashing green for a moment.

He stormed off extremely quickly, and Tony's eyes seemed to move around very quickly, trying to plot something. "I have an idea, a good one," Tony smiled. "Well, tell me," Natasha huffed.


Peter POV

Natasha wasn't lying when she said that I would go home early. On my second to last class of the day I was called down to the office, and there waiting for me was Tony, he had his sunglasses on and didn't appear happy. 

I followed him to his car in silence and as soon as I sat down was when I finally spoke. "Did, um, Natasha tell you?" I asked quietly in a shy tone. "Tell me? Tell me what? I picked you up early because I can, can I not?" Tony replied with confusion in his voice.

"What? Natasha followed me to school," I retorted in disbelief. "She followed you? Wow, you know Natasha, she can become really protective of you," Tony chuckled. So, Natasha came here because of her own suspicion? That's hard to believe but I'll take it as long as Tony doesn't ask me about my day.

"So, are you sending me home or are you sending me to the tower," I asked. "Do you have homework," Tony asked. "No," I said slowly. "Then we're heading to the tower."

"What happened to your eye, Underoos," Tony suddenly asked. "P.E," I lied smoothly. Tony was quiet for a moment before humming in response. When we did arrive at the tower, it seemed as though everyone was looking at me. Yes, they were all in the living room and they probably weren't expecting Tony to bring me to the tower, but the looks they gave me didn't insinuate that.

They seemed to study me, and talked among each other quietly, even though their mouths weren't actually moving. Tony led me to the lab and we did our normal things. "So kid, haven't you noticed something," Tony asked me as I messed around with my web fluid.

"Noticed about what," I asked. "The tower doesn't get as many tours as it usually does anymore," Tony said matter-of-factly. I scoffed. "It still gets over 100 tours in a month, Tony," I reminded him reassuringly. "Yeah, but every day we only have fifteen tours, if we're lucky," Tony huffed.

"Well, maybe that's because Summer's about to start. Some schools have already ended and that means fewer trips. The majority of the tours are made up of students," I explained to him. Tony slowly nodded, and a smile came to his lips. "You just gave me an idea, kid," Tony cheered.

This can't be good.

After messing around in the lab for a while, I remembered that Aunt May was most likely waiting for me for me at home. "Bye, Tony. I'm heading home," I announced to him. Tony simply gave me a small glance and grunted, "Okay kid."

I skipped out of the lab only to bump into Natasha. "Oh, uh, sorry Nat," I muttered shyly. Natasha crossed her arms and had a slight satisfied smirk on her face. It was quite faint that if I weren't actually on alert I wouldn't have noticed it.

"No problem, Peter," Natasha said sweetly. Somethings, wrong. Somethings definitely wrong. I smile back, sorta. I quickly left and webbed my way home and as soon as I opened the door to the apartment, Aunt May pulled me into her arms.

"Hi, Peter! How was scho--what happened to your eye!" Aunt May cried. "P.E, that's what's happened," I continued the lie. Aunt May seemed to buy it and continued to coo me and talk about her day. Really, we just acted like normal. But it wasn't. Because they're planning something. I know it.

Tony POV

I stepped out of the lab and spotted Natasha still standing there. We shared a nod with her. "Did you talk to him," Natasha asked. "He fell straight into our trap," I laughed evilly. Natasha and I walked into the living room, where all the Avengers, along with Pepper, of course, were waiting.

"Is the plan in motion?" Bucky asked. "The plan is in motion," I confirmed. Steve cracked his neck whilst Clint cracked his knuckles.

"This is gonna be fun," Wanda giggled.

I nodded and looked over at Pepper. "Pep, do you mind calling Peter's school for a field trip?" I asked. "None at all," Pepper smiled.

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