chapter 4

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Tony POV

I was cuddled up with Pepper laying against my chest when my phone buzzed. "Ignore it," Pepper mumbled in discomfort, trying to fall asleep again. I smiled, kissing Pepper's head of hair before pulling the phone up to my ear.

"Hello, who is this?"

"You were on the Emergency Contact list," a female voice explained softly. "Emergency contact? For who," I asked, sitting forward, causing Pepper to suck in her lips like a pout. "For Peter Parker, sir. He was injured and I believe it is best he goes home to rest. He is excused for his other classes."

Pepper saw my face contort from confused to concern. "What? What's wrong?" Pepper asked, sitting up now, completely awake. "I need to pick up Pete. He got hurt apparently," I explained. "Peter got hurt?!" Pepper yelped, standing up and running her hand through her hair.

"I'm coming," I replied to whoever was on the other end of the phone before hanging up. 


When I got to the school, the people in the main office appeared more than shocked. "Tony...Tony Stark?" The lady behind the desk sputtered. "The one and only," I smirked. "I'm here to pick up Peter Parker."

The lady nodded, pushed the papers over to me to sign, before motioning to the Nurses Office. When I got inside, the nurse seemed to be waiting for me. She had silky brown hair pulled up into a bun and a nurse outfit. Peter was sitting up on the bed beside her, holding his head while his other hand was placed gently on his stomach.

What concerned me was that his forehead and stomach were wrapped up in bandages, his eyes were dazed and unfocused. "A young boy brought him to me, saying he got jumped. If he were brought a minute later, the injuries may have been more serious than they already are."

Peter seemed to sway, pressing his body weight against the wall. My lips thinned in concentration. "The skin on his forehead seemed was broken, his skull is perfectly fine. He was kicked in his abdomen many times, and luckily all it did was bruise it. I gave him all the pain medication I could, but from what I can infer, all he needs is rest. He may or may not be in good condition to go to school."

I nodded. "Thank you."
The nurse seemed to smile back slightly before leaving. "Hey Pete," I cooed. Peter didn't reply, he didn't even look at me. "Can you stand," I asked cautiously. Peter thought for a moment before hesitantly nodding. "I'll be careful okay?" Pete nodded. I picked him up without difficulty, which worried me.

Peter nuzzled into the crock of my neck as I carried him back to the car. I had chosen to drive myself instead of Happy. I sat Peter in the back and as I got into the driver's seat, Peter seemed to whimper in pain.

"We'll be home before you know it," I promised. As I hit the fastest road I could, Friday's voice rang through the car. "You have, 5 missed phone calls from Pepper," Friday informed.

"Shit," I muttered under my breath. "Language," Peter said groggily. "Heh, you sound like Steve sometimes," I chuckled at my own joke. I watched Peter slowly fall asleep in the mirror and frowned slightly.

Jumped. Peter got jumped.
"Pepper is calling again," Friday informed me. "Answer," I ordered. "Peter is he okay," Pepper's voice came through the speaker. "I guess...the nurse said he needs some rest. Knowing his powers, he'll be fine by tomorrow," I explained.

"Thank god," Pepper sighed with relief. "I'll be waiting for you two. You can explain it to me then." Pepper hung up after that. When I arrived at the tower, I picked up Peter carefully, as to not hurt him. His ribs seemed to so obviously press again my suit. I carried him in and into the elevator, taking us to the main floor.

What I didn't expect, was for all the Avengers to be there.







And of course, Pepper was there, sitting on the couch with them. Steve seemed to notice my presence first. "He's back," Steve announced loudly, causing everyone to look in our direction. They seemed to be taken aback by Peter's state. "What happened to him?!" Wanda cried.

"Someone jumped him at school," I explained, laying Peter on the unoccupied part of the couch. "Excuse me," Natasha hissed. "Someone jumped him at school?" I nodded.

"Did Peter tell you who did it," Clint asked. I ran my hand through Peter's messy curls. "He wasn't in his right mind to really talk to me."

There was a pause, as everyone worriedly glanced at the Spider. 
"Fri," Bruce called. "Yes, Bruce?" Friday replied.

"Scan him for his injuries," Bruce ordered.

"His lower ribs seemed to be slightly damaged, nothing too serious. His head is split. Skin, not the skull. And his abdomen is damaged severely from kick wounds. Should be completely healed by morning, under the right circumstances."

Wanda's eyes were glowing red, and Natasha seemed to be pulling out her weapons. "Bucky, Clint," Steven muttered, snapping his fingers together. "On it," the men said in unison before walking off.

I raised an eyebrow at the two. "What are you gonna do?" Clint seemed to look off into the distance with anger. "We're gonna go hack into the school's security surveillance, that's what."

Natasha stormed off, speaking curses in Russian under her breath. "I'm going to go punch something...maybe somebody."

Steve and Bruce went their separate ways. "So, Tony," Pepper breathed. "What are you going to do?"

"Wait for the kid to wake up before I can baby him. Until then, we'll just have to wait for him to wake up," I muttered, heading off to the kitchen bar, to get myself some alcohol. 

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